ow F. arm Prices Disastrous
: farmers of Rentz, Georgia, which is self- explanatory.
The- agitation of the Administration. in Washington for
low farm prices is already causing disaster to the farmers, and
is certain to bring about a food shortage and hunger in this
country, if continued.
Rentz, Ga.
March 3, 1942.
e Hon. Tom: Linder
: Commissioner of paericd sures
State of Georgia,
Dear Mr. Ligases
We the undersigned farmers of Rentz community, Laurens
County, Georgia, are hereby making our appeal to you for help.
ina situation we feel is unfair as well as unjust and unjustifiable,
on Our government is appealing to farmers to produce more
_ eggs and poultry, and just as we make our plans to produce
more eggs we are confronted with the problem of having to
sell our eggs for a price that will absolutely not pay expenses -
of production not even counting our time and trouble.
We have, of late, been forced to take fifteen cents per dozen
for our eggs, eighteen cents for. infertile white eggs. Accord-
ing to reports reaching us as to prices paid by the government
(Coupaed on Page Two) -
See Article ad State Agricultural .
Council and County Councils Are Making
_ Progress, printed in this issue on Page 12.
* a $ : \
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
March 6, 1942. obi
Collards, per doz
Mushrooms, per 1 lb. carton ase - 30
Peas (Green), per bu, BpYS: 1.75- 2.25
25- 40
ct Potatoes. P. Seale , per Cwt 1.50- 1.75
Turnips a per OZ] DUNCNOS 5 ee . .60- .80
I am reproducing herewith a letter from a number of
W ASHINGTONFeb. 24.Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Her,
Selective Service Director, told the House Agricultural
mittee Monday that the attitude of the farmers in not see
draft deferment was one of the major causes of a thr aten
farm labor shortage. | :
At the same time he asserted that thousands on pers
-_ working in shipyards and airplane factories under the imp
they would be deferred because of essential occupation are
for a rude awakening. ;
Many of these workers, Hershey explained, can be repl
more easily than can farm labor.
The committee, beginning a study of the farm labor. prob-
lem, was told by the selective service head that one of the tas!
confronting him was to get across to local draft boards -
necessity of not too heavily: exhausting the farm labor.
their counties. Too. often, he said, farmers themselves
tate to appeal a local boards classification because 0
that such action might be considered unpatriotic.
One of the hardest men you have to convince that he
a specialist is the farmer, -he told the committee. Farm
on patriotic. They dont try to get exemptions.
Hershey suggested that agriculture representatives on loc
appeal boards to be more active in investigating cases an
(eeeoute 4 on Page Two)
Turnip Salad, pes bu. hpis. er eet Pee eee:
_.. Reports. eecwed at this office show following average prices: pai
for No. 1 hogs at the Live Stock Auction Markets named: ;
March 6, 1942.
February 25Rome _..
February 26Bainbridge
February 26Valdosta
_ February 27Cordele
March 2Sylvester
March 3Arlington
March 3Macon
March 4Albany -_.
March 4Vidalia
February 95-- Rome
February 26Bainbridge _
February 26Valdosta -
February 27Cordele _
March -2Sylvester
March 3Arlington
March 4Albany
March 4Vidalia
Prevailing Wholesale Prices (#OB Points Mentioned)
C eggs are quoted 2 to 5c below these quotations.
March,7, 1942.
Eggs quoted below are for GEORGIA, GRADE A, WHITE EGGS. Grade B and Grade
Eggs, Large, White, Grade A, Doz. 26- 25
Eggs, Medium, Grade A, Doz. Se ee ee "99.
Bees, Small Grade A; 07... 90- 29! 996
PONS Ol. 6 Ye See 43. 30-
Hens, Leghorn 1b 5 ae is. 17-
Roosters, Ib. 410- 121 10-
Stags, Ib, __ pia a ie 14-
Friers, lb. a3 21-
Ducks, Ib. 10-
Geese, lb. 10-
pet UPheys: lbs. So ee 18a
Gapons, lb. i =
~ Country Buea best table, Ib.
Field peas, mixed, bu. SAS eee Se
Pield peas, not mixed, bu; <o
ear -Corn.(60 bu), bu...
Shelled corn, bu.
eOats; bas =. aS
-=Wheat, bu. 2 =. Soe Ne ee eee
- Sweet potatoes, Per 100 he oe
- Cabbage, (Green), Per 100 lbs. _
Cabbage, (White), Per 100 Ibs.
_ Hay, No. 1, Peavine, per ton
Ee iay,<NO, 1, Peanut, per ton...
Spanish peanuts, No. 1, Ton,
(Del. Shelling Plant)
ee Cottonseed (Prime) $56.00 ton in car
_ lots FOB Shipping Point Eola
: ttonseed meal, 8 per cent _
Cottonseed meai, 7 per cent
eanu meal 45 per cent | eS
13.00-14.00 |
$160- el ee
Atlanta | Augusta
a 60== 02 Honey, Bees and Bee Suppligs ae
= -4.60- 135
2 4-60=- 1.75
ee es eee
SS --42.00- a RU. Parm oS Santee
fee 2 2 INDEX.
Special. Notice. eee ee
Flowers and Seed for Sale
Flowers and Seed Wanted
Second Hand Machinery for Sale
Second Hand Machinery Wanted_
Incubators. and Brooders for Sale_7-
Incubators and Erogdess Wanted_.__7
Seed for Sale _
Reloreee for Sale.
es ee : ; Plants for Sale :
$7 10-4515 : i Pecan and. Other Fruit Trees _ =
. 1,15- 1.20 Peanuts and Pecans for Sale __ este
cs . 2 Miscellaneous For Sale
liggs 108 Sale. <3 22
Cattle for. Sal_ se ee
Togs; for Sale ee ee
18.00-19.00 Horses and Mules for Sale 1G:
13.00-14.00 | Rabbits and Cavies for Sale
= Sheep and Goats for Sale
. $105- Livestock Wanted...
Poultry. itor Sale. ee
Poultry: -Wanted=.- 5-2 oe
Positions. Wanted.
= Notices of farm produce and appurtenances admissable under
postage regulations inserted one time on each request and_re-
- peated only when request is accompanied by new copy of notice.
- famited space will not permit insertion of notices containin
more than 30 words including name and address.
Under Legislative Act the Georgia Market Bulletin does not
assume any responsibility for any notice appearing in the
Bulletin. ;
: Published Weekly at
334-222 Pace St.. Covington, Ga.
By Department of Agriculture
Fon. Linder. Commissioner
Exeeutive Office. State Capitol,
Atlanta. Ga
es Publication Office |
134-212 Pace St.. Covington, Ga.
Baiierial and Executive Offices
- State Capitol. Atlanta. Ga.
Notify on FORM 3578Bureau of
Market, 222 State Capitol,
Atlanta, Ga.
Eniered as second class matter
August 1, 1937, at the Post Office
at Covington, Georgia, under. Act
of June 6, 1900. Accepted for
mailing at special] rate of postage
provided for in Section 1103, Aci
of October 8. 1917.
(Continued from Page One)
and other consumers for eggs we feel that we are
bemg taken the advantage of by someone in this
matier. ; |
oe We would appreciate it very much if you will
make an investigation and see if you can help up to
get a fairer price for our eggs. Unless we do we
will be foreed to sell our hens or turn them eut and
op producing eggs for the market.
Thanking you in advance for your aid in this,
we are Z as
ee Very sineerely yours,
-P.S. ROACH, HH. F. EVANS, eo ae
5 The agitation for low farm prices based | on
ty flation is too ridiculous fer any intelligent person
to believe. ee ee
Retail. prices today are higher than they were
21919. The highest prices afier the last war were
MAO19. 0 Soe
F The President is paying more to live than he paid
n 1919. No one expecis the President to work fr
ess than half of what he received m 1919,
- Congressmen and Senators are paying more io
ive than they paid in 1919. No one expecis Con-
~essmen and Senators to work for less than half of
what they received in 1919. -
_ Government officials and employees are paying
more to live than they paid in 1919. No one expecis
cae work for less than half of what they received
Industrial workers are paying more to live than
ey paid in 1919. No one expects industrial workers
ae for jess than half of what they received in
_ The farmer is paying more than he paid in 1919.
fe is actually getting less than half of what he re-
ved in 1919, and the administration says if he
is more it will cause inflation.
lilac, $1.00 doz.
Waco. |
2, Waco. ;
ted pl
Commissioner of Agriculture.
(Continued from Page One)
objecting io classifieations that might dram away
Jabor necessary to farm work.
Chairman Fulmer (Democrat, South Carolina)
vaid the committee has received considerable com-
plaints from some agriculture sections about the.
procedure of draft boards.
be put on the number of
He suggested that curbs
people Jeaving farms for
WPA jobs and said many WPA projects could be
deferred until after the war. :
Representative Anderson (Republican, -Minne-
sota), asserting that selective service had said that
labor organizers, movie people and radio and news-
papermen could be deferred, asked Hershey if the
administration considered that men are essential in
production of dairy, poultry and meat products.
' #Apsolutely, Hershey replied.
__The Leader Tribune.
All flower notices received
through February 25th ap-
peat in this issue .. . notices.
received afier What date will
be published itn our April
Flewer Issue ... Flower
netices naust be im owr office
by the 25th of the month
preceeding the Issue im which.
they are published.
Peachtree xvoses, red spirea,
white snow, garland spirea,
snowballs, box woods, rhododen-
drens, hardy hibiscus, Kerra
Japonica, white and purple
; Ginger lilies,
6 for 25c. Mrs. James Waters,
Ri. 1, Dahlonega.
2 Kerria Japonicas, 2 red
irumpet honeysuckles, 2 box-
woods, 2 red spireas, 2 hardy
hibiscus red and pink, 2. azale-
as, all 12 for $1.00: hardy ver-
penas, thrift, Spanish iris,
Duich iris, 6 for 25ce. Mrs. F.
WM. Raton, Ri. 1, Dahlonega,
Purple King iris, 20c doz.;
pink almonds, 3 for 20c; pink
altheas, 3 for 30c; pink crepe
myrtle, 30c ea.; paper white
narcissus, 10c doz. All well
rooted. Mrs, Waa. Tuck, Rt. 3,
Euijay. - = .
~ Blooming size jonquils, $1.15
.; 7 seven sister rose busnes,
15 e3.; $1.25 doz.; lilac bush-
es, 15c ea.; Waster Jilies, $1.00
doz. Crimson yraxnobler rose,
10c ea. Mrs. Seabron Huggins,
Wild rose bushes, sweet
shrubs, May and June cherries,
Muscadine vines, 10c ea.; red
and yellow plumes, $1.00 doz.;
hazelouts, honeysuckles - vines
or bushes, $1.00 doz. Mrs.
Leona Kidg, Ri. 2, Waco.
Jeaquils, 16 doz.; $1.00 C.;
garlic bulbs, 25c doz.; pure pro-
tific seed corn, shelled, 35c gal.;
$2.50 bu.: pink climbing roses,
white spirea, well rooted, 10c
ea. PP. Mrs. L. D. Brown, Ri.
Daffodils, jonquils, flax,
snowdrops, foxgloves, prim-
roses, vielets, day: lilies, butier
and egg, Min. ferns, snarcissus,
30e doz; bridal wreath, lilac,
25c ea. Mrs. Minna Joe Smith,
Rt. 3, Biijay.
Lverbloorming pink, white,
purple altheas, 60c doz.; ever-
blooming thorniess yellow rose,
Cydonia Japonica, Barberry,
dogwood, azalea, forsythia, al-
mond, 75 doz.; yellow violets,
ivailing arbutus, 25c doz., 6 doz.
1.00. Mrs. J. H. Penland, El-
jay. 3 3
Orange and red azaleas, 12-
14 high, 6 and 8c ea.; red dog-
wood, $1.00 doz; blueberries,
pink Cherokee roses, 8c doz.
Delian Reeves, Young Cane.
Purple iris, orange tiles,
Jeopard Jilies, 20c doz.: erepe
royrtle, white lac, white
spivea, pink almonds, 15c ea.;
daffodils, 75c C. Add postage.
Verna Parks, Ri. 2, Talking
Rock. . fe
Pink tevift, 40c C., $3.50 M.;
Tiger tity bulbs, 30c ea.; frag-
vant Jernon jities, 50c doz.; pur-
for $1.00; well rooi-
and large ee Pe
a, ba i =
6. paper while, 6 yellew nar-
cissus, 6 Star. Bethlehem, /
Jacobo Ladder, 3 giads, 2 tulips,
2 blue hyacinths, 3 white or
eream iris, 6 pink per. phlex,
all for $1.00 PF to 2nd zone.
Cash or MO. J. C. Grindle, Ri.
1, Dahlonega.
White, pink lilies, yellow
forsythia, 25c ea.; blue Briar-
cliff rose, 70c-ea.; pink, white,
azaleas, 20c ea.; Royal blue
ivis, orange lilies, 35c dez. Add
postage. Mrs. Pearl Garrett,
Rt. 3,-Blbjav. .
Large type chrysanthemums-
Oconto: white, geldenglow yel-
low, Man C War pink, laven-
der, variegated, Bar] Kiichener,
Cream, red 20 planis, $1.00;
bution and daisy type, 30. for
$1.00... Mrs. Minnie Bell, Ri. 5,
Cuthb: rt, / ;
Large prize winning ehry-
santhemums - Silver Wedding
white, Ball yellow, Rainbow
pink, lavender, bronze
variegated, Oconto white, 20
for $1.00. 2 Mrs. R. UL, Silver,
Ri. 5, Cuthbert.
Dahlias-M. Wilson, Prince
Persia, Robert E. Lee, Elite
Glory, Warner, Judge Marine,
White Wonder, Worlds White,
Treasure Island, Jersey Beacon,
Avalon, $1.10 dez. Mrs. Lucile
Buice, Rt. 1, Suwanee. _
Dahlia Tubers-Purple Giant,
Jane Cowl, Marie, Duers white,
Prince of Persia, Jersey Bea-
con, Darlena, White Wonder,
Treasure Island, Pride of Cal.,
Mrs. Warner, $1.10 doz... Mrs.
Grace Bell, Rt. 1, Suwanee.
Red Japonicas, snowballs, 45c
ea.; holly, 50c: ivits, 35ce; blue
flags, 25c. Frank Pierce, Ri.
3, Ellijay. :
Dahlia bulbs, $1.25 doz.:
Prince of Persia, Worlds best
white, Elite Glory, Frances
Laraca, Avalon, Judge Marine,
Treasure Island, Jersey Bea-
con, others. Mrs. Kate Kelley,
Rt. 4, Cumming.
Dbl. yellow
doz.) snowballs,
TSC ea.3
|yellow Japonicas, 50c ea.: red
degwoods, 4 for $1.00;. silver
maple, 50c ea.; honeysuckles.
All well rooted. Mrs. Annie
|Gentri, Rt. 3, Box 61A, Ellijay.
Rhoedodendrons, Min. Jaurels,
white pine, red, yellow azaleas,
|redbuds, crabapple, pussy wil-
low, hemlock, silver maple,
altheas, tulip poplar, $1.00 doz.:
grey violeis, snowdrops, $1.00
C; Hunice Henry, Mineral
4 red cedars, 12 high: want
to exc, for 4 Camellia Japoni-
cas. Wel] rooted, any 2 or 4
color _ 25c ea, Mrs. Robt. Ty-
son, Harrison.
Yellow jonquils, white frag-
vant April bleoraing narcissus,
yellow dbl, putter and eggs,
$1.25 C.: 35 doz.; blue soider
lilies, $1.00 doz.; blue grape
hyacinths, per. Sweet Williams,
40c doz. Mrs. T. H,. MeCurley,
Hartwell, :
Jonquils, daffodils, narcissus,
Tiger lites, trailing arbutus,
78sec doz.; Shasta daisies, all
col. per, phiox, $1.00 doz. Max- |
ine Brown, Morganton,
Nice reoied clumps of pink
verbena, 10e and posiage; will
xe. for good printed
tan, |
Shaggy cream, Black Hawk red,
Mise Late. b
.. Miss Lalt | 25
az se i
Cherokee roses,
drons, crabapples. azale
lies, pines, black and wi
dogwoods, strawberry
white and red maples, :
$1.00 doz. PP. Louise Wald
Morganton. Vea ee
ibrift, 25 doz.; ; E
C.; gypsohila, 10c clump;
ty Bush. 25c ea.; white Ker
10e PP. Mrs. LT. C. Beer
Newnan. as
Pink azaleamum an
ranunculus for sale or a
clematis vine and birdeye w
spirea, each pay postage
B. S. Davis, 2715 Piedmon
NE, Atlanta, Hem. 4458W
Rhododendron, Mtn. la
spruce and white pine, azal
crabapple, holly bush, red
white dogwood, red m
poplar, bridal wreath,
Cher. rose, 2-4 ft., $1.00
Leila Dickey, Morganton.
Rhododendrons, Mtn. ja
4 colors azaleas) crabappl
and white dogwood, Mt. ch
blooming locust, spruce
white pines, Mtn. ivies, |
snowballs, 75c doz. Mrs. |
Biackwell, RFD 4. Dahlo
12 dif .md. size dahli
doz., $4.00 C.; large ty
named, $1.00 doz.;: 8 nam
Jabeled, $1.00: mixed
nardy phlox, pink thrift, |
col. mums, iris, jonquils, 24
30c. Add postage. Mrs.
Grindle, Rt. 1, Dahlon<ga.
Blocming Jocust, Mtn. 1],
redbuds, red and white
woods, rhododendrons,
crabapple, Cherokee rose
doz. Add: postage. Mis:
Ridley, Rt: 4, Dahlonega. |
Yellow pine seedlings
cannas, orange, vellow
Humbert, 8 for 25c; ma
holly, wh. dogwood, | t
Chinese elm, red maple,
35c: exe. for flowers.
Clarence Locke, Rt. 1, Hi
30 Jabeled iris, $1.10; 4
$1.20 C.: 5 col. Fall bloo
$1.00; Calla, Regal] lil
doz.; ereeping vinca, )
Cui flowers. Mrs. S. M.
ter, Rt. 1, Peachtree Rd.
renceville. be
Redhot poker, 25c clumy
for $1.00; . comfrey, &
horse radish; 25c clum
$1.00; purple lilac, also. w
cuttings, Tc.
white and_
E, J. McConnell,
rest. ee
Boxwoods 12-14 25c
blooming Size azaleas, 40,
crabapple, dogwood,
hemlock, white pine
shrubs, Indian arrow,
blue iris, 25c doz. B.A
ard, Rt: 4 Eiljave.
Biooming size azaleas
doz.; rhododendrons, _Jaui
white pines, hemlock, 70c
sweet shrubs, Indian arroy
doz.; dogwood, pink erab:
85 doz. Add postag
Stanley, RR. Ellijay. ~
White narcissus, dbl.
daffodils, jonquil, 50c
hyacinths, per. phlox,
glow, 15c doz. {
Mrs. J. W... Stricklan
Box 67, Bremen.
Rt 14
s, <$1.25 * doz
vines, maples, Hazeilnu
suckles, $1.00 doz. Mrs.
King, Rt, 2, Waco. =
April blocming whit:
sus;o. Soc ee
jilies,: 25:: doz; :
pink: peonics, 10 ea.;
25c. Ali orders del. 150
Mrs. Etta Mason, Alico.
83 col. azaleas, Cherokee
Min. Jaurei, rhodedenc
pink, red and yellow dog
yedbud, coralberry, holly
white pine, tulip poplar,
high, $1.00 doz. PP. M
Wilson, Morganton.
Redbud, 3 4
rhododendrons, Min.
Cheroke rose, 3 col.
coralberry, holly bush,
| pine, tulip poplar, red ma
lit. high, $1.00 doz.
Edna Wilson, Blue Ridge.
Rhododendrons, Min. |:
redbuds, red, pink and y
dogwoods, helly bush,
azaleas, white pine,
Cherokee roses, coralberry
maple, tulip poplar, 3-
high, $1.00 PP. Mrs
Millholan, Morganton. |
Laurels, rhododent
white pine, hemlock, dog
65c doz.: white iris, eran:
lilies, sgl. and g@bl., 3 fo
pink thrift, 15 doz. _
planis cheap. Mrs. H. F.
rell, Rt. 2, Butler, %
Saute ls. < sn
white pine, hemlock
de doz.; blooming siz
5c doz: boxwoods, 2
col. dog
joer AND SEED |
Ee :
Thrift: oie and white, well
-ooted plants, 50e ., or 50 a
a8 clumps; rose verbena, 5c
clump. Moss packed. Mrs.
Herbert L. Perry, Statham.
e Forsythia, almond, althea,
ilac, snowball, red, pink spirea,
dbl. Japonicas, 25c:
40c doz.:
Indian - arrow,
. Add postage.
Martha Eller, Rt. 2, Ellijay.
Forsythia, dbl. yellow Ja-
onicas, lilacs, snowball, 25c
sas all col: azaleas, 40c doz.;
urels, hemlocks, white pine,
ogwood, sweet shrubs, rhodod-
-endrons, 75c doz. Add postage.
Mrs. Jerd Hicks, Rt. 2, Ellijay.
Lilac, pink myrtle, golden-
11; dbl. white spirea, pink al-
mond, Jasmine, Eng. dogwood,
for. 25; -Junipers, 25e ea.;
daffodils, phlox,
rer, Rt. 2, Talking Rock.
- Rhododendrons, Mtn. laurels,
doz wood, crabapple,
: hrubs, Indian arrow,
pines, hemlock, 75e doz.; blue,
urple. iris, 25e doz.; white,
pink altheas, 20c. Add "postage.
Decie Stanley, Rie-2, Bliijay:
: Pink verbena, pink yarrow,
ragged Robin, larkspur, pink
-oxalis, ground ivy, mint for tea
border, moss pink and yellow
yrimrose for rock garden, 25c.
ozen. No mail orders at that
rice. . Mrs. B.. H.. Carter; 35
Weyman Ave., Atlanta, Ja.
_ Narcissus, jonquils, abl. and
Sgi. daffodils, butter and eggs,
-50c C.; pink crepe myrtle, bri-
as wreath, oak hydrangeas,
Jgasmine, 6 for 30c; sgl. and dbl.
range lilies, 50c C. Mrs.
oyle Eller, Rt. 3, Ellijay.
. old abl, yellow and red
: dogwoods,
-Cydonica Japonicas, 50c ea.;
sink and red American Beauty
oses, lilac, Indian arrow, pink.
-rhododendrons, weeping Mary,
hers 30c doz. Exc. for sacks.
Vins @ Re J. Se Rt. zi:
alking Rock.
i Jong | ane sapere
oOxsiove, white violets,
snowball, dbl. almond,
otners' 30c ea. Exc. for sacks.
aes. te Barrett, Rt. 2, _Talk-
oid dbl. yellow Japonicas,
:ea.; wisteria, red Jap
quince, 40c ea.: - purple, blue,
white flags, 35c. doz.; snowball,
aimcnds, red Ind. arrow, 30
ea. Exc. for sacks. Mrs. Harley
Richards, Rt. 2, Talking Rock.
ong trumpet daffodils, white
Narcissus, $1.00 C.;
lilies, blackberry lily, |
Faster lily, 30c doz.;
pider lily bulbs,
Add postage. Mrs, Effie Carter,
Rt. 1, Temple.
ited maple, pussy willow, red
and white dogwood, azaleas red
and yellow, sweet shrub, black
and white pines, Mtn. laurels,
rhododendrons, $1. 25 dez.:
galax, 35c doz.. Mrs. Belle
Barnes, Mineral Bluff.
. 25 mixed iris, 100 var., 40c;
white and blue violets, 35 CG;
dbl. and sgl. butter and eps.
daffodils, narcissus, 50c C.; 8
acti all different, $1.00: peon-
jes, 25c._ea.. Mrs. Henry Eller,
RES Ss: Ellijay.
Yellow, white daffodils, white
mums, red, yellow cannas, yel-
low mums, $1.00 C.; blue Au-
gust lilies, 25c ea.; iris, 0c doz.;
lemon verbena, purple verbena.
- $5 doz,: exc. for white sacks.
Martha > Womack, Rt. 2, Bre-
== All col: Ee oo size azaleas,
40c doz.; boxwoods, 12- 14,
20G a;; snowball,
yellow | Japonicas, weigelias,
white lilac, 25c ea.; rhododen-
drons, laurels, others 65c doz.
Add postage. B. L. Eller, Rt.
4, Ellijay.
_, Red, yellow,
- white azaleas, rhododendrons,
~ Mtn. laurels, red and white
- dogwoods, spruce and white
pines, holly, Cherokee rose, 75c
doz. Add postage.
Lee, RFD 4, Dahlonega.
Super Giant pansies. 50c doz.:
sweet Williams, yellow button
= chrysanthemums, red rose also
_ mixed verbena, Anthemis Mon-
s-arda. 25c doz., or. 5 doz:,- $1.00
PP. Mrs. C. Lynch, 5 mi. Sum-
merville Rd., Rome.
Cydonia Japonicas,
yellow dogwocd, 4 col. azaleas,
75c doz.; silver arborvitae root-
|. 2 yr. old, 50c ea.; anemones,
50 for $1.00; snowdrop, violets,
daisies, $1. 00 Cc. PP. Mrs. Ad-
die Wilson, Morganton.
Eng. dogwood, flowering ae
mond, red, pink, velvet roses,
3 for 25c: Mtn. ferns, blue iris,
-chrysanthemums, dark blue
a gostei. eee daffodils, Dus-
$, 25c doz. Add post-
. Talking
orange and
mar Teem, |
rall <-COl:s
| Cape Jasmines,
fOr -20C,
Mrs. Nettie Roe, Talking Rock.
purple t
30c |
=.: red Jap. quince, wisteria, a
orange day.
$i; 00 doz..
: altheas,
althea, dbl.
Mrs. Ben
Mixed phlox plants, 1c doz.
PP; Want bunch velvet bean
seedabout 4% Jou. Write price.
Mrs. Obadiah - Kent, Ri.
| Mitchell.
Old time sweet lavender. BC
bunch, 5 for $1.00: old time
purple lilac, 25c ea. 5 for $1.00;
blooming size
almonds, 25c ea. All orders
cash. Mrs. R. I. Algood, Ox-
-Jonquils, day lilies, purple
iris, 75e C.; purple lilac, gold-
en bell, Jap quinces, pink
azaleas, 2 for 25c: roses, yard }
pink altheas, 2
sage, 10c ea.;
Exc. for pot flowers.
Mtn. laurels, rhododendrons,
dogwood, white pine,
hemlock, 75c doz.: all col. azale-
as, crabapple, red maple, sweet
shrubs, holly, 60c doz.; weeping
willow. 20c ea. del. Mrs. Lem-
ma Williams, Rt. 2, Ellijay.
Azaleas all colors, dogwcod, -
shrub, rhododendrons,
50c doz.; blue, pare yellow
iris, 25c doz., $1.00: C.;- red, yel-
low Japonicas, pink, rose weig-
elias, 20c ea. Add_ postage.
Mrs. C.:.W. Plumley, Rt.- 2,
Ellijay. eas
Rhododendrons, laurels,
spruce and white pines, dog-
wood, pink crabapple,
shrubs, Indian arrow, 75c doz.;
blooming size azaleas, 45c doz.
Add postage. Mrs. J. 'B. Farist,
Rt, 2, Ellijay. :
Yellow jonquils, Saieer and
eggs, 35c doz., $1.25 C; blue flag
lilies, 25e doz.; garlic, 10c head,
$1. 00 doz.; white spirea, run-
ning yellow bell, 35c ea. Hima-
laya blackberry, 75 doz, Mrs.
Clay S. Brown, Rt. 1, Hartwell.
All colors blocming size
azaleas, rhododendrons, laurels,
hemlock, white
pines, sweet shrubs, 75c doz.;
lilae, snowballs, altheas. 25 ea.
'B. F. Evans, Talona.
Beautiful semperiviren old
Eng. dwarf boxwoods, 4 to 6,
well shaped, $4.00 C.; $30. 00
M.; heavy bushes, 12 to 15,
$5. 00 doz. Maude Hamby,
Greenville. :
Rhododendrons, Mtn. laurels,
redbuds, spicewoods, 4 col.
woods, Mtn, snowball, blooming
|haws, pink crabapple, thornless
Add postage.
Miss Mary Satterfield, Rt. 4,
roses, 60c doz.
Dbl. yellow Japonicas, red
quince, Japonicas, 50c ea.; daf-
fodils, violets, sweet William,
primrose, foxglove, 25e doz,;
azaleas, weeping Mary, 25c ea.
Exc. for white sacks. Mrs.
Carl Smith, Rt. 3, Ellijay.
Snowball, 2 for 25c; orange
day lilies, daffodils, Star Beth-
Jehem, 50c C.; purple and pink
forsythia, 3for25c.
Add postage. Mrs. Bob Hen-
derson, Rt. 3. Ellijay.
Azaleas, pink almonds, 40c
d0z;; white and spruce pines,
$1.00 doz.; sweet
shrubs, 20c doz.;.red Japonicas,
butterfly, Min. ivy, purple
lilac, white spirea, 15c ea. Del.
No checks. Carrie Moore, Rt.
2, Box 94, Ellijay.
White and spruce pines,
ecrabapples, $1.00 doz.; sweet
shrubs, 20c doz.; azaleas, pink
almonds, 40c doz.; butterfly,
red ~ Japonicas,; purple lilacs,
Mtn. ivy, 15c ea. del. No checks,
Evelyn Davis, Rt. 2, Ellijay.
Mtn. ivy, purple lilac, red
Japonica, butterfly, 15c ea.;
pink almonds, azaleas. 40c doz.;
sweet shrubs, 20c doz.; erab-
apples, white and spruce pines,
$1.00 doz. del. Exc. for sacks,
each pay postage. Laura Davis,
Rt. 2, Box 196, Ellijay.
Dahlia. bulbs, $1.10 doz.;
Treasure Island,
Warner, Golden Dawn, Jersey
Beacon, Avalon, Worlds Best
white, Prince of Persia, Judge
Marine, others. Mrs. Ruby
Butler, RFD 4, Cumming.
Red and yellow
pink, rose weigelias, lilac, 20c
ea.; azaleas, all colors, 45c doz.;
purple and yellow iris, jonquils,
$1.00 C. . Mrs. L. M. Teague,
Rt, 2, Ellijay.
Dahlia tubers, $1.10 doz
Jersey Beacon, M. Wilson,
Marie, Prince of Persia, Mrs.
Warner, Avalon, Jane Cowl,
Pride of Calif., Alex. Waldia,
Purple Giant, others, Mrs. Tom
Bell, Rt. 2; Duluth.
Rhododendrons, Mtn. laurel,
pink, red and yellow dogwood,
azaleas, hemlock, redbud, tulip
poplar, pink Cherokee roses,
white: pine, coralberry, holly
bush, 3-4 ft. high, $1.00 doz.
PP. J. O. Beavers, Morganton.
Dahlias, $1.10 doz; Jane
Cowl, Golden Dawn, White
Wonder, Elite Glory, Warner,
Judge Marine, Treasure Island,
lara. Barton, Jersey - Beacon,
M. Wilson, ; others. \M
rs. H. H.
Gilstrap, ees
/ altheas,-
red and white dog- |b
+Mrs. B.
M. Wilson,:
Mixed col. cde.
sig. 40c; Golden glow, fox-
gloves, 35 doz.; white narcis-
sus, 60c C:; privet hedge, $1.00
Cyt Oxe, for sacks. Martha Ral-"
ston, Ella Gap.
Fine cannas-Eureka white,
City Portland pink, Hungarian
pink, Madame Conard pink,
$3.00 .C.; President red, King
Humbert yellow, Armenia va-
riegated, $2.00 C: Mixed chry-
ae $1.00 C. Mrs, ig
R. Camp, Cordele. .
Azaleas, sweet bee
rhododendrons, hemlock, white
pine, laurel, 710c doz:;
Japonicas; red spirea, : altheas,
purple and white lilac, weigel-
jas, 25c ea. Add postage. L. M.
| Evans, Rt. 4, Ellijay.
Red dogwood, Mtn. auret
azalea, crabapple, Cherokee
roses, redbuds, 2-3 ft high, well
rceoted, $1.00 doz.; orange day
lilies, blue iris, 35c. Mrs.
Clifton Davis, Mineral Bluff.
Pink and red Amary liis,
milk and wine lily, blue, dark
and light pink hydrangeas, 25
ea,; Giant pansy plants, 25c
doz.; dark red, pink and laven-
der verbena, 4 plants, 10c. Mrs.
W. A. Huff, Rt. 2, Milledgeville.
Hastings Pompon zinnia seed,
20ec cupful postpaid. Mrs. J. S.
Adams, Rt. 3, Lawrenceville.
Gardenias, Abelias, Yuccas,
vitaes, spreading Junipers, for-
sythia, pink erepe myrtles,
snowdrops, 1-2 ft., 25c ea. PP.
if orders amount to 50c. Other
shrubbery. Josephine Raley,
Rhodcdendrons, Mtn. laurels,
red and
woods, white and~black pines,
poplars, all well rooted, 15c ea.
or $1.00 doz.; Cherokee roses,
90c doz. Ethel Chastain, -Mor-
Decorative and commercial
type chrysanthemums, also Ko-
rean, button and pompons, in-
labeled, prepaid, 25
plants, $1. 25; Golden arbor-
votaes 18, $1.00. Mrs. W. H.
Rucker, Milner.
6 rooted 7 Sister roses, 60c
or exc. for 6 feed sacks; garlic
bulbs, 60c doz.; pumpkin seed,
20 seed, 10c: pink crepe myrtle,
10c ea.;
10c. E. F. Cash, Montrose.
Mtn. laurel, azaleas, :
dogwoods, erabapple, redbuds,
white pine, 2-3 ft. high, well |
rooted, $1.00 doz.; snowdrop,
orange day lilies, Shasta dais-
ies, 35c doz. Mrs. Will Davis,
Mineral Bluff. _
Dbl, stocks, larkspur, snap-
dragons, feverfew, Dianthus,
dbl. sweet William, phlox,
large pink ball poppies, fox-
glove, 25c doz.;
tions, 35c doz.; giant pansies,
$1.00 C. Mrs. Beis Smith, Wad-
Queen. Anns
lace plants,
mixed col. and kinds chrysan-
themums, 15c doz.; summer
phlox, all colors, 10 doz. Add
postage; Queen Anns lace seed,
poppy seed, Morning glory
sted, 10 pkg. Mrs. Fred At-
kinson, Rt. 4, Valdosta.
Magnolia, tea olive, white
dogwood, holly, crepe myrtle,
yellow Jasmine, sweet shrub,
greybeard, evergreen oak, 1 ft.,
LOC 3 tt OC 4 tae 35c. Add
postage. exe. for white sacks.
W. Bailey, Rt. 2,
Toomsboro. ~
Snowdrops, golden yellow,
white narcissi, daffodils, jon-
quills; 60e -C.? $4. 00 M.; mixed
hollyhocks, 40c doz.; lemon
lilies, $1.00 C.; Royal blue and
white iris, $1. 00 . lHac, 3 for
Mrs. Dessie Hughey, Rt.
1. Fairmount.
Althea plants, 5c ea.; mixed
white and lavender
(make beautiful shrubbery).
Send postage. Write or see
Hal Henry. Stockbridge.
Mums, Tiger and orange
lilies, March flowers, purple
iris, iris, peachtree' roses, vio-
jets, red peppermint, brides
wreath, i5c. All well rooted.
Vera Silvers, Rt. 3, Box 88,
Peach rose, well rooted, 3 for
$1.00; baby snowballs, 3 for
$1.00; red dogwood, 4 for $1.00;
Easter lilies. 40c doz.; daffodils,
jonquils, 35 doz.; wild honey-
suckle, 50c ea. Miss Gladys
Ponder, Rt. 3, Ellijay.
Purple and blue iris, 50c C.;
$4.50 M.; dahlia bulbs, dark
red, 15 for $1.00: butter and
egg, 25c doz.; Cape Jasmine,
25c ea. Rooted. ~PP. Mrs.
Dollie Barkwell, Rt. 2, Box one
Royal fi white iris, lemon
lilies, snowdrops, dbl. daffodils,
$1.00 C.;. dbl. pink, cream and
white peonies, 25c ea. or 5 for
$1.00:, pink; - white : ppatansens,
-30e ea.
4 for $i. 00... .Mrs..
M. Hughey, |
25c doz., 2 |
golden bell,
| altheas, 2 for 20c.
alis, :
single Tacren der altheas, 10c ea.,
| $1.00.
baby- spirea,- arbor- |
Exc. for feed sacks.
white dog- |.
Castor bean, 20 seed,
Giant carna-
ri7%ec ea.:
Piece en ae vio-
lets, jonquils, daffodils, orange
lilies, pink hardyphlox, Shasta
daisies, 20c doz.:
yellow. Jasmine,
age. Nancy Henes et
Rt. 3, Ellijay. ; .
Yellow, red, white, pink: OX-
5c ea.; Jarkspur, Shasta
sythia, yellow Jasmine, others
10c ea: Add PP. Clyde Wil-
liams, Rt. 4, Cumming.
Anthony W. red. spirea, large
plumed | pink spirea, VH white,
boxwood, yellow forsythia,
white hydrangea,
90e doz. Add postage under
Ruth Kimsey, Young
Magnolia, tea olive, red and
white dogwood, red holly, sweet
shrubs, greybeard, cedar, ever-
green oak, long straw pine, 1
1063 ft., 20C>- 4: ft; 30. Add
Mrs. O.
Ri 2.
Magnolia, tea olive, red and
white dogwood. crepe myrtle,
red holly, sweet shrub, cedar,
evergreen oak, long straw pine,
1-4 ft., 10c to 35c,
age. Mrs. Georgia.
Toomsboro, Rt. 2.
Rhododendrons, Mtn. Jaurels,
sweet shrubs, red maple, azale-
as, red and white dogwoods,
$1.00 doz.; white pine, pussy
willows, 20c ea.; fall pinks, blue
iris, 35e doz. Add: postage.
W. Colson, Toomsboro,
Hui t,
Roper, Mineral Bluff.
Dbl. yellow Japonicas, 50
ea.; snowball, pink, red cab-
bage rose, red quince Japoni-
cas, 35c ea.; dbl. pink almond,
weeping Mary, lilac, 25c ea.
Others. Exc. for sacks. Clau-
dell Barrett, Talking Rock.
2 yr. old dbl. yellow Japoni-
eas, 50c ea.; daffodils, jonquils,
day lilies, iris. '30C doz.: Cy-
deonta Japonicas, azaleas. sum-
mer lilacs, dbl. almonds, 25c
ea. Exc. for sacks. Geneva
Richard, Talking Rock.
- Dahlias, 20c ea., $1.50. doz.;
Jane Cowl, Jersey Beauty,
Jersey Beacon, R. E. Lee, Av-
alon, others: fine var. peonies,
$2.50 doz.:
doz.; Pyracantha. bushes,
ea. Mrs. S. W. Sloan, Auburn.
Tiger lilies, sage clump, 25c
ea., 2 for 40c; yellow and lav-
ender iris: pink. glads., sgl and
dbl: tuberose, 25e@d0zZ4. 2510F
40c; Want Jasmine vine with
broad* leaves and cluster of
white flowers. Mrs. J. B. Bran-
nan, Rt. 2, McDonough.
Rhododendrons, Mtn. laurel,
azaleas, red and white dog-
woo d. flowering crabapple,
white pine, tulip poplar, holly,
purple lilac.
Add post-
10 doz;
pink crepe myrtle, spirea, for-
Exc. for white sacks.
: poae eS
Add post- |
-Mrs. A. M..
4 col. gladiolas, 35c |
Red serie aS
blooming size, $1. 00
um size, 40c; white
daz., 30c: rooted pink ju
25c ea.; dbl. red -gerani
yi. old, $2.00. Mrs.
ee Bremen. es
_ Black Prince iris, oran
lilies, white daffodils,
long | trumpet
daffodils, red and pink
bena, purple Lady. Lake,
sweet pea. Add. postage
Bonnell Nixon, : ARE -
| Bremen,
Red and ine Veron
daffodils,. black Princ
orange day lilies, Jong t
yellow daffodils, purple
Lake, Giant sweet. pea
doz. Add postage.
Mosley, Rt. 2; Bremen
6 large boxwoods
Globe arborvitates fe
2 Chinese arborvitaes, -
large weigelias for $6.00
ple iris,,80c C.. Mrs. 4
lant, Cumming. 4
Peonies, 25e ea.y
white iris, alee ee
ageratum, daisies, purp.
phiox, May cherry
well rooted; Tiger,
orange lilies, 25c do
Mrs. J. C. Da
, Box 79, Ellijay. :
Chrysanthemums: Mo
100 different varieties
and types from the sm
button type to the large
ering var. Prize winning
in all classes. Write for
ye We Green, Elbe
Chrysanthemum plant
Turner in white, yellow,
en Wedding, Major Bon;
yellow button, blue saly
doz.; exc. for Picardy ; glad
Mrs. -W. HH, Nelson,
Springs. es
seed, 10 iaulecsoonese
magnolia, tea olive, sw
yellow Jasmine, crepe mz}
1-4 ft., 10 to 35c: -Mrs
tha. Brooks, Irwinton, Ri
Thousands of mixed
fragrant yellow narcissus,
low daffodils, jonquils, glad
dwarf red and pink with
chid center, 65c C., at bari
A. Norton, Edison. oe
Large incurved chrys
mums, Earl Kitchener, Hom
stead, Silver Weedin
QO War and others, 50c OZ.
doz., $1.00; Cape Jasmine
ed, 25c ea. Mrs. ME
Gordon. s
Magnolia, yellow aa
holly, sweet bay, honeysu
dogwood, watermelon red
myrtle, 1-4 ft.,
postage: handcuff lily, pac oo
button seed, 5c _teaspoonfu
Mrs. C. N. Connell, Ir (
sweet shrubs, 3 ft. high, $1.25 |
doz. PP. K. S. Waters, Hurst.
Azaleas, rhodcdendrons, Mtn.
jaurel,- crabapple, red
white dogwood, white pine,
holly, sweet shrubs, $1.25 doz.
PP. Well rooted. W. K, Tay-
lor, Hurst.
Watermelon pink
myrtles; 1% ft. to 2% ft. high,
Currant sprouts, 2-
2% ft., Eng. dogwood, 2-3% ft.,
20c ea.; Del. in 5 or more lots in
Ga. Mrs. Allie S. Snyder, Rt.
1, Sharpsburg.
Dbl. orange, ginger black-
berry lilies, Dutch and Span-
ish iris. 3 for 25c; creeping blue
phox $1.00: 6x
bulbs, cluster narcissi, 60c C.;
A. R. Hedge plants, rooted, 50
., PP. Odie Eaton, Rt.1, Dah-
Yellow daffodils and: jon-
quils mixed, 50c C.: $4.00 M.:
mixed col. azaleas, purple lo-
cust, white dogwood, 75c doz.;
well rooted; roses, red, white
and purple, 3 for 35c. All del.
Mrs. J, H. Fowler, Roy.
Fancy bush honeysuckle, 15c
ea., $1.00 doz.; blueberry, same
price, cash or money order.
Delpher Frost, Rt. 2, Ellen-
wood. :
Small rooted dwarf Eng. box-
woods 10 above ground, 75c
ea.; 1 dwarf boxwood 18,
bushy type, $3.00; day lilies,
trumpet daffodils, white nar-
cissus, $1.25 C. Rooted shrub-
bery. Add postage. Mrs. Ruth
Head, Bremen.
Rooted pink hydrangeas, 3
yr. old, $2.00; rooted orange
pomegranate, 2 ft., $1.00 ea.;
bronze chrysanthemums, 50c
doz.; yard honeysuckle, purple
Lady Lake, 75 C.; pink oxalis,
25c doz. Mrs. E. B. Thornton,
Trumpet. daffodils, yellow
jonquils, white narcissus, $1.25
C.; purple iris,: 75c doz.> dbl.
yellow Humbert cannas, $1.50
C.; purple Lady Lake, white.
5c C. Add postage.
Alice Harrison, Bremen.
snowdrop |
will exc. ber rooted coral v
red or pink radiance rose
red Am. Beauty roses, ea
postage. Mrs. Charlie Ford,
199, Helena. =
Dbl. Japoniecas, 4 yr. oy :
a. 50c ea.; snowball,
Easter lily, 35 doz.:
eee 4 for $1.00; daffodils.
doz.; honeysuckle, 50c ea. |
Johnie Davis, Rt. 3, Eliija
1 dozen flat cedars, 50c
hen and chickens, 10c ea.;
iolus, white fall pinks, 1
bunch: gay widows, 15c bunc
Add postage. Nancy Hall,
Chrysanthemums: | Be
Clark, Golden glow,
Moon, Queen Mary,
Dean, Enchantress, ther
doz.; red, white, yellow
pons, Daisy mums, 40 doz
Mrs. H. L. Anthony, R
lumbus. - 4
Dark and light pink verbena,
also purple, orchid; 5 co
nas; purple violets, rose
2. for: Se; dbl. tube
orange lilies 5c ea.; purpl
teria, 10c ea. Add postag
L. L. Hay, Leary.
Boxwoods for sale;
down to 12 in.; also some |
greens. Mrs.
Talona. ay
' Shasta daisies, Monks he
Queen Anns_ lace, 25 |
Hemerocallis, pink, yellow
35 doz.; pink oxalis, 3 fo
Eng. ivy cuttings, . roote
doz. Mrs. Annie Pattillo,
Box 79, LaGrange. = 9.
One white lilac 18 tte tall, :
dozen smaller ones. Reason
priced. Boxwoods, 1 ft.
ft., $1. 00 per ft.: purple,
der iris, lemon lilies, eae
doz. Many others. Add pos
age. M. L, Clayton, Roy. ee
Magnolias, crepe myrtle
olives, holly, areybear
bay. weet myrtle, yell
, crabapple, maple,
3. it. 206s 4 S06
40c. i Saat -postag M, =
: : Wednesday, March 1 :
, Quaker Maid, Silver Wed-
, Gladys Pearson, Pearsons
ellow, Seidwitz pink, 50c doz.;
ik, yellow, white Doty, Legal
ender, Romany red. 40c doz.
hers. Lydia W. Barry, Rt. A,
Native cedars, holly. tea
olive, red, white dogwoods,
k honeysuckle, white and
ellow running honeysuckle,
abapple, sweet shrubs,1 ft.,
so. ft.. 2oct 4 ft., 39c, Add
ostage. Mrs. T. R. Ward, Rt.
Toomsboro. :
Magnolia, holly, tea olive,
pe myrtle, greybeard, sweet
y, maple, honeysuckle, yel-
Jasmine, crabapple, 1 ft.,
mt, 20c;. 4 ft. 30c; 5: ff.,
Add postage. Mrs. Free-
Watson, Rt. 3, Toomsboro.
railing arbutus, pink thrift,
rivet hedge plants, well
rooted, ornithagolum bulbs,
1.00 C.; blue ageratum, baby
utton mums, white, yellow,
ender, bronze, 25 doz.; pur-
le flags, $1.00 C. Add. post-
movers. Mildred Lyle, Rt. 15
rple- flag, white, mixed
3, soc doz.; gold waves,
large white jonquils, 15c
lilac, 20 ea.; garlic bulbs,
doz. Add postage under 50c
ers. Mrs. A. Horsley, Rt. 2,
d, yellow and orange can-
yhite spirea, 2 for 25c; stripe |
ibbon. grass, 2 for 25c: dbl.
nge May day lilies, 3 for 25c.
d postage. Mrs..H. F, Jar-
1, Rt. 2, Butler.
Magnolias, tea olives, grey-
eard, sweet bay, running hon-
ckle, bush honeysuckle,
w, red maple, others 1 {t.,
0c; 3 ft., 20c; 4 ft., 30c; exc.
cy sacks. Add postage. Mrs.
L. Cannon, Rt. 3, Toomsboro.
ink azaleamums, pink Cam-_
Queen, light bronze, bronze
Beauty, 3 for 25c. Add 5e post--
ge. Covered with lovely
ylooms from May until frost.
Miss Charlotte Caston, Jenkins-
burg. ;
Hollyhock plants, 25c ea.:
ed, 10c pkg., colors red, pink,
yhite; 4 colors fall pinks, 30c
sage well rooted, 25c. <a.
ll] PP. Mrs. L. A. McKibben,
h -2. Waco.
Dahlias single rust color, dbl
ender, large size, wine dbl.
tuber; white narcissus, 25c
Add postage. Mrs. Ruth
ks, White Stone.
ellow, crange, red azaleas,
dodendrons, Mtn. laurel,
veet shrubs, spruce and white
nes, red and white dogwood,
[tn. ferns. -Mrs. Lula Jar-
rd, Rt. 4, Dahlonega.
innias, large marvigold, small
rigold. Jap. sunflowers, and
xed flower szed, 10c pkt.;
ll exc. for white feed sacks.
-ehecks please.. Mrs. L. S.
moer, ht... 1,0 Box 57; Dah-
nega. ee He
weod sprouts, 3 ft. high,
wiite flowers, 30c ea., 4 for
00. Add postage: aiso black-
ed sugar crowdsr pea seed,
ans, Talona.
well shaped boxwood, 8 ft.
gh, 35 ft. around, 75 yrs. old,
postage. Buford
5.00.2 L. J. Lathem, RFD
Canton J
ndina, red, pink crepe
rtle, red altheas, Jap. mag-
2, Scotch brcoms,~ Baby
reath spirea, abelia, ligustrum,
jJucidum, dace vine; pampas
rass, trumpet vine. Send
Star tor prices. Mrs. -E. J.
rrester, Sparta.
Mixed col. azaleas, 75c doz.;
tg and spruce pine, snow-
ol. iris, white yellow narcissi,
5 CO. . All rooted. Eunice
is, Ellijay.
igustrum, Japonicum, speci-
ven plants, 3 to 4 ft, high. very
eautiful, scarce. Call or write
Hamas, 168 Howard St., SE,
Janta, De. 3271. Cant ship.
Dahlias sev. colors, 50c ea.;
[t, 20 for 25c; Mtn. laurels,
logwood, white pine, azaleas,
5 C.; glad bulbs, 60c C.; hedge
pt to: 2 ft, 50 for $1.00:
iquils, $1.00 C.; red running
ter roses, 10c doz., cuttings;
arf red dahlias, 50c doz. Add
mnowballs, bridal wreath,
es bouquet, golden bells,
wer almonds, lilacs all well
ed, 10 ea.; purple iris, 25c |
lily flags, 10c doz.; AY
irs. , -L. . Willis;
hrysanthemums: Commerc- |
s, 6 for 25c; snowdrop, lilac, |
brella china, black and red +
i crabapple,
geranium, 25c ea.; mixed |,
Mixed col. iris, yellow jon-
quil, 75 C.; dbl. white grass
pinks, 25c bunch; white and
yellow narcissus, 75c C.; big
db]. white spirea, 25c-a.: mix-
ed col. altheas, 25c. doz. Add
postage. R. M. Ray, Rt. 3, El-
lijay.. s
Two shades bright yellow
late tall day lilies, 20c ea.: dbl.
orange day, $3.00 C.; sgl. same
price; tube rose blooming ze,
$5.00. C.; small $1.00 C.; 20
| varieties iris, $5.00 C. Mrs. A.
J. Welden, Griffin.
Lilacs, brides wreath, gold-
en bells, snowball, brides bou-
purple iris, daffodils, jonquils,
10c doz.; privet hedge, $1.00 C.
All FOB. Freebon Willis, Rt. 1,
Talking Rock. :
/ 0-6. tt. stem, 18. spread,
weeping cherry trees grafted,
$3.00 ea.; 3-5 ft. large pink dbl.
flowcring cherry, $3.00 ea.;
Bushy 3 ft. purple magnolia,
$2.00. Other desirable plants.
Jack Welden, Griffin.
Dbl. Japonicas, 4 yr. old, 50c
ea.; red dogwood, $1.00; gold-
en chain, 50c ea.; iris, 35c doz.;
weeping Mary, 50c ea.; dbl.
daffodils, 50c doz.; honey-
suckles, 50c ea. Miss Sarah E.
Barrett, Rt. 3, Ellijay.
Dbl. Japonicas, 6 yr. old, well
rooted, 60c ea.; red dogwood, 4
for $1.00: baby snowball, well
rooted, 50c ea.; large snowball,
well rooted, 75c ea.: Also Hast-
er lily bulbs. Mrs. Oma Barnes,
Rios nijay. i
Yellow narcissi,
daffodils, -30c CC. PP;
or will
Mrs. L. J. McKinney, Rt. D,
Cordele. _
Blooming size azaleas, 45c
doz.; spruce_and white pines,
Mtn. laurels, ivy, dogwood, 65c
doz.: sweet shrubs, 10c_ ea.;
erabapples, 45c doz.; altheas,
i5c ea. exc. for sacks. Add
postage. -Mrs. Grace Cochran,
RED 1, Ellijay.
sorted colors and varieties of
Exhibition, Commercials, An-
emones, pompons,
spoon and single. 6 doz., $1.00.
Mrs. David G. Jones, Arling-
ton. a
Abelia, 3 c
$3.00 for 50; $6.00 C.; 35 - yr.
gardenias, 75c ea.; Pittosporum
green var, green &- white,
green & yellow, 2 & 3 ft., $1.10
sweet myrtle, red holly,
95c ea. PP. Frefer PO money
order. Mrs. Warner Edwards,
Rt. 1, Spring Vale..-
Holly, Cherok:e roses,
odendrons, ivy, Min. - laurel,
azaleas, dogwoods,
strawberry bush, tulip poplar,
black and white pines, 2-4 ft.,
80c doz. Minnie Campbell,
- Crabapple, black haw, black
suscadine, red; yellow plums,
gooseberry, blackberry, 50c
doz.; jonquils, 20 doz.; xc.
Yor white.or printed sacks. Add
nostage. Mrs. D. M. Colson, Rt.
3. Toomsboro.
. Purple lilacs, 4 for 35c; red,
yellow, white chrysanthemums,
G cf ea. 15; heavenly blue
morning glory seed and moon
vine seed, 8c pkt.;
er seed, 8c pkt.
Messer, Waleska.
Req dogwoods, red and yel-
jow azaleas, $1.00 doz.; Mtn.
laurel, black and White pines,
%5c doz.:. pink Cherokee roses,
10 ea.: red and yellow Japoni-
cas, spruce pines, 25c ea. Mrs.
Cc. C. Wright, Loving.
Pink flcwering almond, wis-
teria, sweet shrubs, forsy'thia,
cherry laurel, abelia, white
erepe myrtle, jasmine, altheas;
Mrs. Mary
-|spirea, redbud, ligustrum, etc.,-
25 ea., 6 for $1.25.. Mrs. L. A
Barry, Rt. A, Cordele. .
Pink Cherokee roses, rhod-
odendrons, Mtn. laurel, pink,
'yellow azaleas, cream white
dogwood, crabapple, white pine,
coralberry, tulip poplar, all 3
ft.. $1.00 dozen. Bonnie Aber-
erombie, Mineral Bluff.
White and blue iris, 25 doz.;
yellow root, 20c large bunch;
catnip, 15c bunch; narcissus
and Lady of Lake, 1l5c doz.
Mrs. Maggie Grant, RFD 7,
Dahlia _ bulbs,
blooms 5-10, 15c ea., $1.40
doz. Add postage. Miss Bes-
sie Martin, Rt. 5, Gainesville.
Azaleamum (pink) plantts, 5
for $1.00:. blue iris, 25c doz.;
dbl. orange day lilies, 50c doz.
Add postage. No stamps. No
orders less than 50c. Mrs.: M.
T. Tanner, Sandersville.
2-3 ft. abelia, $3.00 doz.; 1-2
ite $150; 2 doz. ga 1 82
grown dwarf boxwood, $6.00
doz.; 6-8, $4.00 doz.; white and
watermelon crepe myrtle, 2 ft.,
$1.00 doz., del. Mrs
rell, R Gr
all colors,
quet, old time roses, 10c ea.:
| for anything can use.
exc. for Mammoth sunflower.
seed or anything I can use.
Chrysanthemum plants as-
button s,
a 4 it., 25e ea.3
mixed flow-.
oo ee ; Ler 2
Dbl. pink oleander, well root-
ed, 25-30c ea.: red spider lily
bulbs, large size, 45c
smaller, 35c doz.; pink fairy
lily bulbs, large, 35c doz. Miss
Mittie Collins, Rt. 1, Box 34,
Blue Roman hyacinths, 50c
'doz.; red President cannas, 40c
doz.; $2.50 C.; fragrant yellow
narcissus, 50 for 50c; dbl. white
altheas, 3 ft; 35c; 4 ft:,:50c: 5
ft.. 75c PP. in Ga. Evelyn W.
Seago, Pinehurst.
Tiger lilies, yellow dbl. day
and sgl. lilies, fall pinks, pur-
ple, white and yellow, 30c doz.;
jonquils, blue iris, foxgloves,
butter and eggs, 25c doz. Exc.
Mrs. W.
H. Wh'te, Rt. 1, Box 37,. Dah-
Red and dbl. bronze Koreans
and pink azaleamums, 35c doz;
pink per. pea plants, 10c~ea. of
3:for 25c; mixed ragged Robin
plants, 25 doz. Miss Willie D.
Wocdward, Jenkinsburg.
Ophiopogon - for evergreen
border, 3c ea.; blue ageratum,
5c ea.; will exc. for hardy
phlox, hardy asters or lemon
day lilies. Mrs. Russell Bever-
ly, Ochlocknee.
Well rooted Cape Jasmines,
25c ea.; yellow Jasmine vines,
large elumps, yellow honey-
suckle vines, American holly,
Casena holly, all strong, well
rooted, any 3 for 25c PP. Mrs.
Jennie DeLoach, Rt. 1, Town-
send. eee :
White lilac, 2 ft. yellow bells,
3 for 25c; brides wreath, crepe
myrtle, 4 ft., 25c ea.; wisteria
vines, 15 ft., 50c, well rooted;
Star Jasmine, 3 for 30c. Mrs.
E. R. Coggins. Covington,
Heavy field grown semper-
viren dwarf boxwood, 10-12
high, $4.00 doz.; nice wax leaf
abelia bushes, 12-15 high,
$2.00 doz.; gardenia bushes, 2
for $1.00, $5.00: doz., red ver-
bena, 50c doz. Mrs. B. L. Rob-
inson, Greenville. 3
Well rocted old Eng. box-.
woods, bunchy plants treated |
with B-1, 4 to 6 high, 15c ea.;
$1.50 doz.; larger plants, 25c
ea., $2.50 doz. Will treat
plants with B-1 again_before
mailing. Mrs, L. R. Pierson,
Lilley Mill Rd., Doraville.
Purple: lilac, running ivy,
Jan. Jasmine, lavender wis-
teria, red velvet rose, purple
Easter lily, rooted, J5c ea.,
$1.20 doz. yellow jonquil,
white narcissus, pink thrift, 35c
doz. Olivia Patterson, Rt. 2,
Pink and lavender. crepe
myrtle, 2 ft. or more, $15.00 Cs
also Eng. dogwoods, Jap, Mag-
nolia, yellow Kerry, Japonicas
sgl.and dbl., white spireas, Mrs.
C. R. Morgan, Americus,
Jonquils, daffodils, snow-
drops, narcissus, orange day
jilies, pink per. phlox, Mtn.
ferns, trailing arbutus, Shasta
daisies, $1.00 .C.; dogwoods. and
azaleas, $1.00 doz. Vera Wil-
gon, Blue Ridge... *
Azaleas, all. col. dogwood,
-edbud, crabapple, Cherokee
rose, laurels, rhododendrons,
holly, red maple, coralberry,
butterfly up to 5 ft., $1.00 doz.
PP. Sadie Wilson, Morganton.
e and)
plack pines, Min. laurels, $1.00
Rhododendrons, white
doz.; red and white dogwood,
redbud, azaleas, hemlock, 75c
doz.; exc. for feed sacks. Zola
Reece, Blue Ridge.
Scarlet, coral and pink ver-
bena, strong, well rooted plants,
8c ea.; postpaid in $1.00 or
more lots: old fashioned iris,
pale blue, purple, white, 25c
doz. in $1.00 orders. Pearl
Hudgins, Flowery Branch.
_Dahlias. true to type, labeled,
$2.00 doz. del. Hunts Velvet
Wonder, Sunrays, Agnes Young,
Chamberlain Florest, Fort
Monmouth, Jersey Beauty, etc.
Many better varieties also, Mrs.
Eunice JI. Johnson, Box 86,
Flowery Branch.
Six Balm Gilead, six white
dogwood, $1.00 ea.; purple iris,
orange day lilies, 50c doz.; ex-
tra fine jonquils, paper white
narcissi, $2.00 C.; 50 for $1.00.
Mrs. Clara Prince, Rt. 1, Box
14, Demorest.
Azaleas, 2%-3 ft. redbud,
Cherokee roses, white pines,
spruce pines,
Mtn. ljaurels, Mtn. ferns, Snow
on Mt., $1.00 doz. < Lucille
Dickey, Blue Ridge.
Chinquapin chestnut, spruce
pine, white pine, holly, laurel,
ivy, dogwood, maple, rhododen-
dron, azaleas, cedar 5 and 6 ft.,
$4.00 doz: 6 and 8 ft., $5.00
doz. at my place. Mrs. R. M.
Holloway, Rt. 1, Dahlonega. -
Mtn. laurels, rhododendrons,
hemock, white pine, dogwood,
azaleas, crabapples, $1.25 doz.;
galax, ferns, trailing arbutus, |
35c clump. Postpaid, Nancy
| Nichols, Mineral Bluff,
orange day lilies, 30c doz.
Add postage.
Wright, Rt. 1, Buchanan.
rhododendrons, '
~ Rhododendrons, $1.00 doz.;
Mtn. laurel, azaleas,. red &
white dogwood, redbuds, 75c
doz.: Exe. for feed sacks. Ola
W. Adams. Mineral Bluff.
Large prize winning chrysan-
themums-Silver Wedding white,
ball yellow, Rainbow pink,
Lavendar, variegated, cream,
red, tan, 20 plants, $1.00; But-
ton & daisy types, 30 for $1.00.
Mrs. R. L. Silver, Rt. 5, Cuth-
bert... : :
Red maple, white & red dog-
wood, redbuds, pussy willows,
azaleas, Mtn. laurel, rhododen-
drons hemlock, Cherokee roses,
_Arborvitaes, 25c ea.; roses
red and white, $1.00 doz.; red
dogwoods, azaleas, Japonicas,
flowering peach trees, lily
bushes, 5c ea. Add postage.
Mrs. Reba Davenport, Loving.
Prize winning chrysanthe-
mums, spider type, OHKwan,
yellow pink and white Rayon-
ante, 10c ea.; Korean white,
bronze, red buttens orchid,
bronze, 40c doz., labeled. Mrs.
Obe Woodward, Jenkinsburg.
Prize winning chrysanthe-
Susie Wilson, Mineral
mums, largest type, Major Bon- |
affon, Queen Mary, Smiths
Enchantress, Eldorado, Silver
wedding, Silver Ball, Apricot
Beauty, 50c doz. Add postage.
Mrs. Wilson Caston, Jenkins-~
Min, laurels, Mtn. pine, rhod-
odendrons, red, white dogwood,
sweet shrubs, azaleas, red
maple, $1.00 doz.; white pine,
pussyWillow, 20c ea.; blue iris,
postage. Exc. for sacks. Mrs.
Clyde Roper, Mineral Bluff.
Ginger lilies, trailing arbutus,
coltsfoot, fall pinks, yellow and
pink, yellow and white jon-
quils, 35c doz. Add postage.
Marell Waters, Rt. 1, Dah-
Rhododendrons, Mtn. laurel,
white pine, dogwood, azaleas,
redbud, crabapple,. pussywil-
low, coralberry, all 38 ft. high,
$1.00 doz.; phlox, blue iris,
gray violets, narcissus, $1.00 C.
Gladys Robinson, Mineral
-Tiger lilies, jonquils, trailing
arbutus, 25c doz.; red dogwoods
Cherokee roses, crabapples, lau-
rels, ivy, white pines, redbuds,
3 for 25c. Helen Holland, Min-
eral Bluff.
Glad. bulbs, Picardy pinks,
Chateau Thierry red, 35c doz.,
other colors, $1.25 C.; white
April narcissi,; $1.25 C.; . dbl.
pink altheas, 3 for 50c; mixed
hardy phlox, 50c doz, exc. for
sacks. Myrtle Pace, Rt. 1,
-Lemon day lilies, snowdrop,
King Alfred daffodil. bulbs,
$1.00 C.;. Jap blue iris, 40c doz.;
Fairy lilies, lavender oxalis,
button mums, all col. 25 doz.
Mrs. Mattie
Red flowering dogwoods, hol-
lies, :redbuds, maples, flower-
ing almonds, tulip poplar, red
Japonicas, azaleas, sweet
shrubs, laurels, white pines, 50c
doz. Verna Heaton, Mineral
Bluff. ae
Rhododendrons, Mtn, laurel,
maple, dogwood, spruce. and
white pines, holly, sweet shrubs
90c doz.: red & yellow Japoni-
cas, lilac pink and rose weigel-
ias, 20c ea. Add postage. Mrs:
Roxie Plumley, Rt. 2, Ellijay.
-Worlds Wonder Picardy
pink and many other named
glads., 254doz.: 5 doz, $1.00;
Minuet lavender, 25c doz.; all
blooming size; forsythias, snow-
balls, red, pink & white spireas,
$1.00 doz. Mrs. Carl Kimsey,
Young Harris. =
Iris, 10 labeled, 50 for $1.15,
mixed, $1.20 C.; beardless 25
for 60c; evergreen, flowering
honeysuckle shrub, 35c, 2 for
60c; dbl. yellow kerria, 3 for
35c; abelias, 35c ea. Mrs, J. M.
Hall, Rt. 1, Calhoun.
Native mixed azaleas, sweet
shrubs, Mtn. laurels, tulip pop-
lars, fern, leaf sumac, white
rhododendrons, spruce, white,
long leaf black pines, all well
rooted, $1.25 doz. Mrs. Elsie
Heaton, Mineral Bluff.
Yr. old dbl. yellow Japoni-
eas, 60c ea. 2 for $1.00; red
Jap quince, buddleia, wisteria,
40c_ea,; azaleas, altheas, red
Indian arrow, almonds, snow-
ball. 25c ea., 5 for $1.00. Miss
Celess Richards, Rt, 2, Talking
Jonquils, white narcissus, 50c
C.: purple iris, 75c C.; butter
and eggs, 50c C.; honeysuckle,
10c ea.; horse radish, 10c. Add
postage; exc. for cabbage or
onions. Mrs. G. A. Nix, Rt. 1,
Box 133, Fairmount.
Pink thrift,.50c C.| Prompt
shipment. Bertha Grizzle, Gum- |
white pines, 3 for 25c: 75 doz. | keeps flies away, blooms fro
| Lake Park.
bridal wreath, pink atmond
_. Dogwood,
hollies. red maples, or
Tiger lilies, arbutus, daffodi
20c doz. Bertha Holland, Mi
eral Bluff. ae
Sweet shrubs, azaleas, :
monds, white, red, velvet roses,
trumpet vine, 3 for 25c; da
lilies, iris, violets, trumpet da
fodils, others. Add . postage,
Dorothy Teem, Rt. 1, Box 46.
Talking Rock. ee
Shoo-fly seed, blue blooms
early spring until frost. 15
pkg. postpaid. Mrs. G .E, King,
Red Geranium cuttings, 15c
ea.: 3 for 30; Lace Sprengeri,
sword, Boston, fluffy ruffl
ferns, 20c -ea.; Star Bethlehem
bulbs, 25c C.; white -narcissus
25e doz.; white iris, 30c doz
Mrs. Ed Stone, Rt. 2, Adairs-
ville. ee
6 dwarf boxwoods, 2 yrs. old,
$2.00 del.; monthly rose. cut:
tings from roses with larg.
thick petals, cream and pink.
6 for 25c postpaid. Mrs. R. T
Chatham, Rt. 2, Adairsville X
Winter pinks, orange day lil-
ies, March flowers, 25 doz.
Rt. 2, Talking Reck. ee
Pink Mt. thrift, large or smal
amount. Miss Sallie Kate
Heard, Rt. 3, Box 109, Cu
Ming. x :
Mixed bulbs (Jonquil, but
cups, butter and eggs,
cluster, fragrant yellow :
cissus, white April bloomin;
narcissi, 50c.C.,. 500 for $2.00
Mrs, B. T. Echols, Philomati
Prize winning largest chry-
santhemums, Smiths Enchant-
ing, earliest pink, resembles
aster, Silver sheen, soft whit
Oct. Rose; pink Chieftan, 50:
doz.; Pompons, 6c ea., 8c post:
age. Mrs. Marvin Farrar
Jenkinsburg. on
-. Snowball bushes, crep
myrtle, -15: ea.; cedar, India
arrow, same price. Easter iil-
ies, $1.00 doz.. Mrs. Mae Turn
er, Rt. 6, Gainesville. a
azaieas,. hol.
Cherokee roses, Japonicas, M
laurels, rhododendrons, sweet
shrubs, strawberry bush, prive
hedge, 2-4 ft.. 80c doz., 2. doz
$1.50;: Lilac; .25e ea. Bthe
Curbow, Morganton.
Bird of Paradise bushe
ft.. 25e ea.; exc. for garde
boxwood, dbl. red flowerin.
quinee or gardenia cuttings, 6
long. Also dark red currant
sprouts, 10c ea. Exc. Mrs. A.
Persons, Marshallville. =
Snowball, well rooted, holly
bushes, red Japonicas, ivy, 50
AS Frank Pierce, Rt. 230 E
ijay. ey
Dahlias, winners of blue 1
bons in Ga. Dahlia show 1941
8 blooms and over, labeled
35e ea.,3 for $1.00 del.-
Carter, G. Lawrence, .
Flowery Branch.
' Althea lilies, red Japonicas,
$1.00 doz.; pink Cherokee ros
Barberry bushes, 10c a.:
6 arborvitaes rooted, 15c ea.; 10
choice roses, $1.00 doz. Add
postage. Mrs. Mae~ Wright,
Loving. Ae ee
Large prize winning c
santhemums, pompons, daisies,
azaleamums, 75 yvar., 30c doz.;
4 doz., $1.00 labeled; 6 doz
unlabeled, $1.00; Tuberose, lan-
tana, 30c doz. Mrs. H. G. Woods
Donalsonville. es
Truckload of purple wisteri
bushes and vines, 25c to $1.00
sprout. Come get them, as
many ag you want. Mrs. J. E.
Woodall, Rt. 1, Calhoun.
Snapdragons, rose pink, mix-
ed, 50c qoz.; larkspur, Gail-
lardia, blue ageratum, pink
yarrow, pink weigelia, abelia
25c doz., sgl. larkspur, 20c doz.
blue salvia, 35c doz. Add post-
age. Mrs. R. W. Tanner, 207
Berkely Dr., Macon. Poe
Per. verbena, scarlet red anc
deep pink, white, $2:00 C.; dbl.
yellow Japonicas, 50c
$1.00 doz.; pink everbloomi
thrift, 75c C. del. in Ga. Mrs,
E. A. Smith, Rt. 3, Greenville.
Stocks, Veronica, Stokesia
blue salvia, gaillardia, Love-a-
mist, pink per. phlox, per. aster,
3 col. Dianthus pinks, Qu
Anns lace, 35c doz. Annua
phiex;. $1.00: GC. Mrs. i
Blue Roman Byacuine vel
iow narcissus, also butter and |
ee bulbs, ic ea. Bessie W.
HL uillebeau. Rt. 2; Lincolnton.
2 AJ aponitas, azaleas,
ewood, Mtn. laurel, black
es, tulip poplars, 2-4 ft.,
i rooted, 80 ee Ora
rmer, Morganton, :
Old. Eng. dwarf. boxwoods,
avy, 4 yrs. 6-8, $15.00 C.;
mi-dwarf 4- oe $350-C3
linas, $3.50 C.; spireas, tie
Blanche Woodruff,
Yellow, orange, red azaleas,
rh dodendrons, Mtn.
et shrubs; spruce and white
ine, red and white dogwood, |
.. Mrs. Ola Thomas, Rt.
Dahlonega. J
~Snowdrift bulbs, 10c doz.;
jonquils, 75c C.; old fashioned
pinks, purple, white and yel-
low, golden glow, foxglove, but-
er and egg plants, house leek,
Mrs. G.
Rink and white Beonies 25%
bunch; yellow and red_ fall
pinks, 3 for 25c;. pink and red
verbenas, 50c doz. bunches.
Mrs. C. E. Crump, Rt. 1, Hart-'
fe eaic flags, orange lilies,
gold, cream, white - narcissus,
$1.00 C.- Tiger lilies, 6 for 50c;
white, pink peonies, bridal
wreath, almond, golden bell,
ap. quince, 25c ea. A. E.
ghey, Rt. 1,. Fairmount.
Pink rhododendrons, laurels,
red, pink, white dogwoods, all
col. azaleas, pink Cherokee
rose, erabapple, holly, redbud,
red maple, 3-5 ft., $1.00 doz.
Bob Wilson, Blue Ridge. <
Red dogwoods, azaleas, holly
bushes, Mtn. laurel, crabapples,
Cherokee roses, 2-3 ft. high,
well rooted, $1.00 doz., trailing
arbutus, Shasta daisy, 25c doz.
Mrs. A. F. Kincaid, Morganton.
Blue single hyacinths, long
umpet yellow daffodils, Fast-
er lily bulbs, 25c doz.; n
colors carnation pinks, 25 doz.;,
lls, Lady Lake, 60c -C.
Postpaid. No stamps. Miss
Annie Cole, Rt. 2, Bowden.
_King Alfred daffodil bulbs
5-i this seaseri),
baby button mums,
doz. Add postage) Mrs. Gussie
onner, Rt. 1, Buchanan.
White & yellow .-
bulbs, 10 doz.: jonquils,
ils, 10 doz.;
blackberry vines. 10 ea.: Aug. |
jes, 20c doz.: yellow root, 252
sweet shrubs. 10c e2.,
00. . Nona Akin, Rt.
Ca roliton. |
~ Pink: yarrow, 15 plants, 30c:
Blue iris, 40 doz.; Japonicas,
15 ea.; dogwood, 25c ea.; Star
Bethlehem, 30c doz.; white nar-
cissus, 20c doz.; pink weigelias,
15 ea.; azaleas, 40c doz.: roses,
10c. ea. Add - postage. Lillie
Parks, Ellijay.
3 Bird Paradise, red and wale
low blooms, 1 ft. high, 75c ea.;
orange day lilies, 23c doz. Miss
Pauline Crump, Rt. 2, Hartwell.
Phlox, day lilies, Lady Lake,
| garlic, purple crepe myrtle iris,
white. marcissi; Exc. for red
crepe myrtle, Cape Jasmine,
req. dbl. Japonicas, red, pink
azaleas, others. Write E. E.
narcissus ;
daf- |
Stevensen, Ellenwood.
Dbl. yellow Japonicas, 50c
sncwball, red Cydonica
| Japonica, 35c ea.; foxgloves,
25c doz.; violets, 4 doz., 40c:
old fashioned peachtrees, $i: 00
doz. Others. Exc. for sacks.
Mrs. Ina Barrett. Talking Rock.
All col. dogwoods, pink, red,
yellow azaieas, pink dbl. rhod-
odendrons, 2 col: Cherokee
roses, joliy, white pine, red
maple, Mtn, laurels, pink crab-
apple, 3-5 ft. PP. $1.00 doz.,
9. doz. $1.75. Robert Wilson,
Blue Ridge.
Daficdils, jonquils, 50e 7 -C:
white narcissus, 15c doz.; prime
roses, 10c doz.; privet hedge
bush; <3 tor 25c: exe.
thing can use. Add- postage.
Mrs. Lillie Barrett, Rt. 3, El-
and white
'sgaleas, red maple, sweet
shrubs, rhododendrons. Min.
laurels, Mtn. pine, $1.00 doz.;
evergreen galax, blue iris,
orange day lilies, golden glow,
30c doz. Add postage. Mae
Bell Roper, Mineral Bluff.
Alberie, Waterer spirea, for-
sythia, baby breath, lilac, but-
terfly, Jasmine, wisteria, birds-
eye, good roots, 10 for $1.00:
erocaliis, 200 for oe 00; PR?
Mrs. Dick Powell, Rt. 2, Col-,
lege Park.
Blue and white violets, 40c
C.: white and yellow narcissi,
daffodils, orange lilies,
doz.:. roses, lilies, pridal
wreath, white spirea, azaieas,
30c ea. Add postage. Myrtle |
Vick, Rt. 3, Box 73, Eilmay.
Mead Sirain Giant Hybrid
Amaryllis Bulbs (will bioom
3 for $1.06; Mag-
inolias, Soulangeana early
oink blooms, 25 to 30c ea
'Acuba Japonica
; ea. Add postage.
Ts Ne,
2ones, Serevern
tanta. ; 3
< 1 rooted
| pur shes, Pre:
| rerigold Si ed, 356 cupiul
vod cann $1.00 doz, PP:
E Sertcu S; "$4. 00 C.:; danhl-
Rose So $1. 06 GOz.
French |
Imp. spirea 20, 25c ea.; orna- | Af
mental pepper - seed, large an nd
mall var.. 7c teaspoonful: pink. |
purple verbena, large Moorea |
cutting, 15c ea., 2 for 25c. Mrs.
Belle Israel. Rt. ae
Min. Holly, red. white, yel-
\ orange azaleas, red- & |
white dogwoods, rhodcden-
drons, redbuds, Min. laurels,
Mtn. cherry, maples. blue iris,
May lily, 75c doz. PP. Mrs.
_F. Satterfield, Ri. 4, Dehienega.
Dehhia Tubers- Prince of
ersia, Jersey Beacon, Darlene,
Cuban a White Wonder,
Treasure Island.
Jane Cew!l, M.
; Nisin. pees $1.18 doz.
Pauline Taylor, Rt. 2, Duluth.
Large Tiger lilies, 5 for $1.00:
bluejiay glads., 50c Gez.; nice
var. iris, white, plue, bronze,
25 for $1.00; white August lil-
ies, 3 for 25: goldensiow, 35
doz. Add postage. Mrs, Ros-
ger Thomas, Adairswitie.
Large: @b). red dahlias,
G0z.; red. yellow ceannas, pink
giads, white narcissus, Barhec
oulos. 2c doz.: pink thrift, 50e
ce - dwarf pox weod evitimegs., 10c
ea. Add postage. Mrs. U. S.
"Lynch, Rt. 1, Alto.
x Yellow and white daffodils,
ia fashioned joneuils, $1.00 C.;
@lue Roman hyacinths, $1.00
for 50 bulbs. Mrs. M. T. Mec-
Guire, Ri. 2, Adairsvie.
_. Spirea, butterfly push, althea,
_pPoliden bells, Kiac, crepe myriie,
ae and plue hydrangea, 15c |
2 for 25c; Guinea wing, |
ees and other begonias, 16c |
eutting, 2 for 15c. Mrs. J. A.
Martin, Marti.
Spec. collections, $1.00 ea.;
300 exhibition gladiolus, 10
prize dahlias, 6 Regal Nites, 5
Rubdrum lilies, 6 Amaryllis, 2
G0. tulip bulbs, 6 fancy Jeaved
hh readies 6 red, white or pink |
omies, $ doz... Giant pansies.
. A. Dobbs, Gainesville.
: Golden - glow, yellow and
purple iris, 4@c doz.: for-
: et ae ea.: pinks, 10c ea.
Esteld Oe: Rt.
Smithville. ;
Mirs. |
Reautifu, Bird of Paradise
/ seed, well matured, bloom
r ae by ase PP. Send cash
T. Stewers,
Smali cedars, biue hyrange-
as, yellow bells, March
/25c ea. PP. Mrs, Arrie Ray,
iRFD 4. Buena Vista.
i. 7 Sara Fros; Camebia, 8 ft.
tall, $35.00 if taken at once:
15 Sara Frosi Camelhas, 6 %
tall, $20.66. ea: 32 fine pink
Japanese Magnohas, $1.60 @.
Ne shipping. Mrs. J.
4 Dixie,
Dorothy Perkins pink month-
ly rose, Seven Sister running
-rese, green bud, red velvet. 23c
i@a.; Weigehas, 36@c ea.; rhod-
/odenrons, 50c Coz.: bive irks, |
\25e dez. Add postage. Mirs. |
Ww. Charles, Ri. 5, Bex 1,
/ BDiiay.
Weeping Bary, Coratberry, |
Waterer, Billarai; Van)
| Hentti spirea, Aypericiumm, i6c
jea.; Tuberose, No. 1 Picardy, |
| Fiamime Sword Giads., 36c doz.:
50c orders PP. Mrs J. G. Reb-
ertson, Carrotion.
Biack vyelvel roses,
iJaponicas, hoiscus red, pink
and white, 15c ea.: Tiger ly
i bulbs, 20c ea. Well rooted
| boxwoods, 25c ea. Add postage.
'Leastie Smith, Bijay.
| Old fashioned flower seed-
| Marigoid, zinnia, bachelor bui-
ton, Lady finger, Snow on Mi.
arborvitae; aisoO bave can-
taioupe, cushaw, okra seed.
Ex @ fer other seeds. Mrs.-
i Rose Evia Cox, 608 Oak. Si.,
velow |
2 tt. high, 50c
ea.; red and pink verbenas,
25c Goz.; Tiger lilies, Orange
| day Vibes, 35c doz.; Orange and
brown spotted cannas, 3 for
30c. Mrs. E. L.. Roberts, Rt.
1, Suwanee.
Yellow pinks,
sythia, 15c ea. yellow and |
purple iris, golden glow, 40c
doz. Postpaid. Mildren Mar-
10c ea.; for-
tin, Rt. 3, Ellijay.
for any-
Nandinas, 2 for 50c; sgl. hem-
"| lilae,
-verbenas, 2c ea.. Pink crepe
myrtle, evergreen yellow, Jas-
mine, 20c ea.: purple violets,
10c doz. Mrs. Lester Phillips,
Rt. 1, Royston.
Vinca major and Vinea
minor, 25c doz.; Ophiopogon,
dbl. and sgl. tuberose, 30c doz.;
Jumbo Picardy and Flaming
Sword glads., 35c doz.; No. 2
size, 25c doz. 50c orders PP.
Mrs. E. C. Robertson, Carroll-
ton, 2
Ferns, trailing arbutus, galax,
50c doz.; rhododendrons, Mtn.
laurels, $1. 00 doz.; redbud, red
& white dogwood, azaleas. 75
doz. Faye Walker, Mineral
Rooted spirea VH, baby
breath, forsythia, althea, hibis-
daisy, Kerria Japonica, garden-
ias, sweetpeas, 23c for large
plants; small 15c PP. Mrs.
Brooks Edwards, Rt. 1, Box 90,
Boxwoods 12-15, pink weig-
elias, pink almonds, golden
-pells, _ spirea, wisteria, crepe
myrtle, red Japonicas, purple
pe hollies, 25 a.;
liris, 20c. Mrs. W. Vo Silvers,
Rt3, Ellijay.
Morning eglory seed, 5c
spoonful: also 4 o'clock, 5c doz.,
and hollyhock, 10c_ root,
colors.. Will bloom this year.
Add postage. Mrs, Cleo Owen-
by, Blairsville.
White, blue Kaster iris, white,
yellow sweet scented narcissus,
Emperor daffodils, 1 to a stem,
20c doz., $1.00 C, Damp pack-
ed. Add postage. C. B. Robin-
son, Rt. 2, Bowdon.
Magnolia, tea olive, pink and
red crepe myrtle, dogwood,
evergreen oak, red holly, Um-
brella china, yellow jasmine,
sweet myrtle, sweet bay, 1 to
4 ft. 10c, to 30c. Exe. for
sacks. Mrs. Nellie Pitts, Rt. 1,
exc, for: feed sacks any color,
3 doz. butbs for 4 sacks. Want
large size sacks. Mrs. W. W.
Lane, Rt. 1, Vienna.
i. Red dogwood, crabapple, yel-
low thornless roses, pink remb-
jer roses, bleoming pears. 10
nea. $1.00 doz.; trailing arbutus, |
| violets, 15c doz.: Exc. for feed |
-sacks. Arzetta Henry, Mineral |
' Bhoff.
Gold Dust)
: large
roses, |
| 20 Goz.;
Johnson, |
' Seeds of as.
| ner, petunia, hibiscus,
| Mar AF OTE q
A White pine,
Bachelor buiton seeds,
110c. cupful;
| everbearing, extra
|Jantana, 10c ea.
i Miss Nonrie K. Moon.
eas well rooted gardenia
. Jasmines 6-87, $10.00 C.:
oe some 18-20, 50c ea.
ipped. Call at my farm 2 |
mi. north of Oglethorpe. Min-
inie L. Williams, Oglethorpe.
| Blue grape hyacinths, 50c C.,
| 500 for $2.00: Sir Walkins daf-
|fodils, 25c doz. Mrs. J. M.
' Bobo, Hartwell. :
Old Eng. dwarf. box wood
-sempervirens field grown 4-6.
_plooming size
.. blackberry
$1.00 doz.: Star.
Bethlehem, $1.00 C. Mrs. C.
Ma. Robinson, Greenville.
Yehow narcissus, 65 C.:
| White April, 50c C.: large white
| pemnies, 20c 4.: purple iis,
large ty pe variegated
imums, 20c doz.: Morning Glory
iseecg, 8 tablespoonful. so)
postage. Etnel Sulhvan, Ri.
| Marietta.
Wel rooted scarlet
i planis, blue fag butos,
| postpaid, - Mrs. Bah
| Ri. 1, Fiewery Branch,
Rec ang white dogwoods,
| pussy willow, red maple, azeje-
as. yellow ang rec, Min. leau- |
|rels, sweet shrubs, black am)
white pines, rhedodendrons, |
$1.35 Goz.: galax, arbutus, 35c
aoc. Mrs. S. P. Roper, Min-
erzi Bioft.
Betsy Ress, Silver Weceee
_Chrysoiera and Shannen large
early mcurved pink chrysan-
tThemums, oe dez., er 3 doz.,
' $1.00 del. F. W. Sehreidi,
Ri 2, ae,
Apr, pleGCMiINE wparcissyus
i pulps, 56C.: pulbleits, 30c C.;
firebush, touch-me-
Veet ul. Mrs.
i. 2, Temple.
redouds, holly
bush, crebapple, mnk Cherokee
| roses, 8 col, azaleas, pink, red
and yellow dorgw oods
coraloerry, rhogedendrons, Min.
-faurels, 3-5 fi. high. Well rooi-
eg. E. J. Hotblan, Morganion.
Strawberry plants
fine, 30c C.;
Add postage.
Rt. 2
le a.,
JOnn Weaver.
| Bowdon.
| flowers,
lerepe myrtle,
Fall pinks, March blooming
ecoltsfoot, 40c doz.;
hollies, ivies,
honeysuckles, 4 for 50c. No
checks. Dollie Blackwell, Dah-
Phlox. 25e Cr red and ec
cus, 3 col. phlox, blue & white |
| White narecissus, butter and.
'egss, dbl. narcissus for sale
Not |
ts! $1.00 doz.; tat dogwood, 2-3 lea
or | oc
| 10c ea.
redouds, |
56 yr. old reoted boxwoods,
12 ea.; $5.00 lot; Emperor and
abl. green daffodils, Poeticus
narcissus, 25c doz., 6 doz., $1.00:
Snowdrop. Calif. violets. $i. 00
Cc. Postpaid. Miss sen Pen-
land, Ellijay.
Dogwood, willows, tea lives.
Beautybush, magnolia, - holly,
crepe myrtle, sweet bay, Bil-
lardi spireas, dbl. white spireas,
greybeard,.others, 1-to 3 ft.,
10c to 35c. Exc. for sacks.
Mrs. Wavy Lewis, Toomsboro.
Evergreen, Medical, Balsam
trees, 25c ea.; holly, 25c ea.;
spruce, pink, white flowering,
rhododendrons, $1.00 doz.; pur-
ple iris, yellow daffodils, nar-
cissus, 35> doz.; $1:00 _C. All
well rooted. Mrs. Florence
Heaton, Mineral Bluff. ;
Heartsease, red, white, pur-
ple verbena, jarge mums, daisy
mums, cypress, 23c doz.;
Chinese daisies, 6 for 25c,
Cash or MO. Mrs. Ida Taylor,
Rt. 2, Arlington. e
Yellow, orange, red azaleas,
rhedodendrons, Mtn. laurel,
sweet shrubs, spruce and white
pine, red and white dogwood,
kollies, 75c doz. Add postage,
Mrs. Lula Jarrard, Rt. 4, Dah-
Nice rooted boxwood plants
irom 6; to 8, $10.00 -.: 500
small cherry laurel seedlings,
$2.56. Holmes Woodruff, Green-
Giant white ee
mums, 50c doz.: dark crimson
dbi. althea, 25e ea.: 5 for $1.00:
baby breath spirea, 6 for 50c:
2 yr. wel] rooted. Abelia plants,
5 for $1.00; rose bushes, 35c ea.
ws Charles B, Tanner, RFD
, Sandersville.
Pure white lily bulbs, 6 for
50c. D. W. Nichols, Kingston.
Azaleas, all colors, Mtn.
ferns, sweet shrubs, crabapple,
40c - doz.:
pines, dogwood, laurels, rhod-
odendrons, 75c doz.; white al-
theas, 2 for 25c. Add postage.
Mrs. FS Adams, of 2. El-
Rhododendrons, dog woe,
white pine, laurels, 65c doz.;
| blooming size azaleas, 45c doz.:
'boxwoods, 25c ea): dbl. pink
almonds, snowballs, altheas,
| 25c. Others. Add postage.
| Mis: Lee Eller, Rt. 2, Enijay.
Boxwood 10- 14, 25e. ea.;
plooming azaleas all colors, 45
| doz., weigelias. almond, altheas,
diol, Japonicas, 25 ea.: Indian
arrow. dogwood, crabapple, lau-
rels, rhododendrons, ~ ers,
7c ia
Shepare. Rt. 2, Ellijay. :
doz. Add postage.
Pink almonds, purple jilacs,
crepe myrtles, red Japonicas,
golden bells. weigelias, brides
| bouguet, holly bushes, spruces,
burp! wisieria, boxwoods, 20
. Joyce Silvers, Rt 3. box
Se. Ellijay. :
Azaleas, mixed colors. white
dogwood, red nape, crabapyple,
snrub, 75 doz.; rhed-,
/odendrons, ivies, white, spruce
| pines, $1.0 doz... reg and yel-
| eweet
ljow: Faponicas, 26c a. del.
iJ. B. Wiliams, Einjay.
|. Purple iris, winter pinks,
lyehow, rec amc white, 25c 06z.;
purple lac, bride] wreath,
. | flow ering guimce, golden pels,
flowering akmond, 16c |
ee. Ade postage. Miss Lorene |
| Jackson, Talking Rock.
| Boxwoods 13 high, 25 ea.:
| Og fashioned gold button pinks,
(25c Goz. Add postage. Mrs.
Molie Hengerson, Ri. 3, Box
149, BDijay.
Old fashioned white bridal
wreath, Thumierberg!
| and Gol. bridal wreath,
myrtle, purple Yilac, 25 ea, or
'3 for 60c del. Other shrubbery
and bulos cheap. Mrs. S. P.
Reed, Varnell.
White pines, dogwood,
poendrons, Min. jeurels,
eoplie, azaleas, redbud,
Gez. Mrs. BR. J. Wison
Biue grape hyacinth lbutos,
Afie C.. 500 for $2:06: Crimson
Kimg German iris, 75c
Miss Vena Brown, Hariwel.
Red,_ white dogweod, Min.
laurels; rhododesdrens, crab- |
apples, white pine, azzleas,
$1.00 doz.; golden slow. ever-
sreen galax, walling arbutus,
'35c doz. - Mrs. Hazel Hover:
Mineral Bhoft.
Boxwoods g@ifferent s
some. 8 high, 8 or 10 in
Giameter; others smaller. If
interested see Mrs. Clarence |
Everett, Harvest,
Pink bush honeysuckle, vel-
low Easter bell, peach roses,
/ well rooted,.15 ea.: orange day
lilies. catnip, garlic, 30 doz.;
raspberries bearing size, 75c
doz. Add postage to orders
under $1.00.
Goss, Jasper,
6, Mor-
28, |
torders PP. No exc. or chks.
60e: pure white tuberoses, 6 for
Spruce and white
cCYEpe |
erap- |
$1.06 |
eoz. |
Mrs, Rilla Mae. pan
plants, W5e. C.; "Shas
rose per. phlox, T5c d
postage. Mrs. / (Cc :
Pineview. =
Holly bushi
dogwood, Mtn. laure
apple, white pine, azale
-edendrons, well r
doz. Mrs. Mattie
ganton, =
: Blue jvis pake
large order; pink wh te
red. yellow May
rambler, 20 ea.)
mixed colors. Swe
30c doz., blooming -
orders, PP. Hermans
per. :
Arbor- vitaes, (
wood 18 high, 50c ea. la
12) high, - Toc doz. 20)
postage. Mrs. Bree
Rt. 1, Ellijay. |
kinds fall ee 25 doz.
Lady peas, 40c qt. -
Want few dbl. white
also 1 pk. red nest onic
Mrs. E. P, Dollar, Felton
Jonquils, daffodils,
bulbs, 10c doz.; Hop vir
ea.; edible soy beans,
25c; wild cherry bark,
Exe, for white or c
sacks. Add postage under
Mrs. Lee Butler, Rt 2.
jonega. ete
Korean, Daisy type. mi
sev. colors. Large b
ed, 25c del.: Exc. f
bery or Lees, Wa yn.
trell, Powder Springs.
Wild Easter lily bull
doz.: magnolia, teaoli
bay, red holly, evergr
umbrella china; crepe
1 tt, 10e 3: At. 20c.
5 ft. 40c. Add pos
T. K. Womack, Rt. 1
Dwarf boxwoods, 2 ft.
Parma violets, t
dbl, hyacinths. 2
drons, * Min.
azaleas, $1.06 doz.
Garren, Morganton,
The New Red Thrift
rooted Poe 5c @
postpaid. ;
than 50c. : PO
order. W. 'T. Witham
20, College Park. |
ophiopogon and az.
30c. doz:: . oxalis, E
| Weeping Mary, Van Ho
Billardi, Baby breath :
ea. 50c orders PP. Mrs.
lerine Hunter, CarroH
One large doub
Camellia Japonica
nursery or lawn. Beg
ing in Nov. See at
now. Reasonable. M
Hartley, Rt. 2, Tennille.
| Flowering: quince
i bjac. pink almonds 1
wrest, golden. bells, oe
white. winter pinl
acinths, 25c doz.
| Rock. ;
| Red and while
cedars, sweet bay,
sweet crepe myrtle,
magnolia, greybeard,
| pine, red hcly 1 to 4
eee. Exe. . for
posiage. Mrs.
Pink thrift. roe
| postpaid. or 500 for $2
i peid... Mrs. J. H. Duke
Red Gogwood, ced,
/anG anc sweet my Jes,
|olive, magnoHa, sweet
| nelly. spruce pines,
ii fi. 10e:- ts 5th.
ifor white sacks,
Mrs. J. J. Connell, )
_ privet, HEGKE, Sl. 00.
or ange Gay. Lik
Ree 35 ez. del.
aision, Ella-Gap. -
Ler ge ty ype enrysan'
dic doz., plus portage :
| Bonat fon, Sil
| Chieftan, S er
| King. others; Koreans &
iysums, 306c doz. Mrs
| Ferrer, Jenkinsburg.
5 blue hydrangeas, _
old, 50c. 4 well Footed
lea; 1 large purple gra
| cd enough to pear, 25c:
| pernong vines, 3-4
|: Add postage. i
| Griffin, Devereux.
Lilac, erepe myrtle,
spirea, winter J
teria, althea, i
and day. jilies, jon:
| cissus, Eng. . dogwood,
Bee Bex 22
Sea yellow, jas-
ooted, 20c 6a.; 15 dif.
BES chrysanthe-
Oe: -yed cushion mums,
Add postage. Exec. for
hrift, magnolias, dried
Mrs. Jones Pearson,. Rt.
e evergreens, iris, wis-
te. Write for prices.
eS Ward, Rt. 1, Adairs-
ia, Ragged Robin,
Queen Annes lace
pars Jump-ups, 10c
Jue salvia, pink yarrow,
sh: pink per. peas, 10c,
ted plant. Add post-
UE. L. Rogers, Grif-
t cdobendton. arbut-
azaleas, ferns, white
yruce, silver maple, can-
m 1 ock, _dogwood,
; packed. Gordon Hun-
allulah Falls.
holly, do wood,
: magnolias, teaclive,
en oak. yellow jasmine,
ple, 1 to 4 ft., 10c to 30c.
* sacks. Z Miss Elise
ariegated Japonica, 11
Write me if interest-
aon E. Fain, Als
Sackiak. 20c ea.; 2 pine
15e ea.; all postpaid.
| Mrs. eee. Ce
pin nks, Dutch iris, - pur-
jue, 2 doz., 45c: Hem-
2 ily, sel., 75 Cc. Mrs.
e McLeod, Bi 2; -Box {
Carmelite Japonicas,
Azaleas, blue- spruce,
spruce, Catalpa, Chi-
ly, red barberry,_ red
ed. Write Mrs. Brooks
Rt. 1, Box 98, Guyton.
ivet hedge,
gallberry, for tlow-
nd, redbud,
sh, snowball, flowering
parberry or Caladium.
E. Biggers, Rebecca.
mall = laurel
h Quote price
and 300 lots, 12. or:
Mrs. C. D. Tounsley, |
wen Albany. :
variegated. (green
e) Liriope or ophiopo-
State price. |
er grass.
Walton, 212 Soir
; Macon. |
e myrtles,
caladiums, white
ponicas; would exc,
tterfly bush, white
buy. Write best
Mrs John Ellis, Max-
Helichrysum miatis or
plants Or
irs. H. WwW.
exc. white thrift for LE
3, begonias of all col- |
arge dahlias, ever-
roses, eee Ja-
1 t
large type
all colors.
iat ue Ww. W. Taylor,
per. Mornin Glory | new gears and guards,
1330 E.* "Main St.
by or exc. ne ae
eigelia, butterfly bush,
0 hly rose, red thrift,
os well rooted.
nogene H. English, Star
| M.D. No. 6 mower and rake,
exe. red and white
ny ibe s for butterfly bush.
ie ponthly rose. Mrs.
on, RFD, Demorest.
wering Peach. Red
will pay eash or exc,
pe myrtle or flow- :
or paper white
bs. | 2 woich
i . McCall,
ooted, 2 yr. ever- |
(ee dif. eol.,
as EXc. un-
Trish . Juniper,.
jonquils, |
mimosa, :
azaleas, |
+o Inte:
and dbl.
one bunch |
Each pay.
Mrs. R. P. Hamilton,
Want white blooming Quince,
State what you have and price.
J. B. Hightower, Atlanta, 621
Ridgecrest Road.
_One No. 219 H 2 row Hand
lift cultivator for Farmall 12
planter, with Duplex hoppers,
for F 12 tractor. One 2 row
fertz. attachment for F i2 tract-
tor. Above in fair condition.
Sell reasonable.
$500.00 cash. J. Pass Fort
| Valley.
1 good Chaitt. syrup -mill, 3
roller No. 13 good as new, also
pan. Will take $45.00 for the
two eomplete. T. M. Gillespie,
John Deere Model T. Trac-
tor with harrow, Tiller, Seeder,
two planters and cultivating
equipment used very little for
sale for cash $950.00. Frank
Se Gordon, Phcne No.
2 horse wagon, $48.00; New
chain Cole Fertilizer distribu-
tor $6.50: old type Avery Dixie
dbl. hopper corn planer, $6.00:
nearly new Avery guano and
dbl. hopper planter, $26.00;
Want a riding 2 horse cultiva-
H. Leverett, Parrott.
One 24 Davis made corn
mill, one large 2 hele corn
sheller, one 36 ft., 4 ply beit 8
in. wide: 2 steel pulleys. Reas-
onable price. J. N. Mulinix,
Young Mill Place, Kingston.
J Ga. cracker cotton planter
"| practically new and one dis-
-also some 4 hand fod--
der- A.B. Ashworth, RFD Le
N orcross.
| Ome good heavy cutaway har-
how, $25.00; will exc. for good
2 horse wagon or other value.
Near by. R. B. Young, Rt A
1 pr. cotton. warehouse scales
(Howe) weighing up to 1500
scales (baled) with horses,
weigh up to 700 lbs., $20:00; 1
pr. peanut grading scales prac-
tically new, $12.50. Ail FOB
there. J. T. West, DeSoto. =
Farmalj F-12 tractcr, used
yrs., good shape, 3 disc tiller,
both mounted on pubber. Dbl.
section harrow (harrow and
; tiller: peught new last spring),
| $700.00 or trade for pr. young
heavy mules. G. S. Brown,
Rarnesville. RED 1.
John Deere turner, both for 2
He, also Dixie turner and
(Lynchburg turner, both need
some repairs, cheap for cash,
tor exe. for what. haye you.
Berry M. Moon, Shiloh. RFD.
| Box 125.
tivision typo
ring ana culiv
ments, also 7 ft.
ment, yall new
ene Me
Wit. Ds th single
plonti Ys,
ae Te
Sota. :
1 Gole Mb). planter, 1 Cov-
gton and 1 Avery double, for |
i cate. Dan Brewnings. Helena,
Box 26%.
eae Tere ae Howe 10 ton
scale: As 1 cond. Apply:
_Laneaster, = Atlanta, 9.
Shoals Aves So E. eos
| No. 2 feed grinder, grinds all :
-grains, cottonseed, crushes ear
corn, $25. 00 or exc. for 20 dbi-
i disc. L. Redfern, Warthen.
1 Thomas crown mower,
just |
' $30.00 during February... Jesse
Newsome, Sandersville.
2 H. Deer mower,
Case Thresher,
haw loader, $15.00;
;echurn and elec. motor, $45.00.
Cyril Brennan, Columbus. >
-used 4 or 5 yrs., does good
work, located here, $50.00 cash.
|P. S. Knox, Sr., Thomson.
Syrup mill, oan and fixtures,
$60.00 or trade for practically
new wagon.
land, Rt, 1.
| 9 H. Syracuse turning plow,
1. Jr. Cultivator, good cond.,
$6.50 or $3.50 ea.
| peas or anything can use. W.
|B. Haves, Noreross, Rt. 1.
| Feed Mill (to grind ear eorn |
) and grain ,without shucks),
$20.00; cut-off saw, $13.00; Ot-
2 tava 374 h. eng g., gas. and ker.,
+ Webster. magneto, $50.00; Want
1 H. wagon in good cond,
- | cheap. Albert B. McKoy, New-
nan. St
{sell for: $25.
). Ide
One No. F69 2 row:
E. C. Kelly,
One F-30 International trac- |
- Good condition on rubber. |
tor, riding 2 -horse planter. J.
lbs., $50.00; i pr. cotton beam
John Deere Middle Buster, AS
~ cul-
ier tiliz- 5
Y attach- |
~ used |
Deere 4
80 gal.!
UAL SB. Wiley, Aso-'!
Exc. for i
2 He ae harrow, cost: $3600; 2
most goog as new. $50.00. J.
M. Dodd, Alpharetta, Rt. 2.
No. 2 Primrose Cream Sep-
arator; Syracuse plow wing,
anything: can use. John L.
Ross. Pitts, Rt. 2, Box 37.
DeLaval cream separator,
used less than a year, $35.00 at
my house. Mrs. A. W. Eason,
Shady Dale.
Friend peach sprayer, 100
gal. cap., fits on wagon, per-
fect running cond. Gave $280.-
00; take $75.00.
Hillsboro, Ries:
Tractor binder, McCormick-
Deering, used 2 seasons, good
tically new, run 3 mos.,. Buick
motor will pull it. Trade for
anything. R. P. Biggers, Con-
2 row Oliver planter with
$185.00; sell for $50.00. J. B.
Harbison, Dawson, Rt. 3.
Water power Grist mill. for
sale, off No. 7 Highway, 13
mi. So. Barnesville. W. P. Eld-
er, Culloden.
A 20 Meadows corn mill
and 2 hole sheller, 1 belt, all
good cond., $100.00 FOB. G M.
Ns Dobbs.
1 McCormick-Deering Bind-
er, good cond., $100.00 FOB.
a R. Johnson, Hogansville, Rt.
Plows: 1 ea. oe 13 Oliver, A
Oliver, No. 11 Vulcan, 1 Frog
for No. 12 Oliver, 1 Gantt .cot-
ton planter, 2 or 3 kinds side
plows for cotton and corn, 1
Jones mowing machine. C. M
Adcock, Adairsville, Rt. 2.
Chattancoga power
mill, 15 ft. pan; 2-80 saw 12 in.
Gullet Huller gin,
_Fordson tractors, 1 Midget
Maeve flour mill, 14 bbl. cap.
Claude A.
Model A. Jons Deere tractor.
planters | and | cultivators and 6
dise tier, good_ cond. Write
or see. J. B. Hunt, Wadley,
Box 72.
1 Intern onnt
spreader, 0.00; 1
Ideal grain - binder,
J, Hardman, Commerce.
New 8 frame hives,
$40.00. C.
ve starter comb., glass observation
and supers. $3. 50. I. A. Man-
ley, Decatur,
Case R. C. pation on rubber.
Cheap for cash or trade for
good young mules. New in
November 1939. Bill N. White,
1 Guano _ distributor,
class cond:. for sale. August
W olbert, Ellabelle, Rie 1s Box
: 84. ae
Fairbanks Morse
elec. motor, 5 h. p., A-1l cond.,
$50.00. Used in farm work, J.
N. Ogletree, Washington.
Planters, Cane mill,
tools 2 H. wagon, 2
hogs and etc., for sale.
' Parker, Buena Vista.
, John Deere Reaper and Bind-
ler with 6 ft. blade, first. class
-cond., $150.00 at farm. (Bought
for 3 mules but have changed
lto power.);>J. C. Ragan, Pel-
ham, Rt. 2.
2 sets Mill Rocks, 36 and 42
| in., complete with Turbine, etc.,
reasonable. W. R. King, Pavo.
| 7 gal..cap. Bbl., churn, $3.00;
Cuttaway harrow, 18. ins disc...
'$15.00.. Cash or reg. Jersey
calves. Deocie Harris, Lula.
8 bearings for a steam eng.
2 interested, write:
| Boss, Lawrenceville, Rt. 2.
| Martin evens cotton dust-
ier, used days, cost $59.00;
sell Zor $40.00. E. M. Beck-
ham, Tifton. -
| oA 22x36 Erick Thrasher
| Wind oe seli-feeder, Used
jonly. 7 wks., also Case C. O.
teator Cheap or trade for |,
good mules. W. J. Colquitt,
| Jefferson. ey
| Fordson tractor, good -cond.,
for sale: R. R. Spears, Mad-
'tson. Rt. 3..
Fordson tractor with po Ver.
good cond., $50.00
N. McNeal, Macon,
| take-off,
eash. Otis N
fet, a0.
i 2 H. wagon, $25.00: 2
/Oliver Turn plow, 36. 00. John
Foy, Oakman,
i Chattanooga 2 H. Hillside, No.
13 Oliver, alk good shape; good
10 disc cutting harrow, 2 H.
wagon, and 4 nice nannie goats.
|Seil or exe. for yearlings. J. F.
Wellborn, Rock Springs.
pene will exc, for pis
3 h. p. MeCormik Deering
gas. eng., used very little, al-'.
| Oliver 2 H. turn plow, $12.00;
used some, for sale or trade for =
| Fair condition; Consider
WJ. Ress,-
1 good corn mill, prac-.
fertilizer attachments: cost.
Williams, Covington, Rt, 2. care |
| sell at half price.
| Evans.
would take part in cattle or
; sell or exc. for anything
: ube.
Cameron |
ee and revolving press,
Smith, Stockbridge, |
| tools,
222 Lockwood ~
induction -
Binder, 3 4h.,
E.| Rt. 1.
No. 10 Oliver iow, No. 54
One cream separator in good |
John Deere 2 H., 6 disc., 2
wheel harrow, . $25. Oe ee:
also 2 M. B. turkey toms, 1941
hatch, $5.00 ea. All FOB. Miss
June W. Wooten, Broxton.
Wind Mill and tower, good
cond., cheap. Write W. A. Miz-
ell, Rhine.
One Hammer King Mill 9.
used very little; 1-20 Williams
Grist Mill; 1 crusher and eqpt.
for garden tractor in gocd con-
dition. H. G. Brown, Dillard.
1 Lummus gin in excellent
condition 3-70 saw stands, air
blast, friction press: Sell cheap.
R. S. Norton, Dawson:
One Hudson spray tor spray-
ing fruits and vegetables and
other farm things for sale or
exc. for country produce. A.
H. Haddon, 1827 Montgomery
St.. Savannah.
Weber 2 horse wagon, old
but in running condition, $6.00:-
type guano-
exc. for knocker
distributor in good shape, oF
150 lbs. good planting cotton-
seed: also No. 63 Chatt. plow,
$7.50 cash. C. C. Southern, Rt:
1, Talking Rock.
One John Deere 2
planter 1940 model, used very
little, has 6 hoppers, will plant
anything. Cost $135. 00. Will
dQ) Alien;
<-12 Farmali tisetor On
for quick sale, $295.00;
I. Swanson, Re 1.)
No. 12 DeLaval separator in
good condition, also cream cans;
Miss Pearl Solcmon, Ri.
, Jeffer sonville.
One Cransen wheat cleaning
machine, small size and in good
condition, $25.00; one 2. hole
corn sheller run by rand or
power, in good condition, $15.-
00. F. M. Kilgore, Winder.
11 ft. spring tooth harrow,
- $40.00: 6 ft spring tooth harrow,
$20:00; 1 Clark 2 horse harrow,
$10.00; 1 Chatt. 2 horse plow,
$7.50; 1 Chatt.-1 horse plow,
P. Singleton, Rt. 3, re
Fort Valley.
1 & 2H. turn plows, harrows, |
gear, shop
Write for
cultivating stocks,
plow bridles.
down a farm.
One International reaper and
one dise cultivator for sale or
will trade for anything I can
use. John Nicholson, RFD 4,
Sears Handiman 4HP, ze
wheel garden tractor in g000
ec ndition; dbl. extension steel
rims, turn plow, cultivator and
other tools; On rubber wheels,
$175.00: on steel, $150.00, Paul
Simmons. RR2, Box 398, -Col-
lege Park.
Friend 4 cyl. power spray,
400 lb. pressure, 300 gal. tank,
20 gal. per minute, 3 guns.
. 0 mpletely reconditioned,
250.00.. A. B. Gocdenow, care
we H. Searcy, Thomasville.
Good MeConmicti Reaver and
cost $145.00; sell,
$50.00: also small 3 Roller Cane
Mill, $10.00. All. FOB my
place. Cash or P.O. money
order, No chks. J. E. Locke,
Butler, Rt. 1. bee
McCor mick-Deering grain
binder with bundle carrier,
model C. M. Good cond., $73.-
00. B. C. Wells, Thomson. .
. Good. used Walking cultiva-
tor, $20.00; also want a 2 or 3
mos. old pig, cholera. immune.
Mrs. J. M. Baldwin, Rockmart,
1 No. 16 eran Crain Sep-
arator, good eond., $30.00. Z. J.
Hall, Sandersville. ;
| ton Fairbanks Pitless scale,
good econd., for sale. A. O.
Baxter, Decatur, Rt: 2,
De.. 5162.
Good 2 H. wagon and Cut-
taway harrow for sale or exc.
for a good 1 h. wagon.
Todd, Danville.
Disc harrow, used 2 seasons,
like new, at 1/2 price or trade |
sorghum hay: also 2.
for pea,
reg., dbl. standard Polled Here-
ford bulls. -H. M. fie acters
Marietta. Rt. 3.
One 3-70 complete gin outfit
with automatic tramper on it
for sale. T. V. Phillips, Roys-
1 Farmall Tractor F in good
1 Allis Chalmers
combine, im Z00d condition: 1
Ashley eae It interested
see or write. P. B. Bed-
ingtield. Wrighteville,
One 8% HP Hercules station=
ary gasoline engine, suitable
= see "Gh: ensilage cutter,
- Cheap ot trade. H.
plow :
good mecnani :eal condit= |
ean ,
-C. Collier, Barnes-
{4 middle pa
*phone |.
i. Be
One second hand jarrow
horse drawn: 8-16 solid disc.
In good condition. $10.00. O. G.
Martin; Berner.
-10 gal. milk cans: for dairy
use, newly - retinned and not
used since retinning. $3.75 ea.
Leon B. Mayer, 561 Formwalt
St., SW, Atlanta.
Moline 2 horse turn iow 4 in
good condition. E. E. sieve
son, Ellenwood.
A 1 horse and a 2 hoe
turner, one small 1 horse cul-
tivator, one 10 gal. churn, all in
good condition. Mrs. E. Spence,
562 West Wesley Rd., Atlanta.
One 2 horse riding cultiva-
tor, good ccndition, $43.00; one
IHC feed grinder 10, $15.00;
an 8, $12.50: 1 Stover cutter
4 blades, table, $15.00. W. H.
IVeys Rts Milledgeville: =
A good 3 horse reaper and
binder, $50.00 FOB; 1 small 3.
roller cane mill, $10.00 FOB. J
BE. Locke, Butler.
One Model A John Deere
tractor with cultivators, dis=
-tributors, dbl. action dise har=
row, new block and assembly
for tractor, practically new. J.
W. Wise, Rt. 1, Box 746, Savan
One 2. horse Wcccmaee
Deering mowing machine, prac
tically new, gears in oil, $70.00
St my place. J. W. Griffin, Rt
2, Egypt.
wagons, gears, farm
fee plows, etc;,- for gale. Mrs.
R.. Ge Paine: Oxford, Phone
No. 2666.
One 24 Williams oe mill,
, $65.00; Trade for hogs or cows.
|B, B. "Shoemaker, West Point.
= Syrup mill, 9 ft. pan, good
condition, $40. 00. W. M. Run
yan, Cedartown. :
One model A Farmall race
outfit, compiete. with planter,
distributor and cultivator,
$100.00. Will put it in condit
fetid NS Oe Bey 93 West
| Point. :
A 1 horse wagon comple
with box spring seat and rate ;
et brake, skein size 242x7,
practically new. Lamon meee
Itzel H. Bandy, Crandall.
- One No. 44 Chatt. power cane:
'mill-and one 16 ft. galv. pan.
Only used 3 seasons, both fo:
$85.00; Exc. for good grain
binder. Jo Simpson. Ris
College Park, Cal. 6859. =
|. 1 Fordson tractor, $75.00;
/side plow, $25.00, or $90. 00 for
both; One 8 dise harrow with.
tongue, $12.00; No. 8 Vulcan
$8.00; 1-No. 10.
Vulean turner, $10. 00, INO
-for $7.9.. Good condition. R.
A. Cunningham, Powder
Springs Rd., Rt. 4, Marietta.-
1 Cole Comb. cotton and corn
|'ments except fertilizer,
condition: 1 Lynchburg middl
ouster No. 25 800d as new, $8.=
00 ea. FOB: 1 Avery No. 30
horse tannins gg $6.00. $22.
00 for jot. Gabriel, oe
exc. for equal value in live
stock, corn, hay-and genera
farm products. Joseph Fre
man, Blakeley.
Complete quipment ibe -
good farm including 1 hors
wagon, John Deere corn plant:
er, tertz. distributor, disc har:
row cultivator, plows. an
smaller tools.
ion. Hoacanable: ;
Smith, 1363 Northview Ave., N.
Ei Atlanta, Phone nights VE_
30535 .
A deposit. on brand new Fore
Ferguson tractor, immediate
del., for sale or trade for mules
horses, eattle or for I
Mill. F. C. Dabney, Atlanta
384 Marietta St..Ja 1010.
1 H. plow, used 1 season, fo
gale. V. Holton, Waycross Rt
4. s
~Y small (3/8 a P.) gas. eng.
used, farm work. $15.00. Oti
M. Cowart, Summit, es 2, ao
SeCOnE aee e
Want 1 turn plow Avery No
27 or Chait. No. tae or Lyne
burg No. 3.
Moreland, : SES
Want a power hay paler aa
good condition. State how.
long in use, price, etc.. in first
letter. C. D,. Burress, Rt. :
Anderson. :
Want Cole dbi. hopper, eorn,
cotton and other seed. Must
in good shape and Feaso
priced. . . Ke
Athens. is
ils drawn pide
rt ee McDon- :
od one puller and
for use. State best ;
e Teckle 7 Rt.
- used Cole corn
41 in goog condit- }
for cash. Claude
ohn Deere tractor.
good ccndition. J.
us<d late model.
Sole planter; also
janter.. Jsaae E.
it. 3, Waycross.
mall electric motor
alph Mauldin,
ve., Teecoa.
good used garden
unk. Pay cash, F.
% to 12 HP Diesel
type farm machine. J.
den, Kalmar ere,
in good
for cash. WwW. W.
ing and cultiva-
it for John Deere |
T. C. Wylly,
ul for
tor, either Model A,
ire collect price:
~ Uzts. Rt ct,
Ae expillar type ean
Write fully |
M. L. Craw-
a peed 4 tractor.
es olora. :
or two Tow planting and-
ing equipment complete |
p nd harrow. Must
: ndition and cheap |
E. _Aycock, Box
grist et in good
ee tor same.
Sliers, Rt. 2, Baxley.
o tractor Model: A.
mall hand or power
to cut hay: in short
seribe with lowest |
R. A. Caldwell, Rt.
er in good running
Quote what you
a y
of Dacca. "A.
, Albany...
horse wagon.
condition of
S. Oden:
Surr ency.
horse wagon in SS
. Frank B. McCarty,
a -23" Bush and
arrow. Quote best
ve full description
on. Jas. H. Craig.
an Hotel, Athens.
to buy 1 Hammer feed
od as new, also 1 waik-
vator like new. Earnest
RED 3, Fitzgerald.
0 buy one Motor or
e off to attach to Al-
s tractor. C_C. King,
ley Drive, Macon.
good 2 horse hay
pees of Atlanta. Al-
Brabs and New Era
, & Creel, aaah
| gasoline, about 2 HP..,
ee condition and cheap. ay
Want 1
with shafts. Must be in good
condition and reasonable, D. G.
Caldwell, Kingsland.
Want garden plow run by |
! lin in good
condition, yeasonable: Want %
doz. good size Martin gourds
Will pay 10c ea.
Wirs? E eee ARG 2
+Box 412, Atlanta.
already ~cut.
Want small Guiding TPeactor
vand light gasoline engine (not
1over 4 HP). Give price and
description. <A. F. Samuels,
908 Edgewood Ave. Atlanta.
Want a gas engine in good
shape, cheap for cash, 1 or 1%
State size and.
=" class condition.
Want frog and wing for No.
63 Chatt. turn plow. H.-W.
| King, Rt. 1, Ellenwood.
| Want a good 2 horse wagon,
ne junk, near Rome. Would
like to exc. purebred Duroc
pigs or brood sow sub. to reg.
for same. GJ. Davis, Rt:
7Rome. :
Want a good 2 horse wagon
[ia running shape: Must be
reasonable. Mr. L. W. Allen,
i Rt 2, Ball Ground.
peanut planter. Prefer a Cole
sut will buy. any other in good
condition cheap. State price
i/and where located. Mr. J. T.
Ivey, Rt. 1, Meansville.
- Want garden or small farm
-tractor, 1 to 5 HP. J..W. Green;
| 2562 Buford Highway,
| Atlanta, Me
Want 4 disc tiller on rubber.
Must be cheap for cash or. exc.
Shaw 3% HP tractor for same.
M. A. Ramsey, Quitman.
~Wilj pay cash for darm trac-
. tor, plow, harrow, seeder &
eultivator, also electric brood-
er. Give full particulars. W. J.
Reid, Ellenwood.
Want used cane mill and >
syrup boiler. Prefer 80 gal.
bciler. Must be in good con-
qaition and reasonable for cash.
A. V. Bell, Rt. 4, Waycross,
-Want one 100 or 150 HP:
steam boiler.
T. D. Gillis,
Want walking cultivator in
good shape and all parts as
furnished with it. Oliver or |
ee preferred. E.
| Kelly.
_ > Want one condenser and au-
tomatic trampler for 4 stan
Sin a Ne pamier,
Want to hear from party hay-
ing Williamson stump. puller |
with little or no fixtures. G. |
| Findley: Oak Park.
Want a 2 horse mowing ma-
| chine and hay rake in Eeoc*
| condition. N: R. Hogan, Rt. 2
~ River Bend Rd., Dalton.
| Want Planters and euans;
distributor attachments for: 2
row Allis Chalmers tractor. W. |
|B. Couch, Luthersville,
| Want 1 single section _har-
rew. tractor, Int. preferred or
John Deere scalloped disc. Pay
| cash Or exc.
;same. - Frank Harris,
Want to buy a compost dis- |
Must be in-gosd con-
reasonable. State
S and best price
J. J. Hendrix,
| tributor.
dition and
all particular
in first letter.
Rt. 1, Madison.
tractor in good condition with
nec. 10) turn plow, disc plow
and cultivator attachments and
| accessories. Nothing less than
6 or 7 HP. M. R. Baker, 615
East 49th St., Savannah.
- Want good used peanut pick-
be cheap.
Want one good 2 row cotton
dusting mactine. Must
| 00d eondition. W. H. Grimes,
; Want 10 or 12 HP upright
boiler in 2eod shape for can-
ion. A. T. Mauldin, Agr.
Teacher, Lavonia.
Want manure spreader,
slightly used, in good condition,
at reasonable price. Julius P.
McLanahan, PO Box 404, El-
berton. :
Would like to buy a Fordson
dise harrow cheao for cash. H.
KE. Mealer, Rt. 2, Adairsville.
right price, also side delivery
hay rake in good condition. R.
D. Tatum, -Palmetto,
Want side delivery rake for
tractor, slightly used. Quote
| price, make and condition. Pre<
ifer John Deere but would use
E. A.
Bnobicr make.
Se ae Se ant
: ee a a pte
Want a2 porse wagon. in|
Witherington, Rt. 1, Ches- |
horse disc harrow
HP. x N. Rhinehart, ae
Want to buy a good corn and.
Ri 225
Must be in first
F,~ Perry, |
Ccbotown. |
2 horse wagon for |
Baxley. |
Want used garden or Utility
\ | er in first elass condition. Must |.
Cc. W. DeLoach, |
be in-
mery. Write price and condit- |
. Want good Hammer mill at.
Want goog 2. horse wagon.
like to exc, 1 horse wagon. L.
L. Darminey, Rt. 1,
Enigma. af
combination planter. Mus
| pave full set of plates and gear
-and fertilizer attachments. No |
junk. Reasonable price. W. A.
Drennan, Rt. 1, Fayetteville.
Want % to 1 HP gas. engine
for light farm use. Floyd
Adams, Jr.. Rt. 1, Buchanan.
Want Turner, American,
belt feed. Write.
ford, Tiger.
Want to ae second hand
wagon scale within 50 mi. of
Ardian. T. J. Braswell, Adrian.
Want Orchard disc harrow,
off set type, also disc plow for
use with Farmall A. tractor.
Must be in good shape for serv-
ice. C. G. Lloyd, Blue Ridge.
er, prefer Niagara or some good
3 or 4 row duster. Jes Bailey,
Want 1 horse mowing ma-
chine of stand make. J. W.
Moore, 181 at ee St. NW,
~ Want. 4 100 ee syrup kettle
at cheapest price. C. M. Ken-
dall, Funston.
harrow for Fordson tractcr.
Write S. D. Truitt, 901 Court
House, Atlanta.
Want a garden tractor, pre-
fer two wheels. Give full de-
Bec and: price. G. E. May,
| Rt. 2, Macon.
gee Hammer mill in good
condition. Advise
price. A. C. Adams,
' Butler.
| Want hand or small power
driven feed or
batch mixer for poultry feed.
eit.; _ advise
rand "price.
Want two row cultivator with |
power lift for Allis Chalmers
| model: WC tractor. Will trade |
LF=12: IHC tractor, or pay. cash,
_F. C. Bolton, Cordele.
Want two dise tractor plow. |
J. M. Rickman, Woodstock.
Will buy at right price or would.
Box 6,-
Want 1 Cole cotton a eoene
tea. 1735. Mrs. bs M. Vary, oor
Frick or Meadows mill with -
M. L. Craw-~
Want good mule drawn dust-
Want 1 double disc cutaway
size and-
elover cutter; |
condition, . make |
R. Caldwell, Boston...
Want to trade for good pea- |
Mew town ane.
used this past. season,
cond., $100.00 cash at our farm.
tes Hardin, Culloden.
Blectric brooder, 50
cab., like new, for sale. Phone
lege Park.
-Sears- Roebuck 150 egg. cap.,
used 1 season, in practically
new cond: Will del, free for
$15.00 cash or exc. for electric
1 Ine. or brooder.
Gaffney. Dunwoody,
(Riverview Rd.)
Little Brown Hen inc.,
thing can use. Mrs. Clayton
Douglas, Alma, Rt. 1.
Sears-Roebuck 500 egg eap.,
Incubator, $17.50, COD. A. Te
Larisen, Blakely.
Electric Inc., 1200 egy cap.,
$60.00: 4 elec. inc,
$15.00 ea. All ae cond., used
Jast season. Je P. Kinney, Am-
ericus. 2
Buckeye Inc. 600: cap. 500
cap. brooder, poth oil purners,
$30.00 for both: 100. cap. elec.
Inc., $10.00; also reg. O. =
home. F._H. Autry, Daniels-
willes Rte
eye; 250 eap. Buckeye; 200
cap. Buckeye, from $10.00 to
$15.00 ea. Hot Water system,
dil burners. Frank J. Watkins,
Eliijay, Box wee
1 wood burning ecuder
elec. brocders, also other poul-
try equipment for sale. T. R.
' Sullivan, College Parka Rt <2;
with wite
7-60 cap.
starter ~
all elec. thermostatically con-
$100.00 fcr lot. Joe Yancey,
50-100 chick ker. home- made
| brooder, complete, $3.50: Oliver
'goober plow, $4.00; Planet obs
garden plow, $4. 00: other tools.
DEP; Edwards, Waycross, Rt. 4.
Boe 246.
150 cap. baby chick brooder.
cheap: 5 h. gas. eng., also scme
other farm equipment. fe 1.
Story, Culloden,
nut harrow and corn planter _
_with double hopper;
cash or exc. purebred Hamp.
pigs (breeding stock).
' Duggan, Chester.
| lowest eash price. W. A. Big-
_gers, Rt. 4, Cordele.
_Diteher machine.
jprice. C. B. Bailey, Rt. 3. Cov-
ington. :
Want a horse drawn cotton |
Must be in
dusting machine,
good shape for cash.
, Ser, Rt. 4; Covington.
S Want 5 hear from. party |
having a goog second hand |
| | binder. Must be in good shape
jand cheap. Write what you.
Je Parks, Zebulon.
J. BE, Ros-
1 Sears 600 egg cap., oil
burner Ine., nearly new, $12.50
or trade: = Mrs. T= D. Smith,
Forsyth, Rt. 4.
9 elec. brooders, 3 ft. x8 ft.,
9 growing cages, 3 ft. x 8 it.,
reasonable -for ash.
seen. Tom: Kalamas, Ben dea
200 ege cap., Buckeye ine.,
good as new, $20.00. Cos
1 Littl Brown Hen -inc.,
| practically new, for sale. Mrs.
| Katie Walker, Vienna. 506 So.
| Cotton .St. -
,. Littl Brown Hen ine.,
fect: shape, used 1 season, full
instructions, $3.00 at my home.
|O. M. Moore,
1. Brown -Hen-inc., 50 eap.,
used twice,;.all instructions, 2
thermometers, 300d as new,
$4.00 or exc. for anything can
luse. Mrs. Clayton Douglas,
Aima, Rt. 1.
4 deck elec. brooder, ea. deck,
100 chick cap., good cond:,
bought new last April.
$9.50: 4 decks, $36.00.
A, Turner; Boston,
600 ege Buckeye Inc., with
self-burning trays; 2 thermom-
eters, instruWion book, every-
thing complete, good cond.;
$40.00 and del, within 60 mi.
5S. G. Lowe, Mansfield.
5Q eap., aie Brown ae
Inc., sed season,
new, $5. Beccoss Bi: va i Lc Sloan,
will pay
Want a good middle poster
Please give size and make and |
Can be |
Buena Vista, Rt...)
A deck, |
Mrs. Jo
Ww electric battery brooder
all - sizes- ds.
.| Thomson, Savannah, P.O. Box
Am interested in a Martin 1062.
Please quote
Water Inc. State make. price, |
_ equipment,
age and cond. C. E. Bell, At-
ijanta, 225 Loridan Dr. (Rt. 6)
in good shape, cheap; also 10
oil burning Super Hatcher Inc.,
=: Raiford
- per-'
- fect cond., all instructions, set
twice, for sale or exc. for any- | H
300. cap.,
A Hos: old. Host $10.00 at 9
600 cap. Bier atelier: Buck--
ka 1b. FOB.
. Home-made - battery prooder |
9 immediate brooders.,..
trolled, some other equipment, |
-- postage.
A; from. original
3600 cap., :
good -00 lb. del.:
heads certified e Ra
7 Rt. 1, McRae.
chick |
Old fashioned -prown
et runner bean seed, free :
weevils, 25c Ib. and postag
LMrs: L. C. Bishop, Rt.
Carnesville. ;
9 Ibs. Tom Watcon ae
melon sed, 60c lb., for th
ory oe jb; for single Dr es
Beckham, Seitton; g :
150. ibs. best grade sorgh
cane seed. 10 lb. in 12 to 28
lo. lots; the lot 8c a lb. Heavy
producer: also 200 lbs. He Tie
(Seagrain) at same price. E,
~ Smith, Rt. 4d. Cornelia, ~-
New Clemson spineless okr
seed, 50c a lb. Finest all round
okra anywhere. Add postage
Gy Hes Puincer ni 4, Box ae
Demorest. ee
Heavy bearing black ~ Bele
| bean seed, 25c large teacup or
would give 2 cups for 4 print
feed sacks. ;
| sacks as you wish but 4 of
color. Each pay postage. Mrs.
We V2 RODDS, RE Flowery
Branch, >
Early Kansas waterm lo
seed, 50c a Jb. FOB. We
Brannen, Unadilla. :
Crotalaria Spe:
maturing variety. Excellent
lang builder, 10c lb. FOB h
' Hugh Henderson, Br ooks.:
Early Crctalaria Specia b
sced, 10c a. 1b. FOB. 2B.
Mask. Wrooks. = te
Okra seed, 10 pide sua
jseed, 10c pkg: all FOR;
nice firm table patter,
ctalibis, : early
Mrs Co-e Willi
PR 2. Talking Rock. :
_ Pure Stone Mtn. w vate emela
seed, 50c a Ib.; banana mush
m- lon, | 25 teacupful: yell
_crookneck squash, 10c_ tbls
large Ind. peach, 25 doz. Ad
postage. Rosie Crowe, Rt. a
~ Cumming.
Green pod okra secd. aie
_gecd sound seed, has no sp
EO: gts. for $1.00 or 25 qt.
Mrs. Te Ae, Wood n
Rt. 1, Alto. i e
Selected Cuban Queen Ww
melon seed, $1.00 lb.; St
ville - 2B cottonseed, - 1st y.
'$1.50 bu. L. E. McIntosh, Qu
Cos ee een. seed di
volunteer vy
,fotind on the plantation of Mi :
Ww. R. Cox, pure strain, ge
| nation 96%:
quantity limite
$2.00 lb.: 8 oz. $1.00; 4 oz. 5
postoaid. Laurence. Duriles,
Lipsey watermelon ea
a Ib. Rockyford cantaloupe se
'50 lb. Mrs. J. F. Bennett,
Want 50 to 100 egg cap. Hot Ce Flowery rntich.
3000 stalks 29/116, $1. 00 C
-at farm, 3 mi. NW Cairo; a
(Or 15 hens of any g00d breed |
(or mixed:
Eu {ghum, Douglasville, 16
Grady St.
ES : Z ;
: |
Tomato: Blue Ridge Moun- |
tain. climbing,
Fup to 4 Ibs.
each order.
| Pike.
200 seed 25e; Colossal, wt.
Will C: Smith,
Jumbo pumpkin (grows to
150 bu.
north of Norman Park.
100 ibs) 12 Seed 19c and
postage. Tendergreen bush
beans, 25c lb. and postage. Mrs.
| Willie Smith, Rolston.
| Mary Dunlap, Rt. 1, Chauncey.
2500 stalks govt. impr. seed
ieane, ay. 5 and 6 ft., = 1% and
i 2c qa stalk at field. -M. A. Joun-
ison, Faceville:
Hales best cantaloupe feed.
/guar. soung and clean, 50 lb.
| olus postage. No COD orders.
A. L. Law, Rt. 1, Chula. .
1100 lbs. Sericea lespedeza
seed..15c lb. wnsearified. ce
little trash. E. G. Wade, Rt. 2
Climbing tomato, BLOWS 15
ft. high, wilt resistant, large
fruit, 2 bu. per vine, 300 seed,
25. Order now. . W. M.
Thornton, Jesup.
Colored running butter bean
seed, also white buneh oxra
seed, bear until frost H kept
cut, 15c teacup or. 2. teacups,
25c PP. Mrs. R. H. Woodward,
Rt. 3, Cartersville.
Big Long Green cane, No.
CG P 29-116, $12.50 per M.
bstatks, Wy W. Williams; Quit-
1200 Tos. Korean
eeq for sale, : Be
gourd seed, dipper :
$75.00. Mrs, J. H. Dekle, Kes. | gourd seed, 25 for 10c. Miss
also baby chicks. |
| State best prices on all. F. F.-
| $2.205
Want an oil burner brooder Some for good corn,
$1. 00 b
del. Pat Maxwell, Cairo,
- Few hundred lbs. Hegar
1b. Oscar Keener, Thomso
Collard seed, 30c lb., 10 Ibs
25 Ibs. $5.25 postpaid
| Alton. Ponder, Whigham.
10M stalks P O J seed cane
4-to 5 ft. long, 50c per Co
Brock, Rt. 1. Arabi, Crisp C
grows up to 15 | Dills, Rugby.
2 bu. to vine, up to 2 Ibs. |
15 lbs. long preen tender
okra seed, sound and clean, 25
lb. Add postage. Mrs. Le Ve
10M seed cane for fie $1: 50
per . at my. farm,
25 seed free with | Thomas, RFD 1, Box 33, Jae
| sony ille.
20M stalks P O J seed can
sale, $10.00 per M.; als
sweet potatoes, 5 mi
Gay,-Rt. 1, Ty Ty.
5500 lbs unclean Korean jes
pedeza seed, 7c lb. at my farm.
+ quality, without hulls.
Mrs. W. J. fae Rt. 1, Mar
Hegari (the dry weathe
grain), 5c lb. H. H. Ae
Rt. 1, Carrollton.
some weigh 40 to 50.
resistant vines, 20c 0Z.5
per 1/2 W. postpaid. J
Whitfield, 107 W. 5th St.
(green) made 700 gal. per acre
last year. Makes extra bright
syrup with fine flavor. O.
ae: RED, Ludowici.
Holt, Pepys ten
Marglobe jomato oF
tb.: New Stone, 75c Ib., all d
W. O. Waldrip,. Rte 1, ae
Branch. : :
Recleaned Hegari seed
(makes more grain than corn)
; Write for - rticulars, =
F Bohannon, Conyers
WNC ptalks P O
gee wood &
ure ae veer cpa seed
. del. in 4 qt. lots; Fresh
r butter, 3 Ibs., She 00 del.
tis. guar. Mrs. B. T. Thorn-
, Rt. 1, Bowdon.
About 30 to 40 lbs. pure Wat-
on melon seed. Selected from
est quality melons. Price 50c
= James B. Cooper, Barney.
ks 4 lbs. nice well cleaned
pimiento pepper seed, 15c an
oz or $2.50 Ib. Earl Hester,
D: No. 4, Cuthbert.
: Hand cleaned Cuban Queen
watermelon seed, $1.00 per Ib.,
postpaid. Thomas F. Mixon,
RFD No. 2, Fort Valley.
Have about 75 Ibs.
een watermelon seed, 75c Ib.
* C. Webb, Bronwood.
Old fashioned cornfield bean
d, tender, large cup,
postpaid; no stamps. Mrs. G.
= cole, Rt. 2, Jasper.
fales best cantaloupe seed,
a lb.: crooked neck squash
3 50c lb.; 1 gal. old fashion-
multiplying onion sets; 50c
Add postage. Minnie
dams, Pavo.
od kind okra seed, 15c pt,
25c at., will exc. soma for white
muda plants, red May cher-
jes, 2 for 25c, 5 for 50c. All
eae Mrs. Lizzie Casey, Rt. 4
oy Ring
cluster cucumber, 10c
; old fashioned striped ten-
er garden bean seed; okra
seed bear until frost if kept
ut, 25c cupful. Add postage.
ine Henderson, Ellijay.
watermelon seed, 65c lb.,
tity. J Lightner, Ideal.
lbs. Stone Mtn. watermelon
d, $2.75 or 25c teacupful;
ge meat wonder melon, 25c
cul uls, 25c; castor bean, vine
a: disrag 18 seed, 15c. All
No stamps. Mrs. Ida Mae
ivan, Rt. 2, Whitesburg.
llow meated watermelon
sed, superior to practically ali
ther melons, 8 oz. by foe: 3 45; .
ub : 5 1 doz. of a
d, 25c and a self addressed
tamped envelope; Big Ground
lon seeds hand gave, 75 tb.;
Ws. yellow beeswax, 35 lb.
Je Ww. Teague, Rt. 1, Su-
000. dbs. Kobe Lespedeza
yobine run) seed, Te Ib.
FOB. Had some recleaned for
planting and they turned
early 79% pure S02~
12 Mail chk or MO. with
der. N. P. Bassett, Fort Val-
ant July Ist South Am.
intergreen watermelon de-
ious, last until frost, round |
slon seed, half size of other
ons, 1/4 lb., 400; $1.50 Yb.
. Rooks, Springvale. :
ir hh potatoes, peanuts, field
sev. kinds of corn, white
yellow, bean, citrons,
pkin, okra, melon seed.
Write for prices.
Sand Mountain,
kra seed, 2 Ibs., 35: en dee
Box Se
. 40c. lb.; apple trees, bear |
une, July and. Aug. 3-4 ft.,
> but
~15 ea.:
bey Eng. pea seed
: Te Wb.
entire lot at my barn.
sweet pepper,
sound Cuban Queen ;
any |
ammoth sunflower; 2
J. R. Steph. |
- Add posteae:
Red speckled crowaes peas,
10c lb. in lots of 5 and 19 lbs.
or more;: brown speckled peas
same price; white tender corn-
field beans, 25c teacupful; red
multi. onions, 50 gal. All PP.
Miss Gennia Brown, Rt, 1, Ball
Ground, :
Tender aoenticla beans, mix-
ed var., 25c pt.;. garlic bulbs,
15c doz er if ordered together
will send both for 35c PP. Dol-
lie Eller, Titus. ~
10 lbs.. 65c: 30 lbs. mush peas,
2 Ibs., 25c: 5) Ibs., 45c; black
Stephens, Rt. 4, Cleveland.
300 bu. good 90 day running
velvet beans for sale in good
even weight sacks. J. H. Row-
land, Wrightsville.
Garden peas, large Laxtonia
heavy bearers at 16c lb.: del.;
dried pears, free of worms, 16c
Ib. del.; large Jumbo pumpkin
seed, 10c for 2 tablespoonsful.
Mrs. C. C. Rucker, Moultrie.
22 bu. yellow crowder peas,
pure and sound, $3.00 bu. for
O M.
Moore, RFD 1, Buena Vista.
15 bu. Blackeyed crowders,
$4.00 bu.; 10c a Tb. in less than
bu. lots. Del. W. R. Wood, 25
Cove St., LaFayette.
$3.00 bu. at my farm. Large
red Valencia peanut, free from
trash, 12c Ib. del. H. W. Thur-
mona, Rt. 1, Bex 131, Greens-
4 or 5 bu. white brown eyed
peas, $3.50 per
very prolific, good and tender:
20 cupful dei. or exc.
and each pay postage.
checks. Evelyn Davis,
Bihijay. pees
-& or more bu. whip nee for
sale of swap for purebred S
Stevenson, HUenwoed.
Six weeks or 2 erop crewder
No se accepied.
Walker Lackey, . A, Hiram.
16 bu. sound ee unknown
peas, $3.06
Phillips, Rt. 1, Palmetto.
20c a cupful PP. Miss
Densmore, Rt. 2, Jasper.
Small running clay, $3.00 bu.
FOB. Fine to plant with corn
or extra good for hay, heavy
producer. Limited@ supply. Lai
M. Willams,
Nice red amd white and
' 10 os.. 90c
isage, 30c pi. PP. Wm. Middle-
ton, Rt. 2. Botord.
i White erowder peas,
-bu.: iron peas, $3.00 bu..
ware and sound; runner velvet
'peans, $2.66 bu. A. G. Revers,
Rt. 3, Buena Vista.
| Red speckled erewaer peas,
-16c a Ye. in 10 Wo. lets or more.
Ge Ls Brown, Ri. 1,
They are not mixed
sound. W. Jd.
'McKemie, Sr..
/ per
field peas, $3.00 bu. FOB RR
1 Mrs. Jessie S. Colter, Barnes- |
. ville.
4 Smell whiie
aw thorn or
Mrs, Soll:
each gecd. red
perries. Write first.
om Rt. 1, Ocilla.
seed veliahie to Dig ienne
livestock, stands dry
10c Yo. FOB.
B.F. Dun--
Rt. 5: Cleveland.
1200 stalks P O J cane for
d, 2c a stalk. D. I. Hickox,
: St. _ Waycross.
Clay peas; sound and clean,
bu. here.
Swith order. Mrs,
ML Mae
owe, Rt. 1, Buford.
1941, A No. 1, 90 day veivet |
2.50 bu.: white brown |
rowders, yellow crowders,
0 bu.: white and yellow
vder mixed, $2.50 bu., in 244
Si: FOB, Lelius Helms,
No checks. |
jady peas, 10
| Kos.
crow der peas, 15 Tos., $1.08.
All PP to 3r aene. Money er-
der. . C, Ray, Ri. 2, LaFay- |
| ettie.
5 or 6 bu. ole time purple
hull peas, picked without rain,
'good and sound, $3.06 ou. net
| postpaid. T. M. Helene, Ri.. 3,
Hazlehurst. i
Velvet beans in 2% bu. bags,
$2.50: mixed peas in 2% bu.
| pags, $2.85; Brabs, 2% bu. bags,
$3.25. All FOE. Tem Tayior.
20 bu. Brab peas,
;pu. New Era peas,
$5.00; 20 |
$2.75: 20
ou. 90 day speckled runner vel-
vets, $2150 bu. C. B: Hicks, |
Streaked halt runner garden
peer ae ens, very prelific and long
earing. 20c cupful or 36c a
postpaid, No oe Mrs. R.
T. Chatham, Ri. , Adairsville.
20 bu, Red ee ede $3.00: bu.
All FOB. No small order ac-
cepted. L. F. Hood, Cleveland.
Speckled crowder peas. 8c a
rlb., 2 lbs., 15ce: white crowder
| same price, MB. Woodlift,
Rt. 1, Flowery Branch.
18 bu. pure eee
: cuowder peas guar.
Black and Calif. peas, 35c; |
' walnut meats, 45c a lb. M. C.
Cuban , {
"peck, $1.25.
Good, sound, New Era peas, |
bu. not pre-.
paid: = Joseph J. Carden Rt 1,
Limited amt. white Hull peas,
-gacks. 1cup peas, for 2 gacks, -
R I. red puliets now daying, =
_ (any large breed of pi igs, prefer:
+O ol Hamp or P.-C.
peas, will produce green table |
peas in six weeks, ife a tb. Add |
! postage.
i postpaid to 2nd zone.
25 bu. A-L vwelvet beans
known as 90 gay variety, $2.25.
Aes J. O. Hatcher, Rt. 1, Vi-
Sugar crowder peas, picked
without rain. Write for price
and. sample. A. R. Rosser,
3 bu. Cream sugar crowder
peas, slightly mixed, $2.50 bu.
FOB here. B. F. Peacock, Re-
2 crop white table mush
Couch peas, 20c lb., 4 lbs. del.,
50c. Guar. satis. Jaber Grant,
Rt. 1, Flowery Branch,
Whatleys seed corn, Ist yr.,
field selected, hand nubbed and
shelled, $3.00 bu. J. N. Hoge,
MRED, West Point, -
Hastings Truckers Favorite
i seed corn, 1l0c 1b., 3 for 353c.
| Add postage.
i Rt. j,, Box 137, Bremen.
64 lbs., shells 1 bu.,
for length of ear, grain, width,
thickness. Sample ear, 15c;
C. L. Maulder, Rt.
1, Ellenwood.
Fine seed corn known as
Coon corn, 2 & 3 ears to stalk,
nubbed and shelled, $1.00 pk.,
_ Adams, Rt. 3, Lawrenceville.
yellow. corn for sale, 85c. pk.;
Hastings prolific white corn,
65c; both postpaid; exc. for
cabbage or onion plants. L. A.
McLaughlin, Senoia.
Price impr, white and red
cob white Flint. corn, weevil
resistant, bears 2 to 5 ears to.
; $taik, $1.00 pk., or $3.00 bu.
'}#OB here. No checks. Send
C (Po: MO. Mrs. Troy Price, Rt.
2. Ludowici. | -
Brown's Impr. big white
| resistant corn, red cob, $1.00
ipk., $3.50 bu. FOB ae
Brown, Helena,
| pure, first class, nubbed, white,
718 lbs. for $1. 00, ist, Qnd. zones:
bu. FOB. S. A.!
Mixed cornfield bean seeds, |
Cora |
Rt. 3, Box 378, |
brown speckled erowder peas, |
: 2 or 3 pints of
$2. 73
all |
Ball |
106 bu. speckle peas, $2.25 |
50 to 60 bu. sound mixed |
$1.00; black eyed White |
beans for sprmg ang summer |
farther away, $1. 15 postpaid.
A. EL Nix.
Hastings new yellow prolitic
seed corn, field selected, nub-
ped and shelled, 60c pk., $2.00
ibu., Hastings white prolific
i game price; also Hegari seed,
:5e }. Add postage if by mail.
iH. A. Alexander, Rt. 1, Carrol
: For.
at bern, 5 mi. South of Metter.
Chas. L. Nevill, Pulaski. ,
Little cob seed corn, 8 to 12
rews to ear, carefully selected,
pk. postpaid; $3.00 bu. FOB |
here, J. D. Taylor, Yienna.
Fine seed corn known as
hard Coon corn, grows 2 and 3 |
ears to. stalk, mubbed and.
shelled, $1.00 pk.. postpaid $0
3nd zone. J. S. Adams, Wi. 3;
| Lawrenceville.
Hastings yellow prohiic seed,
corn, ist. yr. from breder,
raised in isolated field 1/2 mi.
from any other corn, selected |
'mubbed and shelled, $1.60 pr.
EK. L. Fewler, Rt. 2, Eoerton.
Haye few hundred tbs. white ,
geld planting seed, 2nd yr.,
trom breeder,
-ewi.: also 1941 seed. $4.00 cwt.;
Coker 260 strain 1-1940 erop,
$5.00 cwt. Ist yr. from breeder;
1941 crop, $4.00 cwt.
pod. Oliv er, Rt.
3, Commerce.
406 bu. Ne. 11 Rucker cotion- .-
8 ec, ist yr., reli drepped at
'gin, $1. 50 bu. at my place. R.
S$. Fain, Rt. 3, Cartersvilie, |
D&PL No. 12 -cotionseed,
| RvBr. pure and sounc, $4.50
per cw.
Ceker 10@ strain 4 cottonseed,
|] r from breeder, $1.35 bu.
J. E. Ladson, Moultrie,
| Stomeville 2-B cotionsecd.
, ist vr. especialy selected for
| planting, $1.25 bu.,FOB your
station. T. W. Simmons, Ri. 3
300 lbs.
cottonsed, let yr., kept
at gin, $4.50 per ewt.
Elliott, Mansfield.
seed. Several tons. good seed.
County agents in need of seed
write. J. A. Noian, Rutledge.
Cokers 4 in 1 wilt-resistant
cottonseed, ist yr. from breed-
er, 1-1/16" staple, $5.00 ewt.
ae G. Copeland, Odum, Bes
Hastings prolific seed corn, |
16@ bu. eorn in ear, $1.00 bu. | :
early J. & Chas. W., 500, 66c;
0 crop, $4.50.
194 crop $ 36 (3M. er more $1. 25 M.-
J. W. Harris, Monroe.
OU strain 3 cotton-
: Newnan.
_ cottonseed, $6.00 cwt.
Stoneville 2-B, ist yr. from
preeder, 1-1/16 staple, 37
bales on 39A, big rolls and easy
picked, privately ginned and
recleaned, $1.40 bu.; Good
sound Span. seed peanuts, Tec
lb. Riley C. Couch, Turin.
Stoneville 2B, ist yr. from
originator, staple er 1 or
better, $5. 00 cwt. . J. Crum-
mey, Jesup.
1/2 bu. Original Todds Impr.
staple cotton seed bought di-
rect in 1938 from breeder, $3.00
OB here. No checks. Cash or
PO money order. Olin O.
| Prickett, Maysville.
Stoneville 2B, 1-1/3 staple
1941, $1.25 bu.; also Pecans,
12%c lb. del. in Ga. in 6 |b.
jots or more. LL. S. Sewell,
First yr.
aneees A few
hundred Roldo Rowden, best
| wilt- resistant cotton grown in
Bonnell Nixon, lana $5.00. wt,
$1. 50 bu., $5.00 cwt. FOB
ose Smith. Ashland.
Ruckers No. 11,
FOB. = ds.
; Paris, Rt. 1, Norcross.
D&PL cottonseed ginned on -
Full grain, 2 eared seed corn, ,
selected |
385A last year.
, tonseed, $5.50 cwt.;
. pink
private gin, no black seed not
dirt, shipped in good even
weight bags. Made 33 bales on
$1.50 bu .FOB.
J. L. Thomas, RFD 1, Madison.
About 25 bu. Cokers 100 wilt
resistant cotton seed. Produces
well and matures early, $1.50
bu. FOB. J. A. Green, Rt. 2,
: Plains.
pecks Hastings prolific _
Ruckers Impr. cottonseed
staple 1-1/16, lint 45%, 1250
make a 500 lb. bale, $1.50 bu.
W. T. Rucker, Ashland.
500 lbs. PD&L No. 12 cot-
lbs. No. 165 $5.00 ewt. All
pure seed ginned on 1 var. gin.
Cc, . Palmer, Rt. 1, Loganville.
Rhynes Cook and Rhynes
wilt-resistant Stoneville cot-
tonseed for sale by the breeder.
Write for prices, ete. C. L.
| Rhyne, Americus.
i Flint, heaviest and most weevil |
Booking orders for Marglobe |
Tomato plants, March 25th del.,
$1.75 M.: Gov't. insp. and treat-_
ed. impr, P. R. Potato plants,
skin from vine grown |
seed. Pure $1.75 M. Mae
hornton, Screven.
kudzy crowns, $6.00 M., FOR.
Orders will be filled as kudzu |
'is @ug during planting season.
|W. J. Martin, Rt. 2, Jefferson.
Cabbage. large, fresh | extra |
| 90c M.: white Bermuda onion
| pencil size, 500, 65c; $1.00 M.
| All del.
yubbed and shelled, $1.00 per iF. Fy Stokes,
Klondyke strawberry io
$1.00. M.: well rooted Boysen- |
perry plants, $2.00 doz. Phone
| Wa. 3660, Geo. U. Steffner,
1041 Oakdale Rad., NE, Athanita.
Booking orders for pure govt.
iimsp. P R potato plants, ready |
| Apeil 15th. Well rooted. sey
count, satis, guar., $1.56 M.,
*M., Or mere $1. 25 M. Both
ped and vellow skin. A. F. Mad- |
dox, Fitzgerald.
Now booking orders for Doth
ired and yellow skin PR Poieto |
| plants, ready April 10th or 20th.
| Place your ote new and be
sure of early plants. aoe =
| Maddex, Fitzgerald.
Al) pure.
Booking orders fer hot bed
poiate plants, red skin FP. K,
$1.50 M., April Gel., not posi-
paid; Baltimere and Stone te-
meto plants, $1.00 M. Leon
Delta Pine No. 132 |
Gaff, Rt. 3, Fitzgerald.
BKRlondike strawberry, 80c for
$1.50 M. No pients ship-
peg COD. Mrs. GC. L. Chiders,
Ri. 2, Gainesville,
Klondike strawberry. 80c for
506, $1.56 M. Ne olanis ship-
ped COD, Mirs. Ulysses Reed,
Fite 2: Gainesvilie.
1008 everbdearimg sir awberry
plants, for sale or exc. for 12-
100 o., car. chicken feed sacks.
| Mrs.
Frank Seve Ri. 1, Ab-
About 2A Kudzu vines, Will
give them ic anyone taking
them away. Mrs. May Anthony,
9479 Pedehtree Rd., N. E., Ai-
Genuine well rooted acres
dewhberry. plants, 50c C., posi-
paid: white velvet and mam-
moth green pod okra seed,.50c
Yo., postpaid. Frank Benneii,
Chas. All head Early & early
Flat Dutch. cabbage, Heading
and blue stem collards, 200 for |
35c: 500 for 65c: 90c M.;: Won-
derbearer, 35c C.: 500 for $1.00,
$1.75 M. del, Booking orders
for PR & Triumph Potato.
Coker 200 Strain 1:
500 or 700.
thousand medium sized .
Satis. guar.
| jin,
Choice 2-3 yr. kudzu
AAA specifications. B. W
dlebrooks, Barnesville.
Frostproof cabbage,
Chas. Wakefield, 60e M.
low Bermuda onion, 90
good strong plants and pr
shipment. Mrs. A. B. W
Alma. =
Strawberry plants; Kl
25c C-: 75c for ao
500; $3.50 M.
rooted eisai
ment. Eugene O. &
1, Cumming.
strawberry, $2. 00 M.,
red golds with each or
500. . No checks. ;
Rt. 2, Ellijay.
Well rooted Kudzu
tings, 75c C,; $6.00 M.
; Reid, Hogansvile.
Kudzu crowns,
Clyde Lanier, Graymo
Cabbage plants, Earl
Chas., 500 for 50c; fit
$1.00 bu. '6
os ae
bunch; horse radish, cor
sage, 10c ea. bunch. A d
age. Mrs. T. M. Lock,
Box 84, Ellijay. o
La. Yams and PR
tato plants ready A
$1.50 M. posteais. R.
Ree, Meigs. | :
Kudzu See 2 yrs. ol
older; $8.75" Mi. C=C in
ao hipley.
About 20 bu. aod:
PR potato slips for sa
bu. A. M. Sellers; Rt.
= ley.
Klondike strawberry
80c for 500; $1.50 :
shipped CoD. M
Reed, Rt. 2, Gaines
Klondike strawber
$0c for 500, $1.50
shipped COD. Mr
Childers, Rt. 2; Gainesy
'reoted. . Mrs.
2; Gainesville.
Ga. collard, 20c C
cabbage plants, $1.00.
mailed. L. A. can
' Gainesville.
| Kudzu crowns ue sale
| genuine plooming pea
Harris Robertson, Be
botton. ;
Wakefield cabbage
| bage collards, 500,
the great golden pu
grows to 100 Ibs., 2 doz.
| 15, large pkg., 25.
Calvin Garrett, Rt. Hi
iyvitle, ;
Everbearing Mee
| plants, 25 C::-$2.00
/T.. same price. Sen
with order. No che
posiage. Mrs. J.
Rt 1. Dahlonega.
Wakefield and (Early
_ cabbage plants, 20c
45; _frostpr oof | coll
'45c: 75c M., del: 5M
"Rt. Be Bo
good strong plant
| Lee Crow,
| Gamesvilie.
Early Jersey and Cha:
proof cabbage, 500, 70
'M.: Bermuda onion, 500
$1.15 M., postage |
Conner, Pitts.
i Ga. ang neste ol
| FC 7Oc M Wake: i
Dutch cabbage, 500
| M.: extra sweet Ch
bright yellow,
| fer
| eel. Amos
Geinesvine. _-.
Eariv J. Chas. and Fla
frosipreet cabbage Y. its
and green, 506, 65c:
Bermuda and swee
'enion plants, 500, 70c: $1.
Dei. KR. Chancier, Pitt
Imp. PR ang N.
506, $1.15; 1 M., $2.25 Pl
$2. eo exp: eld fashioned
500, $1.40; 1 Me =
1 M., $2. 50. exp;
band selected hori ie
treated seed bedded | in
ena: Ready about .
C. A. Dobos, Gainesville
fas J; Ghas.,: ang
Dutch frestproof cabbage
fresh and green, 500. 6
M. del... Write for price
temaio and pepper pla
Chanclor, Pitts,, %s 5 ..
Tinousands. Iceberg,
Wakefield, cabbage, b
carrot, and collards,
$2.50 M.; Booking
Marglobe tomatoes,
hot Bell and Pimient
50c C. Straight or c
ders. Del. Mrs. H. NS
jin, Register, tS
lard plants, $1.00 M.: will |:
Fae for other plants or
rite -what. you have.
ura B. Taylor, Rt. 1,
Tay cross, Le
Zams and P R. sweet po-
d Marglobe and Bonny
omato plants, $1.50 M.,
Ready April ist. R.
ee, Meigs. ie
_or thousand mile vine
You come and dig
J. H. Leverett, Rt. 1,
ysenberry plants, $1.25
Youngberries, $1.00 doz.
. J. Carter, Newington,
rong, heavily
+ $7.50 M.:
ty red raspberries, strong
~50c doz. Add postage;
doz. for doz. large type.
ny color except bronze.
eo williams. Rt. 2, Box
32, Blue Ridge.
jagara grape vines, very
, white or slightly. pink,
neord blue, brown figs, 2
30c; Himalaya. berry, 75c
Blue Damson plum, 2 for
PP. Mrs. Nathan Weath-
y, Rt. 4, Ball Ground.
chmond cherry, Halls
ot, Hazelnut, Filbert, crab-
e, Pawpaw sprouts, rooted,
BS $1.5 doz.; red thorn-
aspberry, 24 for $1.00;
blackberry, red _ plum,
arb, $1.00 doz. Dennis
on, Mineral Bluff.
yellow extra sweet peach
es, 15c ea., $1.50 doz.; May
, red plum sprouts, 15
_ everbearing
= rs.
exc, for sacks.-
fosa Richards, Rt. 2, Talking
hrifty bearing budded pa-
ll pecan trees, :
B Claxton; Schleys, Stuarts,
s. Moore. and Tech
rp, any var., any size, same
ce. Send MO or cashiers
Ben KE. Daniel, Grad.:
mitory, Athens.
oncord & Lutie grape cut-
ings, $5.00 M., 50c C., 25c for
doz. PP; exc. for Eng. peas
other garden seed. Want
obacco, long handle and big
gourd seed. Jir
2, Box 106, Elijjay:
warge .prown. Turkey figs,
00 doz. cr $4.00 C.; old fash-
med Limber twig. apples, 20c
a.; some Keiffer pears, 25 ea.
. Paul Cole, Rt. 2, Waco.
ach trees, grape vines,
Jeading var.. $55.00 M.; $6.00
C.: $1.25 Doz.; plums, apricot,
lock walnut, $10.00 C.; $2.00
+ $2.40 doz.
-Biue Damson plum, _ large
urplish skin freestone sweet
plum, May cherry, 3 for 30c;
e apricot or peach plum, 2.
for 30c; Klondike strawberry, ,
-C.: Lady T. strawberry, 30c
del. Mrs. J. S..Crowe, Rt.
, Cumming.
Blue plum, red May cherry,
me blackberry, $1.00 doz.;
purple lilac, purple and_ pink
-erepe myrtle, well rooted, 10c
ea.: yellow jonquils, 15c doz.
Mrs. J. E. Patterson, Rb. aay
Waco. :
ame crabapple, 3 ft. high.
weeping willows, 25c ea.; ts
Regis raspberry, 10c ea.; Fair-
fax strawberry, 50c C. D. G.
Roberts, Rt. 1, Suwanee.
- Pecan trees: Stuart, Success,
Moneymaker, Frotcher, 2-3 ft.,
85c; 3-4 ft., $1.00; 4-5 ft., $1.25.
Not del. E. Campbell, Odum.
Brown turkey figs, bronze
scuppernong, hazelnut bushes,
$1.00 doz.; white hibiscus, red
crepe myrtle, 10c ea., or $1.00
doz.; per. sweet pea, 75c doz.;
del. Inez Bradley, Rt. 2, Bow-
on. x
Brown turkey figs, scupper-
ong, large red June plums,
c ea.; $1.00 doz.; horseapple
prouts, 15 ea.; well rooted.
. stamps. Miss Annie Cole,
2, Bowdon.
Peach trees, grape vines,
eading var., $55.00 M.; $6.00
: $1.25 doz.- plum, apricot,
lack walnut, $10.00 C.; $2.00
oz. Mrs. E, B. Travis, River-
Hazelnut bushes, 85 doz.;
Muscadine vines, scuppernong,
.; huckleberry bushes,
. Add postage. No
Mrs. G. W. Bradley,
2, Bowdon.
2 or 3 hundred extra large
-fig sprouts, $1.00 doz.
. C, Teague, Rt, 2,
..C. M. Robin-.
| garden
- Brown fig bushes, $1.50 doz.;
req plum_ bushes,
white scuppernong vines, $1.00
doz. PP. No orders less than
$1.00. . Miss Hazel King, Rt. 2,
Bowdon. . : eee
Muscadines, black and white
scuppernongs, blue
Goose and Early June plums.
hazelnut bushes, 10c ea., $
$1.25 doz. Mrs. Seabron Hug-
gins, Waco, R2. Ps
Lucretia Dewberry, large
rooted Kudzu Seresan treated,
$1.00 C.; 300,. $2.50; Himalaya
| Blackberry, 50 for $1.00; Ma-
ture Celestial Fig cuttings, bear
ist yr.. 50 for $1.00 PP. J. W.
Toole, R33 Burton Ave., Macon.
Concord and Lutie grape cut-
tings, $5.00 M.: 75e C.; 25c doz.;
PP; Exc. for Eng: peas, other
seed, tobacco, long
handle and big gourd seed. J.
R. Bramlett, Rt. 2, Ellijay.
Home collection grape vines
and Male,
ey, Scott, Creswell
Scott, Con-+
PP $1508 Zo: ts
cord. ue
May cherry, Horse apple, 1-2
ft.,.15c ea.; Carolina cherry an
evergreen, currant berry, Him-
alaya berry, 1-2 ft., 10c ea. or
$8.00 C.x.50c orders PP. Jose-
phine Raley, Mitchell.
| State insp. leading var. apple
and peach trees,
Niagara, Lutie, 2 yr., I0e ea.;
pear, 3-4 ft., 25c ea. W. Te
Alexander, Cleveland.
Good home orchard, 6 apple
trees, early to late, 6 peach
trees, 3 grape vines, different
var., 1 yr. old, state inspected,
$1.75 del. T. M. Webb, Elli-
jay. .
2 i
A limited amt. of Stuart Pe-
cans, 1941 crop, 10c 1b. in lots
of 10 Ibs. or more not prepaid.
Jim Bramlett, Rt. ;
+ Keiffer pear trees, $17.50.
Mrs. E. B. Trav- :
1 1b.
3. i. Rustin, Rt. 2, Mauk. :
36 er 35 bu. Black wasnuts
in hull, but dry, 1941 crop, 35c
in. of 33-1/3c bu. for lot FOB
inere; also 115 Ibs. Pecan
Scbleys and Stuarts, 12%c a lb.
or i5c a lb. del. J. B. Lang-
ford, Rt. 2, Maysville. :
White impr. Spanish peanuts,
6c lb.; prolific seed corn, 75c
pk.: $2.00 bu.; velvet beans,
$2.50 bu.; sorghum seed, 10c
lb. Add postage. W. H. Holt,
Rt. 1, Fayetteville.
25 lbs. Schley pecans, nice
size, fresh and good, 15c_lb.;
Send PO order and inciude
transportation charges. Mrs.
Belle Godard, Goggins.
About 100 lbs., good Stewart
pecans, 15c lb.; Want 10 bu.
good, white corn at 75c_bu.;
also old fashioned Red, Buck,
White or Sugar Yam _ potato
plants. A, J. Grimes, Glen-
wood, P. O. Box 44.,
T. May, Warthen.
seed peanuts, 30c gal. PP. J.
A. Wood, Rt. 1, LaFayette.
No. 1 strained Honey, 10 Ib.
pail, $1.35; 5 lb. pail, 70c; del.
by mail; 4-10: lb., $5.00, 6-5 Ib.,
$3.90 del. by express. Any
quantity packedin 5 & 10 lb.
pails FOB my station at 10c
Curd Walker, Norristown.
6-10 lb. pails to case, FOB
here, $7.50. Extracted. All No.
2 grade sold out. John A.
Crummey, Box 117, Jesup.
26 Ibs. clean beeswax for
sale; Make best offer COD.
John Dickens, Ocilla.
16 hives pat. equipment for
bees, 8 and 10 frame hives, ex-
tra supers, frames, gloves, bon-
nets, smoker, etc., for sale.
Mrs. Willis S. Smith, 1363
Northview Ave., N. E., Atlanta.
Phone (nights) Ve. 3055.
Guar. oakwood smoked meat
Hams, 35c lb.; Sides, 25c Ib.;
Shoulders, 22c lb. FOB.-E. C.
Hurst, Rt. 2, Meigs.
Country cured oakwood
smoked hams, 30c lb.: sides, 22c
lb.: shoulders, 18c Ib. FOB
here. CoB, Hurst, RFD. 2,
Meigs. Bi ess
$1.00 doz.;.
Damson, |
doz.:..Concord. grapes, 15c ..,
(Muscadine type) well rooted. |
One each, Hunt, Dulcet, Stuck-
1-3 yxr.,: 10--
20c ea.; Grape vines: Concord,
|hay. Send stamp for reply. A.
Nice pecans, 10 lb. Mrs. E. |
A few gals. impr. Spanish
Ga. cane syrup in gal. cans,
75c gal.; in 1/2 gal. cans, 80c
gal. All crated. No orders
less than 5 gal... Send money.
order. Joe. M. Brown, McRae.
Pure Ga. cane syrup, 80c gal.
in 1/2 gal. pails. Not sold in
less than 5 gal. lots. It is of
very good quality. FOB. W.
B. Causey, Rt. 1, Baxley..
Genuine smoking or chewing
tobacco, 6 lbs., $1.00 del. Hiram
Lightsey, Screven.
- Home-raised, flue cured,
Red and yellow, Ga. raised to-
bacco. 9 lb: box chewing, $1.-
00: 10 lbs. smoking, $10.00.
Postpaid. Prompt shipment. M.
'B. Swain, Alma, : : ;
Nice fresh. firm yellow Jer-
sey butter, 6 or 7 lbs. a wk.,
30c Ib. del. in- 1st or 2nd zone.
Mrs. J. D.. Melear, Rt. 2; Bow-
don. e
Nice sundried apples free
from worms, core and peel,
1941 crop, 12%c lb. Add post-
age. Mrs. Jasper Long, Aska.
Nice fresh country butter,
40c lb. or 3 Ibs., $1.00 del. a
wk. Mrs. C. E. Horsley, Rt. 2,
Nice, bright sun-dried apples,
free of peel and core, 12%c a
lb. del. W. A. Marr, Sarah.
Starks Delicious sundried
apples, free of core, peel and
worms, 15c lb. del. in Ga. Mrs.
Willie Smith, Rolston.
25 tons Lespedeza, $15.00
ton, FOB here.. L. D. Ware,
Tignall. :
About 2000 lbs. good Spanish
furnish truck and come after
J. Adams, Rt. 1, Ashburn.
Limited quantity Alber seed
sats direct from breeder, 80c
bu. S. P. Kenney, Athens. :
Good grade baled hay, John-
son grass and cloved, Prefer-
ably picked up at barn. W. G.
| promptly
peanput hay. 70c Cwt.; buyer |.
3 doz. yard eggs daily, guar.
fresh, for 80c at my door. F.B.
Felker, Hapeville, 3351 Stewart
Ave. ce ey :
Booking orders for M. B, and
stock, turkey eggs, 20c ea. Add
Augusta, Rt. 2, Box 413. -
Hampshire Reds, direct stock,
$1.00 per 15, prepaid. S. R.
Scarborough, Hawkinsville. |
Ancona eggs, Shepherd strain,
eggs, 12 for 85c.
Mrs. L. D. Elliott, Lavonia.
R. I. eggs from very dark
$1.25 for 15 del. Prices on in-
cubator lots, Exc. for onion
and cabbage plants. Mrs. H.
G. Brown, Rt. 1, Stone Moun-
Pure large white Pekin duck
eggs. $1.00 for 12 del., 50 eggs,
$4.00 del. B. B. Barksdale,
Purebred red speckled Sus-
PP,. $1.25 for 30. Carefully
packed. Mrs. Earl Wilson, Rt.
5, Gainesville. Ny
Buff Cochin Bantam eggs,
$1.00 for 15 del.; Thompsons
White Rock eggs, $1.25 per 15
del. C. B. Ellington; Rutledge.
heavy laying strain.
$1.00 for 15 del. in Ga.
Alma Scott, Concord: &-
Wild Mallard duck eggs, $1.00
for 15. . Call after 6:00. PM.
AM. 1500. R. B. Scarboro, 456
Childress Dr., SW off Cascade,
special cartons,
| Atlanta.
Thoroughbred Cornish |
(heavy type) eggs, $1.50 per
15. J: -H. Dunlap, Rt. 2, Hel-
Best laying strain pure Bar-
postpaid; 30 eggs for. $2.25.
Careful packing, prompt ship-
ment. Mrs. C. M. Robinson,
Greenville. :
Eggs: large big bone Broad
breasted pure MB turkey, $3.00
doz.; Pekin duck, 75c_ doz.;
Goose, 25c ea., 4 for $1.00, all
del. Mrs.:Boyd Baggett, Rt. 1,
Douglasville. 5 ;
Purebred R. C. Silver Laced
Wyandotte eggs, 75c for 15 eggs
prepaid. - Mrs. A. L. Norton, Ri
1. Summerville.
Vollenweider, 119 Sunset Ave.,
LaGrange. :
Excellent quality Lespcdeza |
Hay, $17.50 ton; mixed les- |
pedeza and assorted grasses, |
$15.00 ton. All free of John-
son grass. <A. P. Anthony, Rt. |
1, Tignall, Wilkes Co. ~
250 tons, baled hay, Johnscn.
grass cut in the bloom,. price
range according to grade, reas-
onable,, Farm located on Lov-
ers Lane 1% mi. city near Sand
Bar Ferry Rd. Jas. T. Gard-
iner, 915 Heard Ave., Augusta.
Black walnut: meats free
from shells and hulls, 35c pt.,
4 pts., 1.000 prepaid in Ca.
Mrs. W. A. Johnson, Rt. 4,
Alto, :
Sassafras roots for sale, 5
lb. cash with order. Add post-
age. L. D. Todd, Doraville.
Yellow rattle, sassafras root,
25c a ib... 5 Ibs... $1.00; sage :
plants, 15 ea.; tansy, yarrow,
catnip, hoarhound, peppermint,
spearmint, coltsfoot, mullin, 25c
doz. bunches. Mrs. L. M. White,
Rt. 1, Box 35, Dahlonega.
Peppermint, spearmint, cat-
nip, horsemint, yarrow, tansy,
hoarhound, mullin, 25c doz.
bunches; yellow sassafras,
rattle root, wildcherry bark,
25c lb., 5 for $1.00. Mrs. R.
M. Holloway, Rt. 1, Box 35,
Yellow root, sassafras, wild
plum and cherry bark, poke-
root, 10c Ib.; ueen of the
Meadow rat vane, 25c lb. Add
postage. Mrs. Jewell Hefner,
Talking Rock.
About 200 feed sacks, slight-
ly rat eaten, otherwise good
condition, price 10e ea. Wade
J. Rhodes, Madison.
About 4000 well matured
gourds with few small ones, 3c
ea. FOB, 3%c and select them
eg Edwin Collins, Cor-
Large size Martin gourds for
sale, not cut, 15c ea plus post-
age. Mrs. Harry J. Floyd, Rt:
2. Chipley,
Good clean goose feathers.
Write for prices. G. O. Adams,
Woodland. _ Soe
15. Boyd Williamscn, Com-
merce. re ae
Purebred Dark Cornish eggs,
hens weigh 5 to 7% lbs., roost-
ers, 9 to 11 lbs., $1.00 for 15
eggs postpaid. Mrs. Fred John-
son, Rt. 2, Box 152, Dawson.
Pure Dark Cornish. eggs,
from heavy layers, rooster, 11%
Ibs., hens, 8-9 lbs., $1.50 per
15 del. or. $2.75 for $0 eges.
Send money order. No checks.
Mrs. J. C. Herron, Rt. 1, Mar-
Barred Rock eggs (Thomp-
son Ringlet Strain) 85c for 15
PP: lots of 100, $5.00; larger
lots cheape:.. Mrs Karly R.
Brookshier, Rt. 1, Gainesville.
Old Eng. Black breast Red
game eggs, $1.50 per 15. C. H.
Baldwin, Box 367B, Rt. 8, At-
AAAA purebred (Bush strain
crossed with Booth AAA grade) |
White Leg. setting eggs, $1.25
for 15 postpaid. Mrs. Robert
Patterson, Jr., Rt. 2, Waco.
White Giant hatching eggs,
$1.00 for 15 plus postage. Mrs.
C. K. Phipps, Rt. 3, Newnan.
White leghorn' eggs,
headed by R O P males, $1.00
for 15; 65c doz. in 6 doz. lous
or more prepaid. You return
crate. W. F. Martin, Rt. 2,
SC large type white Leghorn
eggs, 40c doz.; Want to hear
from party who will hatch
large SC white Leghorn eggs on
shares to be del. back to me
no later than Ar. Ist. Want
500 hatched. Mrs: RR. -G:
Hawkes, RFD 2, Hull.
AAA bloodtested S C R I
Red eggs, 75c for 15, cartons
retd: In 10 doz. lots, 40c doz.
Mrs. G. C. Clifton, Millen,
:-Mammoth Bronze Turkey
eggs, Ellis strain, $3.00 doz.
Miss Ruth Brown, Shiloh.
Purebrd Toulouse goose
eggs, 20c ea. Mrs. M. M. Mor-
gan, Greensboro.
Purebred Buff Orpington
large Booth strain eggs, $1.00
for 15; 1 rooster, $1.50. Miss
Ronie Johnson, Rt. 1, Shellman.
\ Pure Partridge Rock and
Golden Lace Wyandotte eggs,
voc for 15. < No ~ stamps nor
Ernest Williams, Rt.
1, Monroe
Holland crossed, unrelated
postage. Mrs. R. J. Miller,
-- | Rt. 1, Eastman.
Eggs from selected pen of
16 eggs, 85c; White Pekin duck
Postage paid..
direct from Donaldson,
| good layers,
sex -hatching eggs, 75c per 15.
White Rock eggs, pure Fishel |:
| White.
red Rock eggs, $1.50 for 15.
Bantam eggs, mixed, 75 per
Giant strain SC Black MW
orca setting eggs from. br
ers, $1.50 er 15. L. B. Milliay
Newnan. A ae
' C RI red and white ly.
mouth Rock hatching eggs. 75
per 15, $3.50 per 100 Sra
quality stock. R. B. Wi
Thoroughbred Parm
Red eggs, $1.00 per setting. A
postage. Mrs. U. S. Ly
Alto. : tee
Purebred Buff Minorca egs
$1.00 per 15 plus postage. S
money order. No stamps acs
cepted.. Mrs. Dan Barr, Gu
ton. 3
S.-C. Ro le ted. eges trom,
Colonials best egg grade U. S.
approved -R. O: P. stock,* 15
eggs, $1.25.- E. L. Fowler, Rt.
2; Elberton. :
- Lindstorms Royal Buff.
oreas setting eggs, also Coli
ers R. I. Red, guar. pure at
$1.00 per se
del. Money order. Mrs.
Teal, Rt. 3, Franklin.
Brown leghorn hatching eggs,
50c for 15 if you send crate anc
pay postage; also good str e
honey in 10 lb. buckets, $1.
gal.; exc. for printed feed sac!
Mrs..S. R. Harden, Surrenc
Extra fine Ga. raised p
bred Domino strain Here:
Bull. 3 yrs. old in May, wt
about 1000 lbs, $150.00. F. B
Levens, Carrollton. oe
Two cows. fresh in, one -
Qnd calf, one with first. G
milkers. Mrs. Hardy Rh;
Reg. Jersey. Bull, a
breeder, gentle, from high
duction cow, Dreamer Bree
ing. H. S. Looper, Dalton.
One young cow fresh in,
| calf, 3 gal. a day, $60.00.
Watson, RFD 1, Mauk. |
Reg. 18 or 20 mos. old Jer
bull, $60.00 with papers. Ex
for hogs at market price. _
A. White, Rt. 1, College
- One nice Jersey cow,
in with 3rd calf about A
50.00 gets her. j )
ee Bearden, 10 Claud St.,
on, :
Three heavy springers,
Guernsey and 2 Jerseys. H
Waldrep, Rt. 1, Forsyth.
One thoroughbred Pollec
: tiereford bull not reg.; 1 y
| Jersey cow, heavy spring
half. Hereford heavy
springers; 4 half Heref
heifers, large size. C. Bur
Rt. 1, Franklin.
1 Jersey female calf from
gal. cow about 5 mos. old, $
00 FOB; 1 red male calf
5 mos. old, $20.00 FOB.
McPherson, Rt. 1, Rabun
One reg. Jersey cow f
with 2nd calf, with papers;
Guernsey bull, 4 mos. old, wi
paper; 1 heavy springer whi
face cow _ thoroughbres
thoroughbred white face heife
about 10 mos. old. Gordi
Yancey, Grayson. ay
One ox about 8 yrs. old, w
around 1400 lbs., $125.00 at my
barn. Will work anywher
and very gentle. B. C. Col-
lins, Rt. 1, Fort Valley.
One reg. Guernsey bull,
yrs. old; reg. Guernsey cow,
yrs..old to freshen soon
Guernsey cow, 4. yr.;
heifers one bred to reg.
Emerson Cason, Warrenton
One reg. Jersey cow, 3%
old, will freshen with 2nd. cal
March 12-15th. Perfect qual
ties, from high str. :
$65.00 before freshening
$75.00 dfter. Can be seen
Mrs. S. P. Owens, in village 0:
Almon,/4% mi. west of Covin
a Linton G. Ray, Gree
Good young cow, 3 yrs
Will sell or swap for good
at my barn. Mr. Frank Ric
ards, RFD 1, Sharpsburg.
with papers,
mos. to 2% yrs. Ly
farm, <A. D. Bagwell, R
Gainesville. =
20 good dairy cows for
(forced to quit dairying 0:
count of ill health) locat
farm 6 mi. west of Rome
G. Terrell, Rt. 5, Rome.
1 Fine reg. Jersey bull,
mos. old from extra fine stock.
$50.00 or exc. for a good id
cow. W. Jos Parker, =
Vista, :
1: Reg. Jersey male best of
blood lines, 15 mos.-old r
for service. T. W.
Rts. Douglasv lle. i :
Eight O I C pigs, 6 wks. old,
$6.00 ea. Full stock but not
reg. Also 50 tons Lespcdeza
hay for sale. John Fay, Oak-
- Sev. high bred Black Poland
China crossed with Hampshire
shoats, weighing from 30 to 50
lbs. Also some 6 wks. old
pies Bb F- Harris, Box 364,
Griffin, Ph. 4586. 2S
~ 25 blocky type Duroc Jersey
pigs, reg. in buyers name, 10
to 14 wks. of age. Shipped FOB
$11.50 ea. Send MO or cash.
- Adam Igou, RFD, Baxley.
es One white and black spotted
-gshoat, 6 mios. old, $10.00; or
swap for a 3 mos. old heifer
calf. HE. M. Atkins, R. 1, Ara-
Choice 10 wks. old Berkshire
pigs, reg., cholera immune,
$12.50 ea. C. J. Hardman,
Commerce. -
Thrifty SPC pigs Champion
bleoded, 2 mos. old reg, in
puyers name, $10.00; Also Seed
cane CP 807 and 29-16 Kobe
Lespedeza seed. C. R. Morgan,
Big bone Poland China pigs,
6 wks, old, March 1st, $7.00 ea.
. Patterson, Rt. 4, (CA9896),
Berkshire pigs, 6 wks. old.
Will reg. in buyer. name, $12.-
50 ea. FOB farm. All of my.
pigs are from top notch Berk-
shire blood lines: J. W. Rich-
ardson, Lithia Springs.
2 thoroughbred big bone
Black African guinea boar pigs
from unrelated stock, wt. 36 or
$8.00 ea, FOB. Charles Mal-
phins, Tusculum,
1 purebred black Poland
- China sow, 2 yrs. old, wt. about
$50 Ibs., reg. papers with her,
$50.00: or will trade for 65
hens any good breed, April
hatch. Jeff Smith, Cumming.
Purebred guinea gilts for
sale, 3 mcs. old, $8.00 ea. FOB.
Johnson Weldon, Rt. 2, Wood-.
Ury. 2 a
-. purebred black Poland
. 175 Ibs., ready for service
now. Sell or trade for a pure-
hire boar.
,oyd Kinsey, Sharon.
: \
Some very fine young gilts
bred), for sale or trade. B. D.
Couch, Roosevelt Highway, Col-
lege Park, CA. 9818.
3 spotted Poland China pigs,
. mos. old, $12.50 ea.; $15.00
a. reg. in buyers name. Sired
by a son of Perfection (Nation-
al Champion). L. M._ Isler,
organ. :
Two sows, one spctted sow,
ix fine pigs; also 300 Ibs.
country smoked ham, large
ize, Samie E, Mimes, Rt. 2,
ox 169, Milledgeville.
Blocky type Duroc Jersey
sigs, cight wks. old, registered
in buyers name, best stock in
qe state. $10.00. J. G. Kirk-
and. Sylvester... ~
One SPC boar 20 mos. old,
850 to 400 lbs. or will trade
or one of same breed to keep
or breeding. E.. W. Warren,
ee Winston.
SPC andq Guinea, cross, male
50 lbs. or more, fine shape for
-gervice at market price. J. W.
Williams, RFD 3, Woolsey, (2
. south of Antioch Church
His, 6 males, 9 wks. old, wt.
0 Ibs. ea. Reg. in. buyers
yame. life treated for cholera.
amar Altman, Rt. 1, Alma.
_ Berkshire & S. P. Chinas of
est reg. breeding. Pigs 3 mos.
id, $15.00 ea.; Boars and gilts
amos, Old, $20.00. ea:, reg.
erkshires ready for service,
22.50 and 25.00; others. Write
orris Sanders, Nashville.
Berkshire Boar, Oakdale
Prince 8th, reg. No. 387454, far-
owed Mch. 4, 1939, bred by
G. W. Bowsher & Sons, Wapa-
oneta, Ohio. $60.00 FOB farm.
Will furni.1 ped. & photo on
quest. J. W. Richardson, Rt.
ithia Springs. =
One Black P. C, gilt about 1
rr. Old, wt. around 175 Ibs.,
red to reg. PC. $20.00. Gra-
x corn, reg. Guernsey heifer
to 10 mos. old or pay cash
or them.
Vietealfe. _
Ree SPC pit bred. triple in-
culated and ated te et
38 lIbs.. age 10 or 12 wks. old, |
hina boar sub. to reg., wt. 160.
bred OIC Berkshire or Hamp-.
Must be reg. L. |
8 Blocky type SPC pigs, 2
am Simpson, RD 1, Culverton.
Jchn C. Thomas, |
Two S P C males, 4% mo:,
old, weigh about 100 lbs. reg.
in buyers name for $15.00 ea:
C. T. Trussell, Sandersville.
Reg. O.I C and Poland China
hogs. EHasy-feeding (blocky)
type. Boars, sows and_ pigs.
Plenty of meat pigs. C. H.
Strickland, Lithia Springs
(Douglas Co.).
3 purebred Duroc sows, 2
yrs. old, and 18 pigs. also 8 Du-
roc gilts, 8 mos. old, ready to
breed. Reasonable at my barn.
Hubert Davis, Rt. 2, Box War-
renton. ee
One hog, wt. 145 lbs. Sell or
trade for 2 ycung heifers. A. F.
Moss, Rt. 2, Alpharetta.
Two Duroc P C pigs, 30-40
lbs., for sale. W. M: Runyan,
One breed sow, P C & Duroc
cross, 2 shoats same stock; Exe.
for young cow, any breed, or;
for heifer yearling or good
table syrup. Write. A. M. Eller,
Titus. j
Purebreq Hampshire pigs, 4
mos. old, reg. in buyers name,
$15.00 ea., either sex. I. M.
Flowers, Ludowici.
8 Blocky type SPC pigs, 2
gilts, 6 males, reg in buyers.
name, 10 wks. old, wt. about
45 lbs., each, treated for cholera
$12.00 ca. Lamar Altman, Rt.
1, Aima.
One Berkshire Boar, farrow-
ed March 39, Name Oakdale
Prince, 8th, Reg. 387454. Fine:
condition, $60.00 FOB farm;
also reg. pure blood Berkshire
pigs. J. W. Richardson, Lithia
.1 Poland China Boar pure-
bred, not reg.,. 12 mos. old,
$10.00. Otis M. Cowart, Rt. 2,
Box 27, Summit.
1 Purebred Poland China
Boar, 12 mos. old and not reg.,.
wt. 150 lbs. $10.00 Double
Treated. Otis M. Cowart, Rt.
2, Box 27, Summit.
Black Essex with Application
for Reg. weaned pigs, $12.00
ea. Few with bob tail, $10.00
ea. (Cash with order. W. J.
Bargeron, Sardis. ie
Well broken 1100 lb mule, 5
yrs, old, $140.00 if taken before
March 10th. J. H. McGaha,
Rt. 15. Jasper.
Must sell all 8 horses, 6 yrs.
old, weighing 1000 Ibs., $175.00
at my barn. Send stamped en-
velope for reply and informa-
tion before coming to see. Nor-
man Sellers, Rt. 1, Baxley.
3 nice Jacks and a _ stallion
for service at Veal; also one
big 19 Oliver turner to exc. for
a No. 10; also 2 fine jennets,
bred to a fine Jack for sale. C.
G. Morris, Bowdon.
One filly colt; 20 mos. old,
for sale or would trade fcr
young heifer. J. I. Vaughn,
Rt. 7, Gainesville. |
- One mare mule, wt. 1000 to
1100 lbs., age 11 yrs. old, a No.
1 good mule, $95.00. C. S.
Peek, RFD 8, Box 318B, Atlan-
ta., y
1 horse mule, 7 yrs. old, wt.
1220 lbs., sound every way,
work anywhere,
ley, Rt. 2, Comer (5 mi. north
of Comer on Bowman-Athens
Rd.) :
Three. good smooth mouth
mule, wt. about 1000 Ibs. ea.,
work anywhere, $90.00 to $125.-
00 ea. Consider trading one
for gentle saddle horse. M. L.
Shealy, Oglethorpe.
An 8 yr. old red mare mule,
wt. 1000 lbs. $100.00. Works
good anywhere and easy kept.
T. B. Reid, 330 E. Lee St.,
Red Shetland pony, 8 yrs. old,
gentle, $55.00. Henry Lee, Lees-
burg. ;
One bay Belgium horse colt,
age 10 mos., around 900 lbs.,
Priced reasonable. Clifford H.
Sutton, RFD 3, Cleveland,
Beautiful 5 gaited bay sad-
dle mare, 7 yrs. old, stylish,
sound, fat, kind, gentle, work
to anything, wt. 800 Ibs., ideal
for ladies, $100.00. E. B. Bird-
song, Woodland.
One good fat plug mare mule,
12 or 14 yrs. old;. also 1 good
work mare, work anywhere.
Gordon B. Brown, RFD 1,
Blairsville. :
1 mare mule, 1000 Ibs... about
|} 15 yrs. old, stiff in hind legs,
otherwise sound, fast .and
3, | gentle, work anywhere, $25.00
.|cash or exc. for corn, -
aA rn : i
N. Thorn
| where.
T. J, Wans-"
Am unable to work. Will
have to sell my 1000 lbs. red
sorrell mule. Come and see at
Sam Steels store. B. P. Sax-
on, RFD, Norcross.
One red mare mule,
around 1000 Ibs., gentle, work
te anything. not tog old, exact
age unknown. _ $75.00 cash.
-W. O. Hall, Rt?'2, Danville.
One Black mule, wt. about
850 lbs., sound, work any-
where, $65.00: 1 Jersey Bull, 9
mos. old, extra fine but not
reg., $35.00. Jesse Lawson,
Doraville, * oe
One 8 mos. old black horse
mule, $65.00; will .trade. for
fresh cow; good bay, blocky
type, wt. about 850 Ibs.. pull
like a mule, 11 yrs. old, $135.00.
Bud Holland, Rt. 2, Box 196,
Dalton. <
One mule colt about 2 yrs.
old, harness broke, 800 and 900
Ibs. in wt. W. H. Clark, Rt. 3,
One Black mare mule in good |
condition, wt. 1000 lbs. or bet.
7 and 8 yrs. old, work any-
$140.00. J. A. Cox, Rt..
1. Molena. : ;
old, wt. 1100 lbs., good shape
and quality, work anywhere,
price right. Come and get her.
Bill Webb, Rt. 3, Jefferson (A
One young mare mule, wt.
about 900 lbs.: also 1 reg. Hol-
stein bull for sale. R. M. Mar-
tin, RFD 2; Waycross. =A
Two Black mare mules, 1000
lbs., 10 yrs. old. H. V. Bran-
an, Rt. 2, Austell.
Two young mare mules, fine
for farming. Weigh about
1200 Ibs. Come see them at
barn 8 mi. west of Griffin. T. J. |
McKibben, Rt. A, Griffin.
- 3 smooth mouth mules, $100.-
00 to $125.00 ea.; also 1 plug
horse, $125.00. All good work
animals; also Covington drop-
pers and distributors, Hamon
and Oliver plows. M. L. Shealy,
Oglethorpe. oe
1 Mule (knot on leg) about
10 yrs. old, $50.00; will swap
\ |for milk cow. Turner Moon;
Rt. 1, near Bethel. Church,
Stone Mountain,
1 mule, wt, about 1000 lbs.
or more, in good: condition,
good qualities, work anywhere,
1 horse wagon and some farm
tools. Mrs. Ida M. Morgan,
near Winters Chapel, 2 mi.
from Doraville, Rt. 1. > ;
work, $150.00; will exc. part
for heifers. H. E. Mealer, Rt.
2, Adairsville (5 mi, east of
| Adairsville).
2 good mules, 6 or 8 good
brood mares. For service, a>
Morgan stallion. T:- W.
mond, Rt. 3, Thomaston.
1 Blk. M mule, 6 yrs. old,
1050 Ibs.; 1 gray M mule, 10
yrs. old, 1100 lbs., fine workers
and sound. Plug gray M mule
cheap or exc. for yearlings.
Geo. McPherson, Rt. 2, Moul-
One filly colt, 20 mos. old,
for sale; would trade for young
heifers. J. I. Vaughn, Rt. 7,
1 good 14 yr. old 1000 lb.
mare mule in good condition,
work anywhere. Price $110.00.
ane Denton, Rt. 3, Douglas-
ville, ! ee
Red mare, 5 yrs. old, wt.
around 900 lbs., $75.00. C. K.
Hollifield, Norcross.
1 pr. small mules, wt. about
800 lbs. ea.; work good together.
In good
would consider trade for blocky
built mare not over 10 yrs. old
guar. to. work everywhere and
lias Fred L. Morgan, Guy-
on. :
1 Black mare mule, wt. about
1000 lbs.. work anywhere, no
plug, in good condition, for
quick sale cheap. H. C. David-
son, Rt. 1, Molena,
1 bay mare, work anywhere,
$60.00; will exc. for milch cow.
Mrs. Stacy Jones, 1226 Clair-
mount Ave., Decatur.
| One bay mare mule, wt. 1100
lbs., 12 yrs. old, good shape,
work anywhere, priced right.
Bill Webb, Rt, 3, Jefferson.
- Mammoth N. Z.'white rab-
bits ped., fine breeding stock,
Jarge litters, grow off fast.
S100 bes, 89, Aes B. Mar
See 3 2 TS., i DM GANAS, , NV
sha Sale,
wt. |
-One bay mare mule, 12 yrs../
1 mare mule, 4 yrs. old, wt. |
about 900 lIbs., broke, ready to |
condition; - $75.00;:
| Milledgeville.
4 N. Z. White Buck, ready
for service, ped. fat and
healthy, $1.50 PO MO; Red
Belgian Garneaux pigeons
purebred mostly young. Write
for prices and full details. R.
Lamar Brantley, Rt. 2, Wrights-
(4) high bred rabbits, 1 Chin
Chin, one white (1) Black and
the buck is a large Chin Chin,
mixeq with black, for sale or
swap for honey bees or fruit
trees, each paying freight.
Marcus Walker, RFD 1, Chick-
amauga. SS
Fine Buck reg. Saanan kid, |
Dam EllisQueen No. 67035 (the
largest doe you ever saw) sire
Lovelys Texas Ranger No..
67036 of Palestine, Tex., $15.00.
Cc. T. Gaines, Buford.
Purebred, pedigreed and reg.
Toggenburg buck kid, from 15
lb. dam and sire of 15% lb.
a kid of this breeding, as future
stock. Build up. your herd with
sire. Reasonable. John Hynds,
93 Warren St., N. E. Atlanta,
De. 5140. ;
Have about 1 doz, fine ram
Jambs half Southdown and na-
tive sheep, weighing about 50
Ibs., $3.50 ea. at my farm. W.
Y.. Harper, Wray. :
At Stud, reg. purebred Tog-
genburg . buck G-Man Joes
Confucious T-3082. Best blood
lines for quality breeding. Fee
purebred, $5.00; grades, $3.00.
Warren Rollins, 349 Murray
Hill Ave.. NE, Atlanta, De.
1 milk goat, 6 mos. old, $10.-
00. Good. stock.
maker, West Point.
Three nice 2 yr. old milk
goats, 1 fresh, 2 nice kids, 10
days old, male and female O.
K.: other two goats due in
April. All by reg. Saanan male.
Goats are 3/4 Saanan, 1 full
Nubian, other half Nubian and
Toggenburg; Also some ducks
and nice hens. D. A. Bagley,
M. D.,. Austell, Phone 3201. ,
One grown purebred Saanan,
ready to breed. Mother gives
6 qts. a day, $15.00 or exc. for.
Guernsey heifer calf. A. D.
Giles, Rt. 2, Douglasville.
. Ten mos. old Saanan_ doe
from quality stock, $15.00 at
my barn, J. R. Chapman, Rt. 1,
Whitesburg, (At McWhorter).
Fresh, purebred and reg.
Toggenburg doe, naturally
hornless and heavy milker.
Also horniess purebred kids, |
sired by Sir Roderick, the out-
standing Toggenburg buck of
the South. At stud, fee $5.00.
John Hynds, 93 Warren St., N.
E., Atlanta, De-5140.
Few fine reg. purebred kids
from Reg, Nubian sire Hatab
or to exc. Also Mam. white
Pekin drake, 3 ducks soon lay- |
ing, $3.00 FOB. Money order.
-F. E. Grubbs, Demorest.
At stud, purebred reg. Nubian
puck! For sale purebred reg.
Nubian buck and doe kids; also
splendid grade Nubian doe kids
-sired by purebred reg. buck.
Earl S. Redwine, Madras. - _
Reg. Saanan male Donupel.
S-3456 AGS at stud fee $3.00.
1 week free board for does.
Kids and does for sale. W. J.
Sumlin, 730 Grand Ave. NW,
Atlanta, Center Hill.
2 highgrade Saanan does, 1
yr. old, not bred, $25.00; 1-6 yr.
old Saanan doe, 6 qt. milker,
long lactation, reg. bred to
purebred buck, to freshen in
June, $25.00. E. Thompson,
Want to buy 2 Black Essex
pigs, male and female, not
closely related. Would consid-
er gilts already bred. J. T.
Grice, Glennville.
Want one pr. young guinea
pigs. Price must be reasonable.
Ray Busha, Rt. 1, Royston.
Want to buy Shetland pony,
not too small, must be gentle
for children to handle. - Cash
if -cheap:@.-F> Huff Re: 1,
Want a white face calf about
3 of 4 mos. old, for cash. Cur-
tis Padgett, Rt. 2, Amercius.
Want a good 4 gal. Guernsey
cow, 2nd or 3rd calf, sound and
gentle. State price in Ist let-
ter. Geo. McPherson, Rt. 2,
- Want to buy 30 head of cattle:
Want a partner in the cattle
business. Have over 100A pas-
ture. Will furnish ,pasture and [1 r
E. B. Shoe- |
told enough to serve;
March 11
. Will. exe. a 250 Jb
heifer for male of.equa!
B. D. McLeod, Rt. -1
Mountain, |
Want reg. Duroc Jersex
bred. Quote price and ag
date of breeding. Mr
Rhyne, White. :
Want for cash, reg. Bi
Black Poland China
gilt bred to reg. boa
Mitchell, Jr., Dunwoody.
Want milk goat now g
to 6 qts. daily or at. al
date, Write what |
how much milk it
price. RR. .T. Chatha
Adairsville. a4
Want 30 common |;
cleaning pasture. (
number of nannies, But
ed preferred. R. E. D
shallville. ES
Want a small 3 gal re
cow. E. F. Cash, Montr
Want 4 or 6 Poll Her
heifers, weighing about 4
500 Ibs. Want at le:
full bred. W. A. Simpso:
428, McDonough.
Want one natural hor
(young) male goat,
enough for service).
buy 2 or 3 females i
Write what you have and
Dont want any with h
Ty Peed, Butler.
Want a big bone Duro
about 50 ibs. Please
size of mother and fat
letter. Mr. C. C. Wait
i,Norman Park, = =
Want to buy a mule,
and gentle, 2 or 3 pig:
of M. B. turkeys, a few
and a doz. yearling hens
to buy from people not.
from Albany. State ki
and price. C. H. Burdi
1, Albany. 5 is
Want best price on o1
or subj. to res.-8 or
old, spotted Poland Chin.
also one Guernsey heife
subj. to reg. Want o
stock. Mrs. Marvin W.
Rt. 1, Box 20, Nahunt
Want little bone stay f.
guinea pig, female, short
3 of 4 mos.old. . &.
try, Register.. - i
Want B. Poland Ch
for corn or seed oats.
King, Rt. 1, Ellenwood.
25 head good beef type c
and 25 Duroc or P C pig
over 125mi. from Atlan
V. Mann, Rt. 1, Smyrn
Want to trade a good
for a horse or mule. |
Moore, 181 Marietta St
Atlanta. ee
Want Shetland pony
gentle and good looking.
full particulars as to ag
habits and price. R. C:
Sparta. ees
hatched, hens now layi
for trio. Mrs. -A, F
Warrenton. :
Black Australorp
extra tine, AAA grad
each as long as they
checks. J. HE. oS
Grady St.. Douglas.
5 young Ancona
rooster at bargain;
guineas, 5 hens and
all half African Wh
$5.00; Want some turkey
Mrs. N. T. Ryan, Tallapo
Cornish baby chicks. fr
S. Approved Breeders, b
tested, for. sale. H. W.
worth, Lavonia. es
4 Speckled bantam:
-and 2 roosters, $2.00;
leq guineas, 4 hens and
$3,002 FOB: Ja Me
Flowery Branch, Rt. 3.
50 Buff Australorp
chicks, $5.00 prepaid; >
Bermuda onion plants, 500
$1.25. M:. Prepaid= J. 0.
sell, Dawson. poe
1 pure Golden Sebright b
tam yr. old rooster, $
hens and rooster, Gam
tams, small type, wt. le
ea., $1.00 ea., del. Ga.
Cheatham, Pike. bes
Baby chicks from bloo
ed flocks of Parmenters,
ea.; Donaldson. strain, 10
Robert Sims, Clarkston,
2 pure Golden -Seabri
bantam hens, a pr. Midget
tams for sale or exc. fo
Cochin hens or 2. pure
hens. Prefer - Shawl n
Horace Akin, Ben Hill.
go 50-50 in profits. Prof. J.
A. Anderson, Locust Grove.
pr. modern Brewn Red
paniams, good enough to
Cheap considering qual-
Chas. W. Flemister, Dal-
60. Sth Ave.
ew Hampshire baby ee
i stock from leading New
gland breeder, $10.00 per C..,
psipaid. F. L. Strickland, Rt.
: 1 roosier, al
. good for quail raising,
ea.; or $12.50 for Jot. Mrs:
ary e Tuggle, Rt. 3, Buford.
One Bantam rooster, yr. old,
nd. buff. Orpington, $1.00
arges. Doyle Burell, Rt.
Mountain, |
: B. B. red game ee
ans and one reoster, all pure-
- Satis. guar. H. R. Hil- 7
Bremen. x
ff Cochin Bantams, $3.00
5.00 Trio. Ringneck doves,
600 pr.; White doves, $1.50
. &. R. Andrews, 1518 Cen-
bral Ave., Augusta. [
tinier and Donaidsen.
yoy chicks for sale; Parmen-
ters, dc a., Donaldson, 10
Both sirain bicod iested.
r{ Sims, Clarkston.
4 Purebred Buff Cochins,
show jiype Baniams, young
kerel, $1.00 ea. FOB. Gor-
don Pece, 914 Busscy Ra., Col-
rite Crested Black Polish,
Bearded Mille Fluer and Light
bmas, $5.00 a trio. W. T.
Reodiey, Moultrie.
Porebred White Face Black
panish paby chicks, 12%%c ea.,
so Eeggs, $1.25 per 15. Mrs.
rank Treadaway, Adairsville,
w H. Red and B. R. cross
hide: $11.25 per C., del.
to 3rd zone; B. R., $11. 50 C..
A ship on Tuesdays and Fri-.
y. All A grade, no culls. R.
Keith, Gainesville.
Around 90 head B. FP. Rock
nicks about 6 wks. old. Wery
Ithy, mostly cockerels. $25.-
for the lot. Express collect.
IFS Gideon J Bolten, Ri. 2,
PB: nie. Rebs ake
- (Live near Marble
Vv. Padgett, J as~
; purebred White Rock Sept.
oh eockerels. $1:50 or $1.00
Mis. DB. Price, Boston,
purebred W.R. 7 moos. old
is, now laying, $1.25 ea.,
aay 00 for pulleis and rooster
Mrs. D. T.. Bass,
00 Ban: pullets and roost-
ers, about 10 wks, eld. From
Golds str., best layers. Picking
hoice jin jots 100 and up on
' and cockerels, 50c ea.
. Dunean, Braselton.
6 B. R. 6-7 Jb. hens;
heads and_ young cock) B'
pues $1.00 a.; 15 W. leg=
yixed, 715 ea, Come
them. ~ Mrs. A A
, Baxley.
purebred B. R. ecockerels,
Tom Steed,
AAA White Rocks, 8
old, $40.00 for lot. W. C.
damper, Coleman.
qype Dark -Cornish
a ierels. crowing, $12.50 or
$1.50 ea., FOB; Eggs, $1.15 per
" Game and Leghorn cross
eges, $1.00 per 15 prepaid. C.
. Sikes, Sylvester.
z 2 yr. old, Dark Cornish roosi-:
er, $1.50; 8 heavy mixed breed
hens, 90 a., in lots of 4, or
the 8 hens and rooster, $8.00
FOB. William J. Taylor, Dem-
orest, Rt. 1.
-. Jarreit Roundhead, Srith
Blue and Clarent Rouwndhead
ens, $1.00 ea.; 2 Blue cocks,
5.00; Jarrett cock, $2.00: 2
Jarrett stags and 1 Spangle
stag, $1.00 ea. Frank J. Wat-
s, Hiijay, Box 252,
ro Roundhead cross stags,
a.; cock, $2.50; Tassel
pak 50 and stag, $2.00;
ens. with either breect, $1.00
ant] $1.50 ea. Carlton Smith,
oenyers, RFD 2.
Cornish, about 30 fine laying,
yr. old hens with cocks to go
with bens, no culls, $1.35 ea.
for jot. Samie E. Mires, Mil-
A geville, Rt. 2, Box 169,
1: White Giant and 1 ea.
Light Brahma and R J. Red
roosters, 3 in all, $1.00 ea., ex-
press not prepaid. Mrs, a ,
Woodall, Calhoun, Rt. 1.
pure Game cock, cross with
E and Wild Cai Blue,
ade for 2 miee hens,
+eock and 2 Blue hens,
pure Grist Grady cock, $5.60.
| $2.50 ea.
horse stags and hens, $3.00 ea.;
eggs in April, $3.50 per 15; 1
trio S. A. Ginn Grays (cock
and 2 hens), $9.00: 1 Red Muff
$7.00; 1
-Tom Weaver, Canon.
Everett Clayborn pit deine
Stag and 2 pullets, $5.00; a 5
lb. Dr. Fred Sanders Round-
ihead cock, $3.00: stag ar } hen,
$4.00. Claude H. Miller, Cherry
Sev. stags and trios Rowide
heads, now $4.00 for trip; Stags,
1.50 ea.: cocks. ready to fighi,
| Rt, 1.
| 1 pure Ark. Pyle col. Travel-
jer stag, aiso some Blue siags,
($1.23 ea. ang all guar. dead
pame; 2 pure cocks. ] time win-
ner, wt. 5-3/4 or 6 Jbs., $3.06
ea. Z. E. Dunlap, Chavneey.
Ten AAA White Eng. 1941
patch, $1.50 ea., or $12.50 for
Jet. @Quillian Tuggle; Rt.
206 triple A white Leghorn
hens, $1.00 ea., 11 mos. old.
Clyde G. Hannar, Loganville.
~30 Eng. AAA white Leghorn
ea. $35.00 for Jot at my place.
No eulls. Mrs. T. S. Shannon,
Rt. 1, Lenox.
RO P SC White Leghorns
laying 70%, $1.25 ea.; alse com-
mon pigeons, 25 pr., as long as
they last. Charles Alley, 220
Bright Si., Macon. ;
175AAA w. L. Pulleis, Bi
mos, old, 75 ea.
them. Bring OOPS: Je AS Dod-
son, Jaeksen.
50S C White Leghorn hens,
25 pullets and 5 cockerels, large
strain, from pedigree steck,
$80.00 for the lot FOB. F, B.
Bohler, Madison.
Sev. ped. W. L. breeding
cockerels, ovt of Official Egg
laying contest hens (298-324) ;
jarge type, 11 mos. old, prices
reasonable. MM. W. Kantala,
30 choice purebred W. L,
j acre well sodded Kudzu for
sale. D. A. Pollard, Bowdon,
Ri 2:
30 W.. L. AAA hens, April
haich, new laying, $1. 00 ea. R:
i. Owen, LaGrange.
| 50 AAA Eng. str, W. L. hens,
11 mos. old, now Jaying, $50.00,
No chks. Clarence Brown,
1 nice, May 1941 Eng. str. W.
L. cockerel, from 320 egg Jay-
ers, $2.60 FOB. No chks. M. O.
or cash. Olin O. Prickett, Mays-
ville, Rt, 2.
80 AA W. L. hens, bloodtesit-
ed, large type, $1.00 ea., 3 fine
cockerels, $1.25 ea At my
non RL. Bentley, Carnes-
25 lar ge type AAA Eng. Ss! C.
Ww. L. pullets, now laying
heavy, $1.00 ea., at my farm,
Mrs, F. Cowart, Summit, Rt. 2.
13. May hatch White Leg-
horns, some laying, $1.25 ea.
FOB; Exe. dried peaches for
nice honey: pound for pound.
Mrs, B. . Morrison, Gaines-
ville, Rt. 3.
60 Lindstrom All Star mating
W. L. hens, 22. mos, old, now
Jaying 70 pereeni, healthy, fine
for breeding, 75c ea. J. P.
Dukes, Zeoulon, Rt. 1.
100 April 1941 haich B. L.
AAA grade Pulorun tested,
culled in Fall, 90 percent lay-
yng, $1.00 ea.: free rooster with
evefy 25. Mrs. H. C. Martin,
While Oak,
185 W. LL. pullets, 11 mo. old,
AAA str., also 80 W. L. hens,
23 mos. old, AA str.,-all Jarge
type; fleck Jaying .above 3
erates eggs per werk, 75c ea.
FOB my farm. D. lL. Hayes,
Blakely, Rt. 1, Near Colomokee
44 young W, L. hens, now
jaying, 65e ea. or $28.00 fer tot,
at my place. Won ship, Hen-:
ry A. Palmer, Bainbridge, Ri.
2, Box 167.
50 B: L. pullets, 5 nnaos. oa
sure-Jay str., $7.00 ea.:
Blue Guinea, little bone, stay-
fat king gilt, approx. wi.
Yos., 6 mos. old, $10.00; fine
rule mare colt, 2 yrs. eld, per-
fect build, not proken, $100.00.
G. W. Jackson, Baxley.
2 B. Leghorn roosters, $1.25
pcsipaid. Mrs. T. R. Poole, Jas-
per, Rt 2:
85 Ferris Best Egg sir., May
1941 pulleis, Jaying 78 percent,
$1.10 ea. .. 8, siebeees Atlanta,
Ri. 8, Box 318-B
Purebred Golden Buff Min-
Bias irchers Special Strain,
yr. hens and rooster, $1.00
Ee eee for 5 or 10 in Jot.
Ward, Ri. 1,.
Snider's pie Bee War- |
% yr.
P, B. Stewart, Tifton,
pullets, 7 and 8 mos. old, $1.25
Come. get
hens, now laying, $1.00 ea. Also
\bu. good seed,
also 1}
100 ;
eld, jaying geod, 30 hens
and 2 reosters, $1.00 ea, FOB.
W. D. Bryant, Mershon.
25 hens and roosters mixed,
Wyandoltes anc. R. Il. Reds for
sale. WM. LL. Duncan, 24 Trabert
Si., N. E., Atlanta.
Purebred Black Minorca
old, $2.06 ea. or exc, for lay-
jing hens or chicken feed sacks;
also . cainip, spearmini plants,
rooied, 16c ea. 8 for 25. Wal-
Jace Wilson. Ri. 1, Gainesville.
1 Bulldog rooster, 2 yrs. old,
corn or baby calf. Hf exc. you
a all eharges for del. Mrs,
. B. King, Rt. 2, Quitman.
150 AAA RB, O. F..sexed pul-
jeis, Buff Minercas Gay. white
jeis, all October hatch and
have been vaccinated, 65c ea.
for Jot. Mrs. R. L. Arnall,
50 Black Minorea hens, yr.
old, $40.00 eash for Jot at yoy
place. M. A, Miot, Lyons. Rt.
_ Several yboreughbred yellow
Buff cockerels, 1941 Spring
hateh. Will average 6 = Ibs.
each, $1.50 ea. exe. prepaid,
+ $1.00 exp. collect. J. T. Meeks,
Rt. 4, Madison. me
Sey. roore Buff Orpmgion
eockerels, Beoth Ped. stock,
Lady Egg a Day str. All
; Stock direct. $2.00 ea., 3 for
$5.00 FOB, Mrs. J. C. Ward,
1941 hateh, good layers, Be ea.
jf sold at once... Mrs. ae.
Crawford, Rt. 3, cinotiion. 5
Fine, full breed Buff Orp.,
ane AAA. White Rock pullets,
now Jaying and fine cockere}s,
all, $1.25 ea. FOB. Cash. No
checks. Wys. Beulah B: Thorne,
Limiteg. nomober of purebred
Mutant Encasants:; Young
cocks, $4.00 ea.
$2.00 ea.
Sev. hundred White King
pigeons. Sell lot cheap or any
nurober at my lofts. W. H.
Sorrells.- Houston Red., Macon.
50. pr. or more tne preed
White King Pigeons at sacri-
fice price; or will exe, for 50
young hems. GCG. W. Milam,
Stockbridge. a
Peacocks, full plumage, $15.-
00 ea. (No Pea-hens nor eggs).
Mrs. C. N. Adams, Cordele,
care J, Slade Farm.
REDS (N. H. & RB. 1):
100 AAA WH Red hens,
Mareh 1941 hatch now laying,
$1.25 ea. at the farm 2 mi.
south of Tennille on Balls
Ferry highway. Come
them. Cant ship. Bruce Veal,
11 purebred NH Red outlets,
5% xos. old; beginning to lay,
$15.00 for the Jot. Mrs, J. D
Wurst, Ochlocknee.
2 extra jarge R. I. Red roost-
ers, 18 mos. old, AAA str., $1.50
ea.; also 4 nice R. I. Red roost-
ers, 9 moos. old, AAA sir., $1.-
56 ea, - Mrs. Joe W. Jones, Ri.
2: Metter,
30 R. J. Red pullets, 4 mos.
old, $1.00 ea, 10 head in the
jet or more; will exe. for .25
2 crop peanuts,
or Sugar cane syrup, at 70c gal,
PO raoney order. Mr. Emmette
King, Rt. 2, Quitman.
R. J. Red ehicks from dark
bloodtested hens, egg
$12.00 for 100 prepaid; Eggs,
$1.50 for 15 postpaid; frying
size cockerels and pullets, $1.00
ea, Mrs. D. Donaldson, Decatur,
De, 2405,
6 purebred Donaldson Red
hens and rooster, about 1 yr.
old, also 3 purebred White
African Guinea roosters, All,
$1.00 POB. Exc. guinea roost-
ers for hens, same breed. Mrs.
L. B. Taylor, pol nese Rt.
65 Parmenter and New
Hampshire Red pulleis, 10 mos.
October V5th), $1.00. ea.
R. W, Cown, Grayson, Ri, i.
Selected AAA grade N. H.
Red Mareh 1941 hateh, 10 pul-
jets and rooster, $15. 00 VOB:
| Roosters only, $2. 00 a, Want
i hear from parties having ER,
| potato plants for early plani-
ying. Mrs. Homer Williamson,
Soperton, Rt. 1.
Two thoroughbred dark R. I,
Red, 1 yr. roosters, AAA grade,
$1.25 ea. FOB. Mrs. J. W.
Brewn, Helena.
Pullets N. H. Reds about 3
mos. old, 12 for $10.00 and ft
rooster tree with each Jot; 36.
| pultets and $25.00.
R. E. Barnes, .
Purebred Bult. Minos a
cockerels (Pape strain) 11 mos._
wi. 8% or 9 Ibs., $1. 90: Exe. fer.
eggs), also 30 AAA B. R. pul- |
10 yellow bulf hens, Mareh S
25 ea;
Young hens, ph 00.
W. G. Casteel, Rt. 1,
pens, aboul 12- -15 Yos. ea.,
pei |
'B. toms, for sale or exc.
old (have jaid 5300 eggs since |
Mes. |
| chek,
500. N. H. Red pullets ae
strain from Hubbard, best lay-
eld, B5e. ea. B. R.
Ri. x Flowery,
ers, 34 mos.
WwW oodliff,
+ Branch. a
One pure S CRiI Red: eee
er, May patch, $1.50 FOB. Ale
pert L. Hageman... Rochelle. _
One R O PN H red roost-
er, state blood icsted and band-
ed, 1941 April hatch. $2.00 cash.
Mrs.ccJ. 5, Cannady, Rt. 1,
10 N. H.\ Red pulleis, 5 mos.
old, $10.00. Mrs./R. L. Rosser,
Cordele, 205, Sth Ave., E.
1] Mahood S. C. R.. 1. Red
April hatch cockerel, very
dark red, $1.00; 2 voung Speck- |
ijed guinea roosters, 75 for 2.
J .M. Hall, Calhoun.. Rt.
old this mo., highest grade, wi.
11 dbs. e2., beauties, $5.00 ea.
Charlie Price, Ellaville.
20 S. C. R. I. Red hens, 22
mos. old, $1.50 ea.; 2 roosters,
2% yrs. old, $1.50 ea. All good
iype, shape ang eolor. Donaid-
son. and Mahood: sir. |
Belle Timmerman, Bronwood.
Box 83. :
35 or 40, AAA grade. whiie
Wyandoite pulleis, April 1941
hatch, $1.00 a. on the yard.
Mrs. W. B: Greene, Rt. 2:
- Rose Comb | Silver Lace
Wyandotte roosters, one 2 yrs,
old, the ether 11 mos. old,
25 ea. Mrs. Henry Mullen, "Rt.
2, Lyerly.
45 AAA white Wyandotte
hens for sale or trade. W. D.
Westbrook, Tucker.
1 purebred big bone M. B.
iom, and 2 hens, all Apri] 1941
hatch, 30c Ib. at my home, No
del. Miss Jennie Mercer, Had-
dock, Rt. 1.
Ducks and drakes, Mallard
and Buff Orp.. $1.00 ea.. AAA
Buff Orp. 1941 hatch hens, $1.-
1 Boff Orp AAA cock,
Miss Reberva MecCol-
jum, Grantville.
Big bone giant Bronze ne
keys, out of eggs costing $42.00
doz; hens, $10.60 ea.; toms,
$12.00 ea, $20.60 pair, L. AR
nllis, Comming, Rt. 5.-
4 White African fuinea roost- |
ers, $1.06 a.; also 12 Vos., nice,
clean Sheep wool, 50c Ib. Geo.
C. Williams, Ty Ty. |
' Turkey poulis, M. B., 45c ea.;
Terms, 20 percent with order,
bal. COD. M. J. Witman, Ma-
eon. Ri. 1.
Turkey tom, about 22 Yos., 5
last Spring hatch, 22 Ib. Mrs.
J. H. Dekle; Register.
Broadbreasied Bronze, alse
Broadbreasied White Holland
turkey poulis fer early Spring
del. The Bronze from Grif-
fins Wagon Wheel str.
for prices. _B. F. Rountree,
Jonesboro, : os
8 turkeys: 19406 haich hen
| Gaig 85 eggs jasi yr), 1 hen
and tom, 1941 hatch, wt. 15 to
25 Yos., 25c lb. Miss Bertha
Bocker, Amity, |
25 large geese for cash of
exc. for pigs, calves or corn.
J. L. Horne, Cochran,
3 fine, Jan. 1941 hatch, M.
pigs, chickens, ducks or what
have you: Wani 3 to 5 Chinese
ducks and 1 drake; also have a
Jarge white roale goat, for sale
of ext. Mrs, C. C. ee
22 Guineas, raised jast yr.,
$20.00 or $1.00 ea. Willie Mor-
gan, Buford, Rt. 3. : :
2 large fine toms, half Wild
and half tame str., fine for
breeding, $6.00 ea. FOB. Cash
with order. No chks. Mrs. Ella
Bennett, Sereven, Rt. 2.
15 Black and White Museovy
ducks and drakes. Ducks wt.
7-8 Tos., drakes, 10-12 Ybos., $1.-
ea. or by lois, cheaper. Mrs.
Osborn Marshall, Pitts, Rt. 2.
Want ouy about April or
May, 100 Dark Cornish baby
alse 100 or xaore 3 wks.
old M. B. turkey poultis. Mrs.
Roth Chapman, Jdeal.
Exe. Dwarf boxwood, well
rooted, a $5.00 value, for 125
baby. chicks, Buff Minorcas or
Cornish. Ea, pay transporta-
tion. ~ Mrs. J. L. Fordham,
Want 100 baby chicks to
yaise on halves to 6 or 8 wks.
old, any breed except erieenecte
Furnish feed. other party tr
Miss |
Want 100 baby chic!
raise on halves to 8 w
Furnish fced; other pa
transpor tation.
stamp chicks. Live 7.n
of Lakeland. Ruthie Ma
ner, Lakeland, RFD 2
Want 100 baby chicl
son oF Mayhood Reds
or other gocd, heavy st
nish feed: other part
chgs. By pril<tst.
Mrs. D. J. ohnson, =
Rt, -
shares, or raise th
Heavy str. preferr
funish chicks,
trans. chgs.
Lawrenceville, Rt
2 N. H. Red reosters, 1 yr. |
Want 100 White Pl
chicks on halves to 6 or
lold, by 20th of Mareh
nish feed: other party
Ried. Mrs. Lizzie Free
Rt: 2 oes
Want pure S. Ce
tams, 6 or 8 pullets, 19
ang rooster, or about 2 or
doz. hatching eggs. ]
S.. CoE. L ALS want
P, C. bred gilt. C.
College Park, Rt. 1.
Want some Blac 2
Cochin bantams. Mrs, -
wick, Indian Springs.
Want few extra sm
bantam. pullets and 1 cock
wt. around ] Ib. ea. or |
25e ea. and express
Carithers, Nicholson, da
Want a1 yr. old pure
Dark Cornish rooste
breeding. W. L. Winn,
gerald, 212 West Cypre
Want 6 pullets and roo
about 1 yr. old, White | (
or White Wyandottes.
bred, no culls. Mrs. RT
Mution, -Rossville, Rt
Shady Lawn Dairy. _
GAMES: . ee
Want 1 or 2 White F
cocks. and stags.
jer, Wray. ~
Exc. a
Riles =
Wani for Se 50 WwW i
A pullets, ready to lay. Ho
Deweese, Culb<rson, at
2 :
Want 10 Buff Mi
other purebred pul
reoster. Will call for ne:
Jania. Write Joseph J
Ajanta, 2214 Peachtree
Want 35 or 40 he
reosters to raise on 50-
or 30 or 100 baby ch
50-50 basis. Will fe
lake god care. |
Crapps, Rhine, Rt. "ts
Will pay 75e ea. for :
bred Deb not over 18 mo
iyaing Stee and 1 co
breed except gi
ha tams. Quote
prices. Jas. A. Wo
CCUG 2 Rt. Tee
er. ates, be cheap. G
Honea, Jr., Ayersville. RF
Want a young, dark
name of the smaller type
Mrs. J. E. Bach, Ben Hill
1S <S
~Wani 30 N. H.. Red,
comb hens at reasonable
for cash, er the Dark Col
3 reosie% with ca... w
mi. C. Isbell, Canon
Want 3 guinea hen.
rooster. Can use mor
price, Mrs.
Hawkinsville. 4
Want 2 or 3 geese, dd
Soperton, Ri.
pK: Winsk
3; Box 28-925
One hundred and fifteen or more counties in Georgia
nave already reported local organizations of the Agricultural
= Council.
The winning of the war will depend in a large measure on
the ability of the farmers to produce food and clothing.
_. Plans have been made to ask all County Agricultural Coun-
-cils to hold a meeting at 1: 30 P. M., eastern war time, on Sat-
oes March 21.
Arrangements have been made with WSB for radio broad-
Sacline time so that the need and purposes of these County
Agricultural Councils may be explained by representatives of
the different agricultural
It is especially urged that as many farmers as possible
attend these meeting on March 21.
ae It is important to remember that the State Agricultural
Souncil is intended to assist the County Agricultural Councils,
and there is no intention that the State Agricultural Council shall
undertake in any manner to interfere with any helpful program
: how being carried on,
I believe that the facmts generally, in each county, can
receive great benefit through supporting and working with
It should be remembered also that mem-
Se Land Issue Will Be
Published March 25th
Our Suocinl Farm Land Supplement will be pub-
lished March 25th; Farms for Sale, For Rent, Want-
ing to Rent a nd Buy, and In Exchange For, notices
later than FRIDAY, March 20th. All notices received
after this date (March 20th) will necessarily have to
be omitted from publication.
ITED, therefore, all notices for this Land Issue must
not. exceed fifty (50) words,
Notices: will be cut to meet the requirement
their eee omens.
_ Middleaged man wants job
On farm as overseer, lifetime
exp. Raise anything grown in
this country. Board, room and
alary. | James A, Hall,
Memorial Dr., SW, Atlanta.
- Single man, 25 yrs. old, wants
ob on farm: Hugh Drew, 949
Underwood Ave., SE, Atlanta.
Young white lady wants job
with white woman or elderly
ouple doing light farm work,
mo field work for salary, board,
traveling exp.
week. M. B. Powell, Avans.
Middleaged unincumbered
white woman, clean morals,
wants work at once on farm.
Villing to work. Write C. GC.
Ruth; Rt, 1, Lumpkin.
== Man with 21 -hn
wants job on erm, -
work ana EOS: ELON. 9. OF
the isin y WwW. A> Rowland,
Box 237, Ri a Veena:
eb S country raised
oes 15,
ood cauracter, wants job do-
ng light farm work, no field
work, $3.00 to $3.50 a wk. Pre-
er near Atlanta, Gainesville
ngerfelt, Rt. 3. Dahlonega.
Woman, age 49, wants place
on farm for. self and 10 yr. old
daughter for home and $3.00 a
wk., no field work or milking.
Must | be near school
hurch. Come after. Mrs. J
Swearing, 126 Georgia Ave.,
, (in real) Atlanta.
a 40 yrs. old, wants job
on farm! driving tractor, 8 yrs.
xp. in cultivating crops from
tart to finish. State wages in
irst letter. Ready te move
mows < .-C- Foskey, Pine Park.
Want place on farm for
ages or will make crop~onj|
0-50 basis. Will have to be
oved and furnished to make
rop. George R. Littleton, F3
OX 6446, Reidsville.
Widow and daughter want
geht. farm werk near Atlanta.
Would like to be a _ partne:
rith some widow and raise.
hickens, hogs and have garden,
Must be. moved. Mrs. Mary
Tage. 538 Ashby St, SW, At-
Want a job on farm, $1.50 a
day, wood, garden and house.
Have wife and 6 children;
would take a 1 horse crop on
alves with good man who will
urnish everything. Near
school bus. Mr. J. A. Barnett,
27 Hemphill | School Rd., At-
ddleaged, single, white man
work 1 hh. farm in DeKalb
Se Moore, Atlanta, att
ens St., N. W.
oot Z man with family 46
ake a 2 horse crop on 50-50
asis. Good allottment, Write
rr come see f. Lig pero eeNe
Sulloden, :
boy or small gan to do
and $8.75 a.
10. day.
good Christian, !
Miss. Essie Irene ;
meetin gs Ss.
if necessary.
including name. and
notices be published ... neither will MORE THAN
If you have submitted a Land Notice wiihie the.
past few months, do not send in another, as all such
type notices on hand will be duly published. SEND
Want middleaged white wo-
man, good background, xcel-
lent references, for nurse and
housekeeper, small family, De-
eatur, Ga. Will pay good sal-
ary plus rcom and board to ac-
ceptable person for permanent
work. Write or wire JSL, 213
Glenn Circle, Decatur, Georgia.
Want unincumbered woman
between 25-45, for farm work,
no fieid work, for salary and
board. state age, and {full de-
Stes a
aiso salary expected. E.
... Memichael, Buena Vista.
wyant small iamily to make a
.up. -ray good man $1.00 a
aay, .uchish heuse, wood, pas-
iure, garaen patches. Interest-
ed only ia a man to do general
farm work, fibert Cain, Rt, 2,
Want good man jor 10 or 15A
of land on 50-50 basis; furnish
3 room house, stock, to:is, half
of fertilizer. No loaier or
drunkard need apply. L. T.
Cox, McCloud Farm 7/10: mi.
from Morrow.
Want truck and flower grow-
furnish himself and has stock
and tools. 15A can be eulti-
vated. . House, barns, wood,
pasture. Work in spare time
for owner. W. E. Bowers, De-
-catur. s
Want clean, unincumbered
white woman to do farm work,
no field work or milking. $4. 00
week to start. Mrs. Byron
Stauifer, Ossabaw Island, Sa-
yannah, PO Box 1671.
- Want clean, intelligent girl or
ot |woman (white) for light farm
Want good, ee sohbet man |
work, no field work. Give
age. veferences and full par-
i ticulars in first letter. Board.
and $4. 50. pe week to_start. | ar
Mrs. Velma Ri a
Want man tor 3. horse crop |
on 50-50 basis, 14 A allotment, }
20A bottom land, good 3 room
house on school bus route. Mr.
Ernest Hardy, Rt. 3, Hiram.
Want smali family (white or
to -work on. farm.
furnish house and $1.00 a day.
C. B. Suits, St. George.
Want good honest, sober,
middleaged man to work on
farm. Must be single. $16.00
mo. board and laundry. H.
Taylor, Falking Rock,
Want man tor 1 horse crop
on halves, Dacula, Rt. 1. Three
rocm house with hall, barn and
pastures. See Golden Harde-
gree on farm or write R. A,
Marshall, 530 Marshall St., De-
Want small family for 3
room house, garden and patch-
es, fine place for chickens, 15
mi. north of Atlanta, 3 mi. from |
Lawson Hospital. Standing
rent. J. W. Maloney, Dora-
Want white man and wife,
{ i | NO children, to live in house as
er for smali farm who can 3
jart of the family, and do farm
oe State salaries expected.
Js Goodrum, Warwick.
he white woman 19-40,"
nealthy, honest and reliable
for Jight farm work, no field.
work.. Good home. Mrs, Z. L.
Johnson, Jr., Rt. 3, Dallas.
Want a small family or man
and wife exp. in raising cotton,
corn and potatoes on 50-50
basis. Good 3 room. house. L.
O. Garner, Lilburn.
Want a man or boy to work
on farm. Must know how to
farm and be willing worker of
goog character. $1.00 a day
and board the days you work,
and eat board the days you.
tly, $3. 00 weels. private room |
able 2 oe
carry any. legal obligation.
| Want someone
smith shop and corn mill on-
shares, both in the same bldg.
| plow.
|healthy Christian woman
ounci ils Are Making Progress
bership in the Council does not cost anything, and. d
The work of these Councils:
for the purpose of enabling the farmers to help each oth
It is hoped that the work of these Councils will
poses the profitable marketing of new money crops.
It is almost certain that the proper functioning of
County Councils will open a source of financial help to
farmers #ho need term loans, running from three to five y
for development o! permanent pastures, the purchase 0
cows, larm machinery, etc.
One of the principal objectives which the Couns
to accomplish is the establishment and enlargement of
ing plants, such as canning, freezing, storage, dehydratio
these, of course, to be located at strategic points in the
to handle crops developed in sufficient quantities: arount
The State Council is very anxious for just a
possible to attend these County meetings on March 21
time is 1:30 P. M., eastern war time.
The radio broadcast on WSB will be Heard
Commissioner of Agricultu
Want white or colored family
for 1 or 2 horse crop on shares,
8A cotton, 10 to 15 in corn,
some truck patches if desired.
Goog land. Clyde Bearden,
to run black-
W. A. Ut Gabriel, Box 22, Win-
Want settled white woman
for. light farm work, no field
work, good character, Christ-
ian prefered. ~ Must
health certificate. Small fami-
ly.- Good wages to right party.
Mrs. R. D. Woody, a 112,
Want man on halves for 93A
farm in Newton Co., 3 mi.
Mansfield; 404 cultivation. All
farm tools, tractor, etc; fine
mule, 2 wagons, cow, calves,
barns, fair house. Claude H.
Jordan, Covington.
Want at once man or boy for
general farm work. $17.00 a
mo. solid time, board and laun-
Raise wages when the
weather gets hot. J. B. Young,
tfershon, Rt: 1. :
White family wanted, man to-
plow and work for wages.
straight time year round. Good
offer to hard worker. Dr. J. H.
Douglas, Albany.
Want man to work turpen-
tine, with boy large enough to
Bill. Steedley, Rt. 3,
Alma. ,
Want a wage hand to work
on farm $30:00 a mo.,
and laundry. Pay by week.
Age doesnt | matter. Jesse
Corley, Rt. 1, Martinez.
Want refined religious man
and wife to live in home, wife
to do light farm work and man
to work on farm by the mo.
interested, contact Joseph
Freeman, Blakeley.
Want settled ce
live in hcme with two elderly
ladies-ang do light farm work
for board and small salary.
Miss Lillie Sheats. 425 Euclid
Terrace. NE, Atlanta, De. 3971.
Want good Christian woman
for light farm work, no field
work. Write W. M. Runyan,
Want a middleaged woman,
(white or colored),: for light
farm work to live as one of tha
family for small salary. Henry
ONeal, RFD 3, Lyons:
Want good man for 30A
smooth land on 50-50 basis.
Will furnish house, garden,
pasture, stock, tools. seeq and
half of fertilizer. Can furnish
day labor for all time not in
Want girl or boy, white or
| colored, orphan preferred to do
light farm work for board and
small salary. Sam Cureton,
Want man with mule to farm
good truck farm 16 mi.
Atlanta. Good bottom land. O.
E. Norton, Caoks Cassin Rd,
Fairburn. f
Want a clean, nice, middle-
aged woman for light farm
work. no field work, 4 in fam-
nd Be
John Abernathy, Blairs- |
from |
white woma
farm work, no field
$10.00 mo., r
board to start.
if necessary.
Hemphill Ave..,
He. 3685.
health :
iarm work, no field w
Margaret Cre
white. uni
age 30 to
certificate, af
vate room, meals an
Bai family. Lester M
Rt. 1, Canon.
young ma
ee old, for farm wo
A. Crummery, Box
; Want
Will sen
Mary Lee Coop
a nice. healtt: :
azeqd unincumbered . wi
man. to
do light farm w
field work or laun ry.
vate room, board and
wk. Mrs. Lee McWho
1, Summervilie.
refined, yo
raised, for
work, no field work
ing. $7.00 week, pri
and bath.
Prefer non-smoker.
Hart, Warrenton.
No drunks. 5
Be . Silver, Rt. 38.
a placksm t
dwelling and shop ful
ped. W. J. McKemie,
ee 10 mi.
east of Fo
good small fami
in farming, chicken
school bus
Come at once or writ
Mann, Rt. 1, Smyrna
wage hand now
be sober, healthy, willing
er, know how to pla
fair education, not sub
draft, $15.00 a mo., ro
laundry. Write at once
W. Seago, Pinehurs
horse crop.
reliable farm
15A. cotton
land on 50-50 basis. M
Grove. ~
cust Grove. a
Want good, honest
to work 1
farm share crop. Go
and good community.
at night No. 60 or. writ
farmer for.
on 50-50 basis.
Can furnis
plow per month,
15th or weekly pay er
Floyd Hobby, Rt. 1, -
_ Want